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57600360 No.57600360 [Reply] [Original]

Money isn't enough to buy a decent gf anymore. Even if you make it, the golden standard is now:
Good looking
Big dick
No "icks"

If you fall short in any of these categories, it's landwhales and uggos for you.

>> No.57600403

You ever wonder how the poor dudes with 2929 baby mama's do it? They practice misogyny and are cocky.

That's all you need to do anon. Stop crying.

>> No.57600417

>7.5 inch length 6.5 inch girth
Is this enough?

>> No.57600557

if you're white probably

>> No.57600592

They are physically attractive in some way though which allows them to pull off the "bad boy" game with low quality women. Are you telling me if some asian or indian guy went up all cocky to women they'd get pussy wet? Stop coping.

>> No.57600621

>Are you telling me if some asian or indian guy went up all cocky to women they'd get pussy wet?
With accents, no way in hell. Without? Yeah probably.
>I'm not attractive in anyway!
>i couldn't possibly improve myself anywhere but my wallet!
Stop being a pussy anon. Go hit the gym and get cocky.

>> No.57600654

remember anon, the competition of western men is other western men; the competition of western women is the rest of the planet's women

fortune favors the bold

>> No.57600720

Yes actually… back in college in Arizona 20 years ago I’d hand out with dudes from this frat… all whites obv… and one jeet. He was like 5’6 and actually pretty good looking but he was always a total dick and had a total dick persona about him. Now don’t get me wrong he didn’t have them lining up for him but he was no doubt pulling probably what your avg frat guy pulled.

>> No.57600777

Jeez, these "incel" shills are making threads here too?

>> No.57601198

Then stay single and do single life stuff

>> No.57601285

who needs a gf
porn and whores are enough

>> No.57601316
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Alright let's do the math retard:

6'2: top 4%
Good looking: top 30%
Big dick: top 20%
Rich: top 1%
No icks: top 70%

Total: 4% * 30% * 20% * 1% * 70% = 0.0017% or 1 in 60,000

You don't need to be the best guy out of 60,000 guys to get a decent gf that isn't a landwhale

holy shit you incels are so fucking pants on head retarded, this is like the male incel equivalent of the female delusion calculator

>> No.57601317

ive never seen a single expat who i would want to trade lives with. theyre gross, broken people

>> No.57601319

why everyone on internet have huge penisess

>> No.57601359
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stretching exercises

>> No.57601456

then feel free to continue enjoying the entenvaginisierung of western dating culture

>> No.57601472

>it's landwhales and uggos for you.
Even they're too "good" for us nowadays

>> No.57601480

Penis size doesn't really matter because you need to check all the other boxes before you get a chance to show it off. She'll still suck you off but you won't be hearing from her the next day if you're lacking