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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57610267 No.57610267 [Reply] [Original]

What are your hobbies biz?

>> No.57610287

no time for hobbies, gotta wage
jokes aside, how do people have hobbies as adults? you basically work all day and then you're too tired to do anything else

>> No.57610290

Does /biz/ count as a hobby, or is it part of my job as a full-time NEET crypto trader?

>> No.57610298
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> biz

>> No.57610315

I have none becauae I get bored with them quickly. After a week or two lose all interest and then it's more of a chore than leisure.

>> No.57610325

jerking off until I'm in physical pain

>> No.57610335
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When i'm not daytrading or studying i like to relax playing shit like Skyrim or Blocklords, maybe New Vegas when i'm really bored

>> No.57610339

>jokes aside, how do people have hobbies as adults?
By not having kids or being interested in video games or watching TV

>> No.57610391

>wake up at 06:30am
>commute to work
>wage until 4pm
>go to gym until 6pm
>arrive at home at 6:30pm
>cook, eat, clean, shower etc.
>repeat until firday and blow your brains out with drugs
>need 1 1/2 days to recover
>monday comes
>wake up at 06:30am

okay mr. hobbies man, how rich are your parents?

>> No.57610400

>inb4 video games
Not a hobby. I will not be replying to your cope and seethe.

>> No.57610423

>he still commutes to work
Wtf I though everyone here worked from home in tech.

>> No.57610427

Drinking alone and watching the same 5 movies over and over again. Every now and then I'll shake things up a bit by remembering something that made me happy, like an ex, or time with my friends, and laughing or smiling for a bit before reminding myself that the only thing that matters is the present, that memories aren't real, and the good times were just clouding all the terrible shit that happened at the same time.

>> No.57610437

most people here are underage, pajeets or still in college
spoiler: nobody here makes +$100k

>> No.57610446

I make 100k WFH though? I'm sure not all people here are as pathetic as you think they are.

>> No.57610450

I want to buy an e-bike bros

>> No.57610470

Reading the /biz/ catalog or twitter or novels I found off /lit/, long walks or hikes outside, gym a few times a week, practicing songs on my guitar, and maybe video games if I’m feeling like it. Also sports like tennis on the weekends

>> No.57610487


>> No.57610496

I draw anime lesbian sex.

>> No.57610505

gayming, crypto, lifting are my go to
but life planning and travelling seem to be coming up close second at the moment

>> No.57610515

I garden and make 3d stuff in blender

>> No.57610546

A hobby is usually something you enjoy that costs you time and money. Most of the things we do here are either because we have to or they’re cheap and the benefits outweigh the time investment. For instance, I despise lifting and cardio but do them because the benefits. The type of programming work I enjoy and projects I’m passionate about aren’t hiring so I build webshit for money. I really don’t like my side hustle, but owning a clothing store has been financially the best choice I’ve made. I fucking hate drawing crayon doodles on charts, but it has paid off. I’m not a car guy, but being /o/ approved has saved me countless money and ricing is relatively relaxing. So on, and so forth…

Now, if you ask me what I really like to do? Smoke weed, suck on some big goth tiddy milkies, and play some really good vidya. But the cost*time/benefit on those things are terrible. So I try to do them sparingly, but preferably at the same time when I do.

All /biz/raelis share this in common from the French faggot to wood schizo. Our “hobbies” were either out of necessity or financially sound. Maybe ask French fag what his are now.

>> No.57610557
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watch how newfags fall into pajeet scams endlessly.
Also eventually lurk for interesting gems.
Also post my successful snipes and raffles on eesee

>> No.57610889

I have gross earnings of € 180,000 per year as a self employed consultant and work from home 80% of the time

It may serm like a lot but not that great after all costs and taxes

Maybe 4k net take home per month ball park

>> No.57610947

>For instance, I despise lifting and cardio but do them because the benefits.
I'm glad you admit this. This is actually the case for everyone. I've never seen ANYONE actually enjoy lifting or cardio. They say they do, but they don't. It's just cope. They enjoy it when it ends. No shit, your body is thankful that you've stopped torturing it.

>> No.57610970
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posting retarded frogs from my collection
im having a good time

>> No.57610984

exercise, game dev, and stacking linkies

>> No.57610986

People who claim to enjoy their work are even worse

>> No.57610993
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frog pics are stupid why would anyone store images of retarded frogs on their computer

>> No.57610998

lurk, lift, lose

>> No.57611045

Listening to new music, cooking, fishing, guns, cars, reading. Not so into having a project car anymore because of the money sink.

