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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5761077 No.5761077 [Reply] [Original]

Got 2k to invest for SHORT TERM

shill me the next moon coin

>> No.5761254

Literally all crypto's promise is a product after 5 years, BZC is the only one of 20 coins that's actually finished.

>> No.5761328

for short term :D not long term i need 1-3 days

>> No.5761409
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>> No.5761645
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shill somehting you bastards

>> No.5761677

POE is about to moon hard, tick tock anon

>> No.5761678


>> No.5761719


>> No.5761755

no thanks

>> No.5761953

XLM way to late men its ATH now i wont fomo LOL

POE sounds nice will take a look

>> No.5762011

CMT (CyberMiles) - huge moon potential

>> No.5762019


>> No.5762026


>> No.5762044

hes right though cry later

>> No.5762096


>> No.5762113

ok hear me out.
if you want to take a risk with a low market cap coin then buy PURE.
volume has been steadily increasing for the last few days, it's only on CoinExchange right now. it has a super low circulating supply of 2979521 coins right now and is still under 20m market cap. this coin will go above 100m because of the branding alone (look at fucking verge, it's total fucking shit, but it has good and recognizable branding, which PURE also has.)
I tried telling people at 2,50$, at 3,50%, but biztards never listen.

again, this is risky, it could go back to sub 10m market cap again for a while or just fucking die for all I know, but I think it's a good play if you have spare money.

>> No.5762175

Pascal Coin.
Instant, fee less, the new RaiBlocks

>> No.5762210

For huge potential you need a coin that isn't on the top 50 and isn't listed on the main exchanges. For example:

>> No.5762235

Market Cap
$286 680 439 USD

mfw no face

>> No.5762277

ZenCash and OmiseGo.

Easy gains OP.

>> No.5762281

We carefully choose our coins based off knowledge and statistics from the past, come join the group that keeps getting smarter https://discord.gg/FN6pVrn

>> No.5762284

Bounty0x (BNTY).
Has a working product, customers and good marketing. The team is professional, gives weekly updates and delivers.

This will be 100M$ marketcap soon. REQ was in the same place of this coin (except no working product) and look at where it is now (without any marketing).

This coin should be at 100M$ marketcap before the end of the month. From there on, no one can tell you what happens, but my guess is that it will moon hard.

Good luck and DYOR

>> No.5762296

cry later?
Name me one reason POE has a sustainable future over TRX or XLM

>> No.5762303

XLM going to a dollar screenshot this

>> No.5762325
File: 7 KB, 208x250, 1514833467566s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay pay attention fellow /bizraelis, this is not the one to miss. BNTY and PRL have proven in the last week that anything that touches Kucoin is going to surge. Now DBC (Deep Brain Chain) is on the same path, as you can see it has the highest trading volume on KuCoin. On the other hand Kucoin's total daily trading volume is sitting at a tiny $32m compared to Binance's $2.8b and Binance is only 5 months old. Kucoin has grown 800% in the last 60 days and it's aggressive listing of new unknown coins such as BNTY and DBC is going to be a major contributor to this growth. We're at a point now where normies are seeing this: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/kucoin-shares/ or https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/deepbrain-chain/ and scrambling to get onboard with the moon missions.

How do you take advantage of Kucoin's growth? KuCoin Shares.

Anon, what the hell are KuCoin Shares?

KuCoin is dead serious about being a major force in the exchange world. They want growth and they want it fast - to facilitate this they're offering dividends in the form of trading fees to their investors. 50% of the entire trading fee revenue on the Kucoin platform will be shared daily with those holding KCS on their exchange. This is a two-fold investment with ridiculous growth potential as a result, you buy KCS, the exchange grows, your KCS rises in price, and the amount of dividends you are generating grows with it.

Details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NolXWUOalQ [Embed]

My current plan is to ride our /biz/ alt-coin profit and reinvest into KCS down the line. See you in 2020 when I'm still holding and living off my dividends, I hope you are there with me.

