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57602820 No.57602820 [Reply] [Original]

All the innovation of PoW right into the trash

>> No.57602832

>bad for environment
I never get this argument
I am losing my country and culture to shitskins who hate me, with the blessing of my OWN government who I am paying taxes to and is happily discriminating against me in jobs and education, and even business, yet somehow I have to care about what the fuck happens to earth? Fuck it burn it all down

>> No.57603924

>>bad for environment
>I never get this argument
me neither, so I meme at them

some people are just cucks frfr

>> No.57604034
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>proof of work is more secure because my GPUs run 24/7 and it's just better because it is okay
Alright grandpa back to bed.

>> No.57604504

>proof of stake is better somehow at all
Nothing personnel, kid...just gonna mint infinite fiat and buy 51% of the tokens brb
Don't worry, me being in control is better for the environment :^}

>> No.57604580

nobody tell him

>> No.57604850

Ok. Then do it. I'm sure buying 51 percent of a supply, launching an attack, and selling all of that before it goes to zero is an extremely easy thing to do and definitely without a doubt profitable

>> No.57605181

Do you honestly think institutional money is not capable of buying 51% of a PoS shitcoin? Your view rests on the belief that institutional money would never attack their own investment. Have you been asleep as they have been pumping money into loss-making corporations in order to secure monopolies and propaganda vectors?

Proof of stake is a fucking joke, any serious coin is PoW at a bare minimum.

>> No.57605188
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Couldn't be me

>> No.57605223


>> No.57605250

Reasons why PoW is superior to PoS:
>It's harder for a government-level entity to obtain physical hardware and hashrate than it is for them to print money and buy coins
>PoW mining requires a continual investment of resources and energy - you cannot sit back and simply let your investment compound itself like with PoS
>PoS has a built-in "rich get richer" due to the above
>PoS coins are usually preallocated which means they are under centralized control right out of the gate
>you can't verify that your chain is the correct one without trusting some centralized authority (with PoW chains you can always tell by which one is the heaviest chain)
>PoW adds value to an asset because it means you have to irreversibly consume resources in order to obtain it, whereas PoS coins cost no actual resources at all to produce
PoS is straight fucking garbage and I'm tired of pretending otherwise

>> No.57605300


>> No.57605364

>just print money to buy the coins!
You fucking idiot that would just keep driving the price upward and make the money worthless.
>PoW mining is much harder and likely to thrust you into unprofitability
Oh wow so cool a system that constantly demands newer more efficient hardware and throws the rest in the fucking trash instead of just leaving you alone.
>PoS is rich get richer
So is PoW you dolt, you think everyone can afford a massive mining rig?
>presale = centralized network
No, that isn't what that word means or implies at all.
>you can't verify PoS without a centralized authority
I can do so right now. What the fuck is this argument.
>my hard work adds value because it was hard!
Digging holes then filling them again does not create value, read a fucking intro to economics book.

>> No.57605409

I would rather live in shitholes as polluted as chink cities if my country expelled every non white

>> No.57605419

>You fucking idiot that would just keep driving the price upward and make the money worthless.
see >>57605181
The rest of your post just proves that you don't understand how crypto works on a basic level
>>presale = centralized network
>No, that isn't what that word means or implies at all.
It literally does you fucking mong. The organization who created the network gets to preallocate themselves a majority stake in the network before hand, which means they control the network. It's that fucking simple. PoW coins don't have this problem because they can be fair launched and decentralized from the beginning.
>I can do so right now. What the fuck is this argument.
No you can't, there's no built-in mechanism to verify which PoS chain is more "valid" than another one like their is with PoW. You have to trust a centralized authority to tell you which one is authentic lmao
>So is PoW you dolt, you think everyone can afford a massive mining rig?
The gains from a mining rig do not compound themselves, you cannot unstake the energy you used to obtain the coins. Proof of stake is paper security. It isn't real

>> No.57605438

>>you can't verify PoS without a centralized authority
>I can do so right now. What the fuck is this argument.
No you can't.

Purists don't care about PoS. That's why BTC is still on top.

>> No.57605483

Thank you for showing us you do not understand and can only seethe and scream "nuh-uh!". I really don't care that you cannot grasp how an organization like the ETH foundation cannot force any consensus alone, so I will be leaving the thread.

>> No.57605506

>so I will be leaving the thread
We did it boys.

>> No.57605599

PoS noobs got btfo and are running away. PoW chads win again with their superior arguments and reality-based protocols. What a fine thread

>> No.57605602

Bad for the environment isn't even true, because bitcoin mining is done where electricity is cheapest, and electricity is cheapest in places where there is an abundance of energy and no one around to use it.
These are almost always renewable energy sources because the location of places to generate renewable energy is decided by nature rather than where there is demand, which means there are some regions that have a huge supply of hydro, geothermal or wind power but no one around to use it. By using this energy that would otherwise go to waste bitcoin miners help to stabilise prices and fund further investment in renewable energy generation.

This is basic common sense if you understood how capitalism works.

>> No.57605691

Proof of Stake and Proof of Work are just Sybil control mechanisms aka Spam protection. by itself they say nothing about fair distribution, security or decentralization.

>> No.57605763

PoS has no longest/heaviest chain rule. Whenever you download the transaction database you have to trust the source.

