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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57604511 No.57604511 [Reply] [Original]

Hello frens, I’d like to organize a meetup of the members of this sub. I’m from northern Virginia and was thinking those of us on the East Coast could plan to meet here (at a predetermined location), as it’s a good midway point between the northeast and southeast. Once we’re together, we could talk about our cryptocurrency investments as well as our shared interests, including cypherpunk, freedom, and insurrection. Firearms are encouraged FYI.

Would love to hear all of your input and opinions so we can get started on planning this meetup / rally

>> No.57604519

no thanks

>> No.57604523
File: 411 KB, 498x600, swrkuax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it sounds like a great plan what could go wrong

>> No.57604527

sounds like a great idea, i’ll bring my AR15 and Ledger

>> No.57604544

Make a tg or discord. See what general area the northeastern biz bros are in and figure out a spot. I could use a road trip. I never go anywhere lately lol.

>> No.57604570

Are you implying that you only have one (singular) AR-15?
If so, you're Ngmi fren. You need at least 3. One primary, one backup/parts, and one handout beater.

>> No.57604583

Alright, I’ll make a group and have everyone submit their addresses, then we can determine the best fit line between all the data points and use its midway point

>> No.57604589

honestly could be cool if this board didn't involve having a lot of money. too dangerous frankly. maybe a cool way to do this legit is through minting tokens based on the networth of a one's wallet, so you must have a wallet containing atleast $10-20k to come and receive a location. too complicated for a board full of gullible monogoloids

sus post

>> No.57604614

Eh... general city areas should be fine. I'm not "submitting my address" lol. Also we realize NOVA is where most feds live kek. I'm not interested in going there specifically.

>> No.57604624

Not falling for it glowie

>> No.57604625

nice bait

>> No.57604633

awesome i will bring my feminine penis gf as a +1

>> No.57604635
File: 359 KB, 477x855, You're glowing[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fd7vsn0.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>northern virginia here, we should all bring our crypto, preferably to a place near the CIA headquarters

>> No.57604646

John Washington from Idaho city state, and I think it is a good idea.
-Sent from an Iphone

>> No.57604655

Alright guys I made this as an obvious fedpost, but it would actually be fun to plan something someday (in a way where net-worths and identities remain private)

>> No.57604688

omg omg a meeting i want to come, you will all cummie on my boipussy there, jesus i want it so much organize it organize itttt, i will be your little crypto slut

>> No.57604724

Holy shit... Newfags doesnt even know. Man im getting old.
>Meeting up with random retards on a mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.57604786

May I bring my family?

>> No.57604798


>> No.57604823

Absolute faggot. Go fuck yourself

>> No.57604836

Cool, just wanted to make sure this is furry friendly.

>> No.57604858
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>in a way where net-worths and identities remain private
How about we get together through an internet forum, perhaps the same textile business forum we're on now, and post a bunch of frogs and talk about valuable crypto projects like LINK.

>> No.57604891
File: 20 KB, 398x228, IMG_7365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>valuable crypto projects
>like LINK

>> No.57605594

My goylfriend will host a drag queen library book reading on the side for the kids

>> No.57606633
File: 48 KB, 200x200, 1636356881368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, friend, see we're doing it right now. How many LINK do you have and do you think it will be enough for when LINK is worth one gorillion by the end of year?

>> No.57607558
File: 423 KB, 1021x1021, 1688072222055029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna bring my nigga friend and he gon press yall ytbois and take all yo effereiums

>> No.57607987

Why would want to meet 4chan people in real life? All the insane schizos and trannies not thrilling enough online?

>> No.57608026

i am in herndon. where are you at

>> No.57608037
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meet a bunch of losers. No thx

>> No.57608176

Just meet at the next big crypto conference.

>> No.57608390

I m from Europe.
I love this meeting in viginia (usa)