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57616185 No.57616185 [Reply] [Original]

Name the fastest blockchain in the world. I know you won't know what it is.

>> No.57616219

Its fantom when sonic hits

>> No.57616235

How fast?

>> No.57616244

bsv obviously

>> No.57616246

I checked 2000tps. laughably slow.

>> No.57616261

50k so far yeah? And totally centralised. nope...

>> No.57616265

The one I run locally for testing purposes

>> No.57616274

protocol is complete and there is more than one miner, do you know what centralised means?
nothing has more than 50k

>> No.57616285


>> No.57616293


>> No.57616348


>> No.57616359


>> No.57616382

fastest or fastest decentralised ?
a single node on my pc will be fastest otherwise.

>> No.57616403

obviously needs to be decentralised enough to be secure for moving large amounts of wealth around. Personally I think Sharding projects aren't secure enough.

>> No.57616408

I will wait 5 minutes. Seems like no one has any knowledge of this project. It's relatively new but that's no excuse to not know the fastest chain in crypto.

>> No.57616456 [DELETED] 


>> No.57616479


>> No.57616493

Tectum can do 1.3 million TPS within 1 shard. IF it did only 4 shards it can do 12m tps but sharding has security issues and is best avoided as Tectum's focus in on secure money transfer.

>> No.57616506


>> No.57616512

nobody cares your fucking russian pajeet dev erc-20 it can be gazilliopn tps but its running on AWS on ethereum virtual machine

ICP is the fastest and most robust blockchain, its not dependent on AWS

>> No.57616532

nah. ICP is pure midwit. And you solution to scale Bitcoin with canisters is possibly the worst idea ive seen in crypto and will get hacked. Anyway I see you are seething about Tectum.

>> No.57616542

11,500 tps is what ICP can so lololololololololol

>> No.57616548

imagine holding something called "rectum" hahah lol lmao

>> No.57616560

you cant have decentralisation and speed you must choose one. Hedera is the closest we have come to both and it is still centralised as fuck

>> No.57616577

Hedera. look go away midwit.

>> No.57616581

New things always scares people doesn't it?

>> No.57616632

0-conf is instant

>> No.57616638


>> No.57616853


>> No.57617741

TON and all you other niggers are retarded

>> No.57617818
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>it's just one key away

>> No.57617841


>> No.57617873

I see tectum posted and just assume anon has a retarded lisp irl

>> No.57617902

This crap is never gonna fly
stupidass globohomo low effort video. Stupid fucking idea of wallet transferring that isn't needed

>> No.57617965

Bitcoin, because it's the only blockchain that matters.

>> No.57618090

Avalanche, easy.

>> No.57618409

The fastest is the one that's unused, so pretty much whatever BS you're shilling for.

>> No.57619461


>> No.57619624

AVAX you fools

>> No.57619695

Why bother discussing the fastest while we could mention the cheapest for transac: INJ master race

>> No.57619701

A theoretical Blockchain consisting of no block validation (or checkBlockHeader for those paying attention) that simply appends any block to the existing chain of blocks. Further, said block contains no transactions or indeed header or data whatsoever. No hashing is required, and there is only only node allowed. The block consists of a single number (unsigned integer). It's integer addition, anon. It's very fast if you have the right hardware

>> No.57619725

Definitely SUI is the fastest. Little wonders hydro online is building on it.

>> No.57619735

For me it’s polygon, but as soon as fun gets their own, it’ll be theirs

>> No.57619764
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Terra Classic.

>> No.57619910

So you made this thread to end up posting Rectum, which isn't decentralized at all like you claim? How many nodes are they running, like 20?

>> No.57620079

Depends, There are many fast chains but with many tradeoffs, But under the same environment (1:1 validators count, hardware capacity and VM) Avalanche is probably the fastest. Nothing can beat Snowman++ performance wise.

But if you're searching for pure speed without caring about the other variables then SSS (Solana, Sui, Sei) might be faster

>> No.57620515

Solana. It’s so fast the transactions don’t stop even when it’s down.

>> No.57620548

At 1s finality. Literally the best in the market.

>> No.57622556

Huh, Kaspa?

>> No.57622583

The correct answer is SEI... what do I win?

>> No.57622696

the fastest I have used is Hbar and ICP. I know this will make biz seethe but it's the objective reality. Sry avax and Sol niggers

>> No.57622742

My xirpies stay chirpy, lads. Fastest tps in the game. 2k eoy.

>> No.57622754

Is hbar even a block chain?

>> No.57622837

I'm sure we all know it's SUI blockchain. This is probably why hydro online chose them

>> No.57624662

What is it with this board's knowledge level? SEI is known to be the fastest for a while now. Catch up idiots jeez.

>> No.57624686


>> No.57624769


>> No.57624829

no it's a dag I forgo, it works like any other blockchain though, just super fast a zero fees

>> No.57624869

Over 1 million TPS in tests using teranode. No other blockchain can compete with the original Bitcoin backed by the cutting edge research of Craig Satoshi Wright.

>> No.57624935
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what's the ADA one? is that fast?

>> No.57626043

"just super fast zero fees" like its magical
i love you nano retards. anyone with a 2mm networth can clone it with 1 dev and spend 50k in marketing and now you have 2 useless super fast zero fee networsk taht no one will ever use
and yet you're still too fucking low iq to understand why. holy fuck my sides

>> No.57626047

>Name the fastest blockchain in the world
The waiting line to your mother's bedroom.

>> No.57626053
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You niggers it is obvious $SKIBIDI.

>> No.57626064
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i am not surprised in the slightest you are a retarded virgin who spends all his time on 4chan that's why you have the tiniest micro penis i've even seen go on and get off my cock and get a nice onions latte like the little beta that you are

>> No.57626073

>onions latte
>can't even say sōy
Lol butthurt newfag.

>> No.57626146


>> No.57626157
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i can feel the tiny dick energy radiating off this op must be nice to not have to worry about your dick falling off if your girlfriend sits on you i guess when you have a nano penis its hard to worry about such concerns what was the question again

>> No.57626163

>micro penis
>nano penis
Stop projecting.

>> No.57626263


>> No.57626281

Ton chain and tectum