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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57603059 No.57603059 [Reply] [Original]

So out of the three dog shitcoins at least one made something good fr

>> No.57604433

shitcoin go home

>> No.57604679
File: 99 KB, 750x797, IMG_7565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These seem cool looks like pudgy penguins interbreeding with dogs lol

>> No.57604775

They aren’t coming out for like another week

>> No.57605058

Give me an update on lucky, what's happening? I read that they will be doing paid promotions on twitter.

>> No.57605124

Looks quite normiefriendly.

>> No.57605596

They opened the minting already

>> No.57605635

I'm winning the 5k, keep being delusional anon.

>> No.57605692

Oh shit you’re right

>> No.57606041

ngl, I am actually impressed they made this happen. the number of nfts minted it going up on the website, too. these guys might. just pull it off.

>> No.57606064

I minted 2 for the cheapies thank you anon

>> No.57606176

Am I too late? Saw how it pumped

>> No.57606222

sage, another jeet shitcoin

>> No.57606229

Got 5 today, gonna get 5 tomorrow after getting paid. Give myself a shot at winning one of those eth prizes.

>> No.57606393

What site are they using?

>> No.57606408

Can I get them in opensea?

>> No.57606465

Go to their website, that’s where I saw it. Before there had been a countdown. You can find the website on DEXTools. Might be on opensea as well, haven’t checked.

>> No.57606578

These honestly look better than the linu nfts. Can't say the same for the token itself though

>> No.57606622

Way lower mcap, way higher potential gains.

>> No.57606623

How do I know the site won’t scam me?

>> No.57606628

Thanks for nothing anyway. Anybody else really impressed by the lucky dev? The website, the coin flip game, the nft, paid promotion on twitter and now ads on biz. I'm really hoping he succeeds, he's really trying to resurrect lucky

>> No.57606631

one you mint one on their website, it shows it in your opensea account

>> No.57606663

you can check the contract your are interacting with. But more easily just look at thoose already minted.

Contract: 0x8d9b84d35469d5FAd7080F676f374C9F3304e09E

>> No.57606674

You just disconnect your wallet after the mint, plus when you approve the mint you can see what it's going to take in eth.

>> No.57606707

the website is written below in the thread pic

>> No.57606762

always a smart question to ask. I went to opensea, viewed the contract of the nft, and dug around. just start there when doing your research.
was looking into this and you can see the collection on opensea, but I could not seem to mint from there. one thing that is nice is you can get statistics on all of the various items you see in each of the nfts that were minted so far. I think this is how you can establish what is rare. that's kind of nice if the token ever takes off.
token has low volume, but the more nfts that are bought, the more marketing money available. the schizo scammer can't nuke ads like he can threads. I think the lucky flip game will bring the hype back too.

>> No.57606805

I’m concerned 10 were minted and that’s it all morning

>> No.57606980
File: 508 KB, 2332x1426, check_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's valid, the nfts had a soft release, I think ads like in picrel and the paid promotions on twitter are going to draw more and more attention. it doesn't take much to get the lucky flip game added. once that happens, everything will ramp up much faster.

>> No.57608181

>think lucky flip game will bring the hype
So the lucky flip game is still happening?

>> No.57608220
File: 116 KB, 750x992, IMG_7566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minted 4 of these think I did well lol look way nicer than the LINU ones

>> No.57608236

10 still minted..?

>> No.57608314

their twitter page got suspended so they had to start from scratch, 50$ ain’t much so

>> No.57609257

Any progress on that?

>> No.57609412

I hold lucky and want to buy but the fact no one’s purchased any for what 6 hours? That’s really alarming.

>> No.57609516

Haven't been able to advertise on twitter, and the TG seems to be active later in the day/night. I'm sure a few buys will come through.

>> No.57609531

It’s just this is being compared to Linus release and there are dozens of folks already clamoring for those. I’ll buy some lucky NFTs if purchases actually start happening but 1000 was probably too many to list.

>> No.57609536


>> No.57611013

bump anyone else saw the lucky ads on biz?