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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 400x400, BenjaminCowen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57605444 No.57605444 [Reply] [Original]

>I am still waiting for ETH to come home
>I am still sitting in cash
>I am still looking for the secondary scare
>I am still waiting for the recession
>Now it's too late to buy


>> No.57605461

but did you buy his hoodie?

>> No.57605500

>>I am still waiting for ETH to come home
He was talking about the BTC valuation, and he is right.

>I am still sitting in cash
Why? He has been on an BTC heavy portfolio for the past year and has said so many times.

>I am still looking for the secondary scare
He didn't say it would happen, he said that it could happened.

>I am still waiting for the recession
That's after the election.

>> No.57605517

hello ben.
how does it feel costing thousands the opportunity to make it in crypto?

>> No.57605522

You can pretty much ignore every single person besides Bob Lukas, hes the only rational person in the entire content creation side of Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency. He only makes one video every 2-3 months, and he only talks about long-term, and he advises against trying to time anything. He is literally the only rational person you could ever listen to when it comes to this entire fucking thing.

>> No.57605526

You know what Ben has had some bad takes in the past but I'm kind of sick of the hyperbole regarding his analysis on here. In fact, I'm tired of the hyperbole in general on 4chins. It's not really that funny anymore, you're all ironic unironic retards.

Anyways he's been driving home btc dominance and a btc heavy folio for two years now, yeah he did say "cash is king" but he was also right about dominance going up and everything bleeding against btc up until this point. Credit where credit is due, he's not good at calling tops and bottoms but he does provide good analyses in general. He's definitely a far cry from the charlatan that /biz/ makes him out to be.

>> No.57605555

>greetings fellow 4channers!

>> No.57605570

He's literally said he doesn't use most of the TA for buys and has mostly everything in bitcoin lol

>> No.57605604

>cycles are lengthening
>eth is going home
>stay all in cash despite most coins crashing 90%
>10k btc is programmed
>if youre thinking of even buying a bit, take a cold shower
>buy my premium

>> No.57605648

His low prediction was like 36-38 which I bought when it dipped, he said worst case like 32

>> No.57605687

I tried to tell everyone he was just a fucking jew trying to slurp everything by himself, i curse forever his whole progeny.

>> No.57605709

quads of truth has spoken

close the thread!

>> No.57605710
File: 200 KB, 256x350, 1633534657129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to him
>I am still sitting in cash
You don't deserve money

>> No.57605723

this pato loukas fag also made me wait with cash for a final correction before halving, now im 100% cash with 400k in the bank

FUCK this fucking assfucking fack fick fuck

what the fuck do I do faggots? If I buy now, I feel like a RETARD buying on these big ass overextended green dildos, if I dont buy, I feel like ETFagottry could keep pumping the market

The price literally depends on BLACKCOCK buying more BTC now, they can dump it at will too

OH WHAT A FUCKING GREAT INVESTMENT yet I dont see any other investment I would be willing to YOLO

I need to 3x 400k YOU STUPID faggots. Im going to YOLO on MSTR right now and KILL MY FUCKING SELF if it does not do a 3x maggots

>> No.57606293

>watch Ben video “it could go up or it could go down”
>next video “ as I correctly predicted in my last video that it would go up”

Great analysis Ben

>> No.57606716

>what the fuck do I do faggots?

wait another year and buy in at 500k+

surely the Bitcoin will go down and the dollar up because they can just print infinite Bitcoin

>> No.57606875

literally all his calls for the past 2.5 years were wrong
all of them, no hyperbole just full wrong
and it isnt that he made a single prediction and stocks with it either he flipflops constantly going short the local bottom and long the local top

i have said it before and will continue to say it in every cohen thread:
nobody can be this wrong all the time without it being intentional
if he was just a max retard he would make some good calls occasional out of random chance

>> No.57606910

Every other video he repeats his strategy, which is DCA in when the risk metric is low, and DCA out when it gets too high.

>> No.57607206

Cool I think he can delete his channel now and go suck more cocks

>> No.57608210
File: 53 KB, 618x619, 1669060693611461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then I told them my analysis is that it will go up half the half and down half the year
>because it just will ok?
>yes I told them this in October after 8 months of pumping

>> No.57608288
File: 6 KB, 274x184, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was so funny when Saylor was using analogies of putting a gun to his head when he interviewed him.

Glad I just listened to Giga chad and not the jewish incel

>> No.57608610

He is the king of rewriting history always trying to tell his paycucks he's been right all along. Anyone who listens to him deserves abject poverty