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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57605291 No.57605291 [Reply] [Original]

>still in cash waiting for a good dip to enter

>> No.57605312

>When we hit 53k you will still be sidelined.
>At 60k you will be priced out.

>> No.57605328
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I dont think investing is worth it at all and believe it's all rigged kike shit. I only post here to get people riled up like a bunch of evangelicals and then watch them hit rock bottom when their meme virtual currencies collapse. I have holdings in absolutely nothing except guns, ammo and water filters.

>> No.57605389

>heh im so im above it all it think making 10x your money easily is rigged and dumb lol i am very intelligent

normie reddit niggercattle, begone

>> No.57605400

>making 10x your money easily is rigged and dumb
This has never happened to you. You regularly go to bed at night and cry because you weren't born a Jew.

>> No.57605411

wallah this will never happen. ngmi

>> No.57605418

Complete and utter cope. You will always be poor.

>> No.57605432

How does $9700 per BTC sound?

>> No.57605445
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>> No.57605459
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Did you buy another collection of cool animal coins today? Or are you buying the dead cat bounce for BTC?

>> No.57605606

So as the other pointed out you are a retard, i wangted to add you are a MEGAretard for falling for something like a PLASTIC water fitler that filters out the minerals and gives you unhealthy destilled water thats aging you a lot

>> No.57605618

No we bought when it was cheap retard the 4 years cycles played out again

>> No.57605630
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>> No.57605657

>we bought when it was cheap
Do you have any idea how much more money you would have made (and faster) if you didn't waste nearly a tenth of your life waiting for internet tokens to arbitrarily increase in value for no traceable reason?

>> No.57605681

the good dip was late 2022 / early 2023
good luck next time

>> No.57605695
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oh wagiee

>> No.57605706

>guns, ammo and water filters.
I wouldnt have any of these if not for crypto. Made money so i could buy

>> No.57605711

ZOMG A FULL 13% GAIN!!!!1\ì1!!!11!"12<32<awdc

>> No.57605738
File: 67 KB, 800x649, FJO_JIPWYAkHGhl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw missed several years of stock market gains because I used to listen to people like anon

>> No.57605742

On /biz/ you know you've trolled someone effectively when they're going into photoshop to make pretend graphs.

>> No.57605797

Even if dumped 300k in an sp500 a decade ago you would have 810k lol, but just put your money under your bed that will surely work

>> No.57605849

Don't worry brother, it's coming.
Scam pump just collecting exit liquidity.

>> No.57605901

It's fine, think how much money you will have for the 2027-2030 run.

>> No.57605903

>your portfolio in 2014: 300k
>your portfolio in 2024: 810k

>average price of eggs in 2014: $2.02
>average price of eggs in 2024: $6.39

I'll say it again: it's all rigged. Nobody knows where the numbers come from. You have people trying to read chicken bones on the internet, for the "price" of imaginary coins that don't do anything and only exist on the internet. At this point even the money you think you own either exists in some virtual format operated by you or the bank. But basic analysis any caveman could do will demonstrate that it's all nonsense.

>> No.57605982

>Nobody knows where the numbers come from.
1999 is when the economy functionally turned into a casino
and 2008 was the blow off top

>> No.57605998

By the same logic US dollars are imaginary coins that don't do anything and exist almost exclusively on computers. Except these concepts do actually achieve something, a medium of exchange.

>> No.57606030

>US dollars are imaginary coins that don't do anything and exist almost exclusively on computers
Correct, and the US dollar has existed for centuries longer in various forms and their buying power is enforced through military action. Bitcoin exists because it promised "anonymity" while purchasing child porn but that was quickly found to be a lie. Nobody knows who actually made bitcoin. Now it has value because people heard it has value and perpetually want to dip their toes in while it's climbing (for reasons nobody knows and never figures out) and functions as a pseudostock with a funny name. But all stocks are rigged. If you aren't a newfag you saw this with GME when they pulled the plug while the rigging machinery was malfunctioning. At that point if you didn't start to comprehend that this is all a pantload of silly shit and only good for trolling, then I suppose you're also the sort of person who would surrender your US dollars (with actual value) for pretend internet tokens.

>> No.57606044

can you retire on eggs?

>> No.57606067
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Can you eat a bitcoin?

>> No.57606091

I can trade bitcoin for currency and trade currency for food, which I can eat.

>> No.57606121
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>> No.57606164

That's weird, I can just trade my eggs for currency without any third step. It's almost as if bitcoin is a moronic pseudostock and functionally gambling. You have an addiction.

>> No.57606199

Farming eggs is your third step. You have a second job while I just buy and hold.

>> No.57607052

if you're not investing, you're investing in cash.

>> No.57607077

You've missed out you retard. We're rapidly approaching ATH and waiting for a dip. Reconsider your life choices.

>> No.57608675

um, we had a fucking 2 year bear market bro........

>> No.57608822

Yeah, the beginning of 2023 was basically the perfect time to buy. I DCA'd throughout 2022 but in hindsight I regret it, should have just waited.

>> No.57609226

Depends what kind of water he’s filtering. If it’s city water, than it’s already fucked to begin with. Filtering whatever makes it to his house isn’t going to hurt anything.

>> No.57609380

Holy sheit what an dumb fag
I just made $30k in one day with spyro

>nooo you just can make money with internet magic beans
>only jews doing kike shit can be rich nooo
Stay poor tranny