Kucoin's referral system is genius too; you are rewarded some % of the trading fees that your invitees take on. If I shilled you into this Godcoin please consider using my referral code when signing up if you don't have a Kucoin account yet:


>> No.5762330

for example, DBC

sign up to kucoin with my link and lets get rich together :>

>> No.5762336

Seriously. Low market cap. Good fundamentals and the best part - neither been mentioned on /biz/ recently.

>> No.5762390

Damn son where you find those ?

no need that scam shit thx

Zencash probably OMG to late already for me
but thx

Sadly not on bittrex =(

>> No.5762411

DNA, product release at end of month

>> No.5762423

KIN could go somewhere, but probably won't be too much more than a 5x. ECA is the one with current potential. KIN has basically no plans until Q3 2018 which is an insane amount of time to hold during todays market. Should be holding something safer than that

>> No.5762688
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Unironically, MOON coin.

No seriously, it was just 1 sat a few days ago and it reached 4 today. That's 4x gains. It's back down to 3 again, but since the dev is active and just hired a new dev to work with him, I think it's a good cheapo investment.

>> No.5762724

ECA looks good

>> No.5762731


>> No.5762788

I believe in its growth potential. Has extremely quick transaction times, and their roadmap has normie coin written all over it, so it'll get attention. They're currently in the phase of drawing more attention to it.

>> No.5762826

>working product
>professional team

yeah dont buy this

>> No.5762897

Why is ECA good?
Asking for advice. I gambled and put some money on KIN. If ECA has potential I can buy some too.

>> No.5762904

Yeah I didn't put a lot into OMG. Fairly certain ZEN has a good chance of mooning though. Solid devs, active community, low market cap. Listened in on their livestream update from a couple of days ago. Seems like a solid team that's expanding. Once they sort marketing out definite moon mission.

>> No.5762947

They will rely on enterprise and governments and not individuals. Competing with Factom which people have also been sleeping on. Maybe your brain is too small to understand that this will pump today and you should just get your money and not worry about it.

>> No.5762997

Go in on a promising ICO, like TAU (lamden)

>> No.5763104

Check this out, plenty of surefire signals https://discord do t gg/MSrbH9z

>> No.5763113

>They will rely on enterprise and governments and not individuals.
Are you literally retarded? It's a fucking content creation coin. It's for publishers, then content creators, then the general public.
What in gods name are you talking abut?

>> No.5763116
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ECA isn't going to actually be good, but it's good for gains. The roadmap and site are slick looking, which is easily shillable, and people have been doing it on here for about a week now, which is what caught my attention. Thing is, the actual roadmap itself is a bunch of strange, halfassed ideas, like creating a github. It looks full fledged, and normies will eat it up due to these factors, but I honestly doubt it'll be more than a short - middle term hold.

It's also only on shit markets right now, so if it moves and can get pumped, it might go up some. It's still early in the game for it, I believe it's worth the gamble.

KIN on the other hand is the coin I've done the most research on this week. It has potential but they're looking extremely long term, and the cap is designed to keep it from huge growth. You will get a return out of it, but they're not going to be releasing certain key features for 6+ months. In that time, the hype will grow and give some of a return, but to hold for 6 months in hopes that it moons out that much when there are better, safer holds for long term gains is something I'm uncomfortable with.

I will be holding SOME KIN by the end of this week, but to can't say how much I'll go in for. It's been a very inactive coin and is just now beginning to get some real interest, though I think Kik as a platform is weak and won't draw as much attention as it seems on paper.

>> No.5763160

This. But it's currently pumping right now so might want to wait till it dips a bit

>> No.5763163

>good coin
>shit logo

>> No.5763214

It has immensely fast transactions and high staking rewards, 50% annually until max supply is reached. Right now the market cap is only 56m.

As for what it's supposed to be used for, I have no idea. According to their roadmap, they'll release a whitepaper in Q1, so maybe that'll shed some light on it.

Also, 2 new exchanges this month.

>> No.5763268


We're deliberate and shrewd about our picks.

Please, every dumb fuck on /biz/ join our pnd group.

fuuuuuck off.

>> No.5763326
File: 62 KB, 1020x516, dbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy DBC now or stay poor

>> No.5763433

Keep in mind, KIN is on Stellar now, or will be soon, which is XLM, which is the safest coin on the market currently.

>> No.5763471

linda linda linda