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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57604104 No.57604104 [Reply] [Original]

I think I would rather die than go to work today.

>> No.57604151
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well anon i get unlimited DTO which is the same thing as PTO but it's unlimited. They think people won't use it because they'll feel guilty but i've worked form home for the same company 5 years now and i take at mininum 3 days a month off, sometimes 5 or 6. Vacations? Two weeks usually.
Very comfy.
very close to pulling six figures too. I think next pay bump promotion will put me there desu
enjoy your waging and god speed

>> No.57604172

Not me, but I do wake up every day hating my daytime life. I’m at a new job for the last 6 months. For a bit the novelty helped, but for the last month I now count the days left of every week. Every day I wake up and think “X more days” and I have that thought several times throughout the day. It’s the only thing that actually allows me to continue. But I’m quitting later this year.

>> No.57604203


Fucking slav degenerate fundamentalism.

Fucking vodka-induced Taliban in the fucking snows

>> No.57604234
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>Fucking vodka-induced Taliban in the fucking snows