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57601570 No.57601570[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where the fuck is anyone supposed to live?

>midwest is depressing
>south east gets hit by hurricanes and niggers
>texas too many spics and retards
>maine too cold and lonely
>california obvious no
>north west is a shithole

everywhere is just a fucking shithole. i want beachfront property without paying out the ass and without hurricanes

where the abolute fuck do you move to when you make it?

>> No.57601584

maybe stop projecting your racist headcanon onto millions of acres of land

you need 5 acres to not see anyone and make yourself happy

>> No.57601585

The Balkans

>no migrants
>everything is cheap
Just gotta pick the right spot

>> No.57601587

kys nigger

>> No.57601589

>i want beachfront property without paying out the ass and without hurricanes

>> No.57601603

(you didn't say no niggers)

>> No.57601609

retard i said south east has too many niggers

>> No.57601639

Just get a house not built from cardboard retard, hurricanes aren’t that bad

>> No.57601681

Insane how you didn't even consider leaving america

>> No.57601696

why would i leave the only place that allows me to shoot people?

>> No.57601710

Rural tennessee

>> No.57601714

Imagine retiring to the Philippines after being successful then a tsunami just kills you day one. Kek

>> No.57601718

sort by states with highest percent of white people
or sort by states with highest income
basically the same lmao

>> No.57601735

too depressing

>> No.57601738
File: 804 KB, 1317x1022, here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't exist retard.

Without paying out the ass is impossible.

Picrelated regions are the best places near the ocean to live in America. It's also 90% white in these areas.

>inb4 it's expensive
It's the best areas of the country
>inb4 >california
So what faggot?

Your only alternative if you *really* need cheap beachfront property is to move to the mediterranean coast in Europe or some third world shithole

>> No.57601742

im not moving to WV or ME, both are depressing. ill prob just go fucking rent a 1BR condo in Florida in the gulf when i make it...

>> No.57601746

you mentioned everywhere but new england
youre supposed to live in new england
if youre white that is, otherwise fuck off were full

>> No.57601748

im not a spic like you. imagine recommending someone move to california kek. post your skin

>> No.57601751

I'm a American an I'm moving to the west of Ireland. I own a bar in America and will keep collecting about 12k a month

>> No.57601754

new england sucks. everywhere is depressing unless it has a beach with clear water

>> No.57601765

Ireland sucks. Shit weather, shit laws, shit people

>> No.57601777

you say everywhere sucks
if you cant live with the fact that everywhere sucks maybe you should kill yourself

>> No.57601797

it objectively does though

>> No.57601802

my state is god tier but you don't seem like a good fit brother

>> No.57601832

show me a picture of tenessee that isnt depressing

>> No.57601842

or wherever the fuck you recommended

>> No.57601860


>> No.57602007

Australia seems nice

>> No.57602147

Plus soon will be infested with niggers, already starting.

>> No.57602179

It's beautiful, white, and people are friendly actually. I leave or a couple months in the winter but can own a comfy farm. I also live like a king with my income(besides housing which is dumb expensive here, farmland is a little better)

>> No.57602183

Aren't they rioting about that? They won't come out west anyway, will stay in Dublin

>> No.57602199
File: 52 KB, 512x512, NSqqzQT8jt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao bro im going to be totally honest i don't give a flying fuuuuuuck i live on a farm and nobody really bothers me out here i got enough money to just chill in the sun all day and i don't give a shiiiiiit about anyone else besides australia is great if you're actually australian and not just visiting we're an island nation full of criminals of course we're nigger hater bro

>> No.57602206

Australia sucks

>> No.57602780

We have paki niggers known as gypos

>> No.57602796

Today every supermarket within a 150km radius of me had no meat or refrigerated items because we had a power outage due to... Wind, no internet not aircon etc for the day. I've lived in the mw in the US, we had internet and power while there was a tornado 10miles north of where I was. Check Google, half of Vic didn't have power today due to some coal plant and some bullshit about power being sustainable. Australia was good, the cucked wealthy boomers will just make it the most expensive unliveable 3rd world country in a decade with all the jeets Somalis and ecodyke shit.

>> No.57602800

The"wind" was pathetic BTW. I'm posting this on roaming data because even 4g was down all day

>> No.57602830

BTW we're importing 600k pajeets a year and Vic had some of the longest cuckvid lock downs in the world. Turns out more Aussies are related to some purple haired dyke prison guards than crims

>> No.57602837