>> No.57611063

What music you listening to lately? Music also helps me destress from a long day of work. That and long walks

>> No.57611100

I cycle through genres right now its a lot of electronic like brutalismus 3000 and acrynm

>> No.57611349
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Ah yes meat/bone soup very healthy

>> No.57611477

learning ancient greek, programming, reading, cooking/baking, gooning, smoking cigarettes

>> No.57611581

I play path of exile in the most autistic way possible.

>> No.57611786

so your take home is only about a quarter
thats a gods awful ratio
you got no ways to optimize that

>> No.57611915
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>> No.57612582

even for euro poor that seems really horrible. i make about 150, after deductions for healthcare, max retirement 401k and roth IRA, HSA, FSA and fucking 30% going to taxes i still get almost 7000 a month total

>> No.57612703
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Making money is my main hobby. I spend a lot of time outside work hunting for and doing paid studies, figuring out which credit cards and checking account bonuses to churn, and crypto airdrops to farm. Other than that, I like to hit the gym and travel internationally (for language learning and sex). I'm a simple guy :)

>> No.57613035

Based coomer. How much have you made so far?

>> No.57613060

Handloading. .44 mag is a lot of fun when you can make either wrist breakers or more mellow rounds.

>> No.57613108

I'm not 100% sure. My NW is approaching $1.9 mil though.

>> No.57613132

Any advice for someone that just hit 100k? Making money is also my main hobby. Sick of waging.

>> No.57613133

Music and music production, surfing, golf. if I make it this will be my life

>> No.57613158

Pretty much just boring and free (or cheap shit).

>Watching Youtube videos
>Listening to music
>Going to the gym
>Running/walking in the local park
>Reading books and listening to ebooks from the local library
>Wasting time talking to randos about dumb shit on 4chan and Reddit

My only expensive hobby is traveling, but I can only do that like one or two weeks out of the year so the vast majority of the time, it's the free and cheap hobbies greentexted above.

>> No.57613160

Keep waging and investing most of your pay. You're doing it wrong if you ever allow yourself to accumulate more than $20k in the bank. I'm a huge believer in dollar cost averaging for crypto, stocks, 401k, etc. I invest once a week in each.

>> No.57613214

Thank you. Any crypto you’d recommend at 100k? I’m mostly in midcaps like INJ. Dca-ing every dip

>> No.57613273

For me, it's BTC and ETH with some LINK recently sprinkled in. I don't know anything about INJ but if it's not a meme project and you believe in it having a good future, I say keep buying.

>> No.57613982

this pic is quaint. i like the green and the natural timber. also the lighting

>> No.57614039

riding bikes especially fixies, weight lifting, dogs. I used to read a lot but now it makes me fall asleep.

I really don't do much, I just wait to make it so then I can do stuff

>> No.57614118

What kind of stuff will you do when you make it?

>> No.57614203


That's wild, 4k a month net? I get at least a grand more than that per month net after taxes, 401k, health insurance. Are you taxed at 40% or something?

>> No.57614298

Not that anon but a yuropoor as well and here the lower bracket is 37% and the upper one above 70k is 49,5%

>> No.57614303

>vinyl records

>> No.57614323


holy fuck, you are literally taxed at double our rate if you're making $75k+

>> No.57614952

Wtf did they do to our queen

>> No.57615058
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>> No.57615071


>> No.57615072

Abduct women

>> No.57615077
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you know i really really don't give a single solitary flying frog's anus what your stupid hobby is you probably collect those little tiny mushrooms because you have an even tinier penis like mine looks like a damn log honey badger chads be packing that beef ya dig i literally could not possibly care less

>> No.57615091

What the fuck are you even spamming on this board?

>> No.57615097

what's the blue stuff on them?

>> No.57615103 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 1080x1080, DCVN1DwFGr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i may be spamming the biz boards with my $hoba shilling but i literally do not give a flying squirrel's ass about some faggot telling me what i can or cannot do i'm a honey badger and i think you can all suck my 18 foot cock with your micro-dick beta bull energy

>> No.57615107

Bruising from psilocybin

>> No.57615110 [DELETED] 

I think he told you that you have a small dick and as a large holder of $hoba he has a much larger penis and also he does not care about you.

>> No.57615118 [DELETED] 

fucking based im buying a suicide bag of $hoba for this one single post, fuck Jannie’s and faggot anons who wish they were jannies

>> No.57615165
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>> No.57615859
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Riding dirt bikes, riding mtb, riding fast cars, riding fast girls and obviously drugs.

>> No.57615869

riding my supermoto I bought with my gains

>> No.57615887

Jeeking off to furry porn.

>> No.57615918

Browsing biz. It's both a job and a hobby