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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57614493 No.57614493 [Reply] [Original]

Why exactly are people in their 20s have medical bills? I haven’t been to a doctor or hospital in my adult life

>> No.57614501

Why exactly are /biz/ do the third world? Anyone to for and when how then has been?

>> No.57614511
File: 317 KB, 750x750, BDIgGhuHHj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey op sorry your wife's boyfriend is too busy buying honey badger erc tokens to give you money for english lessons maybe next time buddy but as a honey badger i have a huge dick and i don't give a flyin monkey's ass about correct grammar or syntax but let me tell you something - if you keep dissing honey badger the hottest thing in crypto i'm gonna come to your house and steal your waifu

>> No.57614515

oooof he burned you anon

>> No.57614519

Me neither

Biggest one was for teeth 10yrs ago

I think zoomers get psyoped by doctors into taking all kind of meds, they milk them because theyre fucking stupid cattle

>> No.57614528

My mom want me to start paying rent I want to tell her to fuck this f but if I do she might give me sex?

>> No.57614531
File: 76 KB, 905x1280, 4rmqSPNHo7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oooh ouch i bet you're really upset that you've been roasted roasted like a honey badger roasting a carcass for 6 hours at 260 degrees fahrenheit you know i have a huge dick and my wife's boyfriend has 17 inches of man meat inside of him right now maybe you should try to buy some honey badger tokens and get a life if that is physically possible

>> No.57614545

17 inches? Holy shit that’s Mandingo territory

>> No.57614563

If poor people weren't so lazy they wouldn't have gotten cancer.

>> No.57614578
File: 157 KB, 832x704, 6p9Pvqnlil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op if poor people weren't so lazy they wouldn't have gotten cancer oh you mean like your mom when she was so lazy she caught genital herpes from me on your birthday maybe if she wasn't so lazy she would have bought some honey badger tokens and had the money to pay that homeless man not to infect her but no this is exactly the kind of thing that happens to people that don't buy honey badger tokens

>> No.57614591

Holy shit these honey badger chads are based as fuck I’m gonna check out the TG lmfao

>> No.57614647

Because NPCs take whatever ((((drugs)))) the government tells them to.

>> No.57614662

What the fuck is this broken english? Bad bot.

>> No.57615136
File: 15 KB, 320x308, 1665137892918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pay for my health insurance so I don't have to worry about being thrown out of a window if I need to recover from an accident
or in case I want to watch in bed as pepe continues to invade everything he touches, I mean, now he's in icp, at this rate it will become the thing

>> No.57615492

Chronic illnesses, problems with endocrine systems, etc have shot through the roof in the past few decades. There is no single cause, but dozens of causes that compound on top of eachother. Increased use of birth control pills and our inability to propertly filter the xenoestrogens from the water supply is a big one. Microplastics is another big one. Did you know that when animal feed is produced, they just grind up old food that's still in their plastic wrappers and plastic bags, and feed it to the animals? Plastic is a legal component of animal feed. The animals eat it, and we eat the animals. And it fucks with our health. That's just 2 reasons out of dozens for why serious health issues in young people has shot through the fucking roof. The two most common issues are disruptions of the endocrine system (average testosterone levels today for men aged 18-35 are nearly HALF of what they were in 1985), and chronic illnesses related to the digestive system. Things like crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis has become extremely common

>> No.57615590

Trump decided to gut the EPA ("They clean their forest with a rake" - "You cannot do business to save the butterflies ").
Now enjoy your max gains in the short term, and the cancers in 10 years

>> No.57615626

It's not a recent phenomena nor tied to any political side. It has been an issue since the 1980s and arguably before then. Industries pay off "experts" to produce bogus studies and have regulators on a leash

>> No.57615647

Dark Waters should be mandatory to watch in schools. Based on a true story and shows you how things really work

>> No.57615657

>Industries pay off "experts" to produce bogus studies and have regulators on a leash
I mostly agree with you anon btw, but on the "political" side of things that's a side effect of the money first world. To have stronger regulations, you need to have a stronger political will. But the country of "freedom & democracy" effectively only has two political parties to choose from, which are not very different in that regard.

>> No.57615688

Imagine risking your life and the life of all the people you love for no other reason than to do the right thing (for others). I am sure this kind of sentiment is shared by all the degenerates on this board