>> No.57605865


>> No.57605881


>> No.57605898


>> No.57605904


>> No.57605927

>not being trustless is a nonissue
PoS shitcoiners love playing pretend, I see. They have pretend decentralization, pretend security, and pretend trustlessness. Real cryptocurrencies don't bother with that proof of stake crap. No wonder ETH's been losing value to btc ever since it switched over

>> No.57606011

see >>57605691

>> No.57606143
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Yeah. I don't think it is capable on any half competent network. Do you honestly think that anybody can simply write a check for half the staked eth market cap, buy it, and then turn it into trillions of dollars? Be fucking rational retard. There is no scenario at all where anybody with that much money can do this without driving the price MASSIVELY higher. I don't even need to go into various other safety protocols that exist in eth and others because if you can't grasp that then you failed econ 101 and have no business lecturing anybody on how secure pos vs pow is. There is absolutely no incentive to do that. Because even if you launched your mythical attack and somehow managed to do that, you'd NEVER in a million years be able to sell anything. PS you actually need to control 66%, not 51%. And you can't just wake up press your attack button and be rich. Hell, Avax I think requires more like 80%. And validators are empowered to be smarter under most modern pos can omit bad actors and use the mechanisms in place to get them to fuck off. Soft or hard fork, whatever.

Meanwhile, POW has been shown to be susceptible to 51% attacks and the only response is "well those don't count." Yeah, ETC and BSV have both suffered MULTIPLE attacks under POW. Because the network was small and electricity is cheap in some parts of the world. You can rent the equipment you need to attack POW networks. This bit about the government can't attack it is TOTAL fucking hogwash and probably the dumbest shit I think I've ever read from brain damaged maxis >>57605250 at one point in time, China controlled well more than 51% of the hash rate. Why on gods green earth would you think that a 51% attack wasn't possible knowing that one of the most corrupt governments in the world wouldn't be capable of taking over that power? In the grand scheme of things, this is PROBABLY not anymore likely on BTC than it is on ETH, but you're in fucking lala land. ->

>> No.57606207

PoW is more secure. With PoW you don't have to worry about initial state of the chain and check points. And 51% attack is much harder. Lurk more. Current wave of hip coins (many of which are not even cryptocurrency by definition) will be as dead in 5 years as peercoin now.

>> No.57606214

Hash rate is tied to the value of REAL WORLD GOODS AND SERVICES. You can control all of the hashing without anybody fucking knowing. No fail-safes at all. Same principle applies , a massive attack will definitely bankrupt the network, but to pretend that you can't control the hash rate because it's difficult but yeah you can totally get enough eth to attack the network is TOTAL fucking retard logic and you should be ashamed for being such a brainlet.

Finally, how a currency is created has NO BEARING on the value of it. What matters is the rules of the creation. Full stop. Why do you think fiat is shit? Because you can mint that whenever. You can't just do that with BTC, eth, just about any crypto. Proof of work sapping energy like that's the value is frankly nonsense. You can't redeem it for the energy so you can't say it is "backed" by anything. Just like gold is. The simple question then is simply "who should be eligible to get the rewards" and that's basically where one may be better than an other because as the value of POS increases, the ability to secure the network and produce eth becomes more expensive. The tie of real world energy and equipment to BTC is maybe better because anybody can do it. I don't disagree and I don't have a strong enough opinion. But "hurr durr it uses electricity so it's valuable" is literal subhuman logic. The hole example >>57605364 sums it up crudely. Just because you spend more energy to do something does not inherently add value. Dumb as fucking hell

>> No.57606233

>It's harder because... Well it just IS okay!
>P-please don't look outside smaller pow chains those don't count
Kys maxxipad

>> No.57606357

Acquiring hardware is more difficult than printing money.
If bitcoin was proof of stake then it would be worth zero right now. It never would have taken off because it never would have been used on places like silk road because it wouldn't have actually been trustless or permissionless. Nobody has ever used a PoS coin for anything like that because they're not real cryptocurrencies.

>> No.57606398

>Finally, how a currency is created has NO BEARING on the value of it.
Not true or else market cycles wouldn't be dominated by BTC's halving schedule. All shitcoins kneel to the king because it's still the best.

>> No.57606427

>I think requires more like 80%
That's another problem with proof of shit. You can't really pinpoint it. There are thousands of different protocols. Some require slashing some do delegated staking or try different types of sharding. It's impossible to verify all these security claims.

>> No.57606453

Even ethereum changes permanently so nobody really knows what's going on.

>> No.57606752
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Bullshit. Hardware prices aren't tied to the value of BTC (necessarily) nor is energy. we've already seen attacks in POW networks that are smaller. This argument is not good.

Dumb point. what's your argument exactly? You are all over the map on this one. BTC is no more or less valuable if miners create it vs magical wizards that require a payment to mint it. "Code is law" is the most valuable thing to a currency. Strict rules that govern it's supply that can't be tampered with. Who gives a shit about price movements of other coins?

Because it's network dependent mouthbreather. Read the documentation. Make a test network and test it yourself. Haahgraphs I think are 33% which is probably a flaw but they're centralized by design and that's probably the trade off. These are all things that can't be controlled. Do you know what bog standard POW suffers from? 51% hash is all you need. Period. End of discussion. Improvements have been made on this in newer projects, but just like POS, an attack becomes significantly more possible on smaller networks. The issue seems to be that POW needs to be significantly more active networks to be secure than POS as to my knowledge, no major POS chains have been attacked that weren't just small literal who networks. Meanwhile etc and bsv both come to mind as suffering attacks. Smaller than BTC but definitely not small in the grand scheme of valuation. I'm more than willing to admit I maybe just can't find it btw. But here's the big glaring weakness of POW -- you are never at risk of losing anything for a POW attack. Period. Your hardware still will be there. You simply pay the cost of electricity. The natural deterrent of "hey I could lose my stake that I just spent billions on" is a core factor that keeps a POS network safe. So you're risking billions to maybe make pocket change. You'd never be able to offload that kind of liq