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57614838 No.57614838 [Reply] [Original]

aren't we?


>> No.57615855
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>> No.57616166

based wagmi

>> No.57616595

How many avax tokens will Citi be buying?

>> No.57616709

unclear, this was just a proof of concept but according to the press release, it was a success

>> No.57616860

This should be also bullish for Chainlink avaxbros, right?

>> No.57616884

Priced in. I can see AVAX reaching $140 this bullrun, but even that is optimistic. $1k? Maybe in 2040

>> No.57617293

i thought this meme failed when we saw how priced in bitcoin etfs are

>> No.57617309

I was thinking around $130. Which I'd be very happy with.

>> No.57617489

They only need enough to be a validator right? So it’s bullish but not likely to affect price directly unless hundreds of others follow suit

>> No.57617757

Any other blockchain would 2x off news like this but on Avalanche it's another Tuesday.

>> No.57619665

Yes, Avax will hit 4 digits

>> No.57619690
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Avaxers coping around the 1k$ barrier its so cool, i mean even I got more chances on winning any raffle on eesee than you guys even reaching 200$ lmao

>> No.57619957

>proof of concept

>> No.57619985

VC pump and dump funded shills

>> No.57619999

>unclear, this was just a proof of concept

they paid jeets to publish a big nothingburger pdf to pump the price and then sold everything and the daily spam here stopped for months isnt it odd

>> No.57620017

avax and link are the god protocols
we easily speak about top 5 this time next year

>> No.57620090

>I got more chances...
>... scratching glorified digital lottery tickets
Good luck with that anon haha...

>> No.57620095

Hi can you guys stop posting these dogshit threads that do nothing but pollute the board for the rest of us at least until $100 a token is confirmed? Thanks!

>> No.57620104


>> No.57620114
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this lol
enjoy early access for 60 years

>> No.57620123

I don't really know what the point of these threads are when they STILL can't surpass 50 kek it's like linkies thinking they'll see $100+ when they barely reached 14 after like 5 years of seeing nothing but 8

>> No.57620130

Didn't you hear anon? AVAX doesn't pump, regardless how good the news is. But it will dump the hardest when something completely unrelated happens in the market. For example, Solana will freeze and stop working and AVAX will dump harder than it. BTC will go down 2%, AVAX will dump the hardest in the top 100.

>> No.57620142
File: 122 KB, 1021x316, Screenshot 2024-02-15 152819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people still care about these shits? honestly i wouldn't even put down a dollar to enter some raffle to win any of this shit i'd rather spend that dollar on a can of pepsi.

>> No.57620143


>> No.57620150

My average buy is about $10 this year. Wtf are you talking about faggot?

>> No.57620158

a bit depressing looking at these edits and shit of avax frens imagining themselves in a happy calm hypothetical future where they made it after years of stubbornly holding the same alt, lethargically staying static

>> No.57620175

I make my comment also with a portfolio where the majority is AVAX, I'm just trying to be real anon.

>> No.57620962

what meme coins have the best potential on avax? husky used to be good, but I just checked their tg channel and it's dead

>> No.57621200

It's nowhere near dead.

>> No.57621257

the price action is also pretty active
anything else on your radar?

>> No.57621287
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you will never get this you will never get this lalalalalala

>> No.57621542

Colony if you want something on the more serious side.

On the meme side Husky and Kimbo look like they have some upside, more than COQ anyway since that's already at 140m mcap.

>> No.57621554

It'll hit $300-500 before the actual bullrun begin, 2025-2026 will be a price discovery within 4 digits, Anything between $1,000 to $8,000 is on the table.