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57598448 No.57598448 [Reply] [Original]


20:50 onwards if you can't be bothered with the rest.

>2024 real value transacted
>2025 verticals captured, ongoing transfer of value
>2026 acceleration

>> No.57598489
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>> No.57598496

>just two more years bro

>> No.57598500

We're so early :}

>> No.57598505

So I found a hidden gem. You're welcome

>> No.57598532
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so early its like wanting to make a pizza but you need to grow the wheat to make the dough and also raise the chickens for the eggs for said dough, and raise the cow from birth to eventually produce the milk needed for the cheese while at the same time growing the tomatoes for the sauce. it will pay off; we will get our pizza

>> No.57598563

Noone uses eggs in pizza dough you tard

>> No.57598582

havent seen it yet but do you disregard everything thats unviewed by others? why not look in that corner no one looked yet?

>> No.57598704

There is no eggs in pizza dough retard
>t. Italian

>> No.57598727

>2024 real lime put into a real coconut
>2025 Carefully more limes put into real coconuts
>2026 Lime in coconut catches on, more limes in coconuts

>> No.57598854
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very good find
chainlink working with 40 institutions
"real" transactions occurred last year, will see more this year
looking like perfect timing for bull run. when the retards realize that chainlink is xrp+++ then the price could be pushed very high in the general mania
but keep as many as you can for actual adoption in the late 2020s

>> No.57598886

>2 more years, marines!
lmao fucking baggies

>> No.57598920

also is delphi still around?

>> No.57598988
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yeah, pass

>> No.57599014

That’s literally 10 years of waiting

>> No.57599033

wow we get a house and don't have to work again, terrible deal

>> No.57599064
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wtf ok but its used in pasta i thought it would be used in dough. i hope you arent getting upset by an attempted analogy
brah look at the totality of the situation. i used an OG meme while saying that, therefore you should have interpreted my
as a legitimate compliment. Therefore, you might be a newfag. the good news is i dont care either way

>> No.57599083

Cheers cunt. Aside from the basic confirmation that wagmi, one interesting thing which was not bullish
>don't underestimate the amount of entropy in large corporations
So, some of this adoption hinges on the will and competency of a few very specific persons. If they are shuffled or stifled it could set things back bigly. See the recent fud thread re dtcc for how one midwit can hinder growth. (But ultimately not stop it)

>> No.57599085

I mean, yes? Eth fags made it in 1 year, 5 year max if you’re an absolute retard.

>> No.57599107

How much money do you have in Link?

>> No.57599147

right but we missed eth
stop acting like a child and be happy we got something as obvious as chainlin
also remember a lot of ethtards got fucked over after 2017 when it went to $80, they're also way down vs btc from then (-70%)
just risk right. if something works it can be very difficult to bring about change
anyway none of this really matters in short term, we just need some on-chain transactions and we're good
>We will heavily prioritize CCIP to meet the demand fueled by the massive trend of capital markets moving onchain and transitioning from proof of concept to production. This is fueled by tokenized real-world assets (RWAs), which are set to exponentially grow the value of onchain economies. And of course, we are working to enable every token, dApp, and external system to be able to seamlessly and securely move messages and assets cross-chain.

>> No.57599186

ETH went how it did due to tokens and shitcoin gold rush. Chainlink needs something similar to that to be anything other than a slow grind to higher value

>> No.57599256

Unless it makes number go up IDK at this point. I'm 25 and still stuck where i was at 18.

>> No.57599300

that sucks. im 74 and still financially where i was at 67. oy vey

>> No.57599306

You have no idea how young you are to hold an asset like this.

>> No.57599318

im 22 just have patience fren

>> No.57599327

Bro i'm getting old, young pussy is leaving the table. Opportunities, life is passing me by, i can't wait 10 more fucking years. How fucking hard is it to use the world's best computer scientist to release a fucking product? Are they retarded?

>> No.57599347
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please do not pretend you are the same person you were at 18. seems ingenuous. you have learned more that you realize

>> No.57599443


>> No.57599635

Life passing you by has nothing to do with Chainlink. If you feel old rn, and that it's all somehow slipping away I wonder if the sudden wealth will just destroy you. Anons have been telling you for years to get
>mentally ready
And it's clear you've ignored them. Good luck.

>> No.57599647

>I wonder if the sudden wealth will just destroy you.
Bro i just need a fucking place to live and to pay off my car.

>> No.57599685

Digits and you're ngmi

>> No.57599696

Fuck you cunt. I dont give a FUCK about the tech, only what makes me money.

>> No.57599771

where do you think chainlink has been poaching people and ideas from?

>> No.57599969

ngmi with that attitude.

>> No.57599983

Good thing you don't have any influence over shit.

>> No.57600056

shithead. it has everything to do with it win you have all your assets tied up in link. wtf are you talking about. you’re victim blaming when the fatass took money and has not delivered

>> No.57600064

didn't they just make fancy memes and watermark them?

>> No.57600137
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>> No.57600744

this, thank you fren
I'm a link bread crumb enjoyoor

>> No.57600774

Shut the fuck up

>> No.57601370

if what you care about is getting rich, go get rich. don't ride the coat tails of your betters, throwing a temper tantrum like a petulant child. you have contributed nothing and demanded everything. reevaluate yourself.

>> No.57601448


>> No.57601736

Cry about it faggot. Do you know how pathetic you sound? They're building the architecture of the future economic system and you own some but want it done yesterday, as if you've anything to contribute beyond bitching into your computer screen.

>> No.57601773

2 more years marines!

>> No.57601815

>They're building the architecture of the future economic system
They have to say that to excuse the six billion in funding they got by dumping on retail investors. That's more startup capital than just about project/company in history, and it took like four years to release staking 0.1

>> No.57601839
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Why is link pumping so hard?

>> No.57601845

Ok. Go work for them then. I'm sure they'll value your input.

>> No.57601877

wait so will we have to see SIGNIFICANT price movement in the upcoming bullrun
not the 1k per link but around $100-200 might really be possible

>> No.57602102

1k eoy

>> No.57602575

>around $100-200 might really be possible
checked but if link is only reaching between 2-4x of previous ath its really sad and I say this as a mid five figure link holder (tokens not $)

>> No.57602598

Man.. 200/link and I'm set for life. That's a mortgage-free house, business, a holiday and savings. What are you expecting it to go to?

>> No.57602639

It's not about me bro.

>> No.57602676

ok might be even higher by 2025
he talked about broad ridges DLT platform moving 70 billion daily only in blockchains based movements
we talk about trillions of dollars monthly

what a gem of a video my friend

>> No.57602697

If you can make 8-12 million you’re set for life with zero worries. Don’t get greedy faggot. I’m outta there at $5M. I’ll wait for the market too cool off then re-enter and try to hit 8 figs. Play the long game and never sell your entire stack.

>> No.57602793

>What are you expecting it to go to?
at least 10x from previous ath, wouldn't really say expect since it doesn't really pump like the l2s and meme coins do but I'd like it to change this time
>Don’t get greedy faggot
I know but its less about the money ( at least I tell myself this) and more about shitty fucking layer twos and dog coins outperforming link, I see no fucking reason why we shouldn't get a god candle

>> No.57603886

PSA to all the delusional cult holders…due to massive token inflation, Link’s ath from a market cap standpoint is mid $30s.

You’ll be lucky to see mid $30s this year, and imo somewhere around $50 is best case scenario in blow off top. Btc would need to be $120k+ to hit that.

See the chart for IOTA in ‘17 and ‘21 runs to see what your future looks like

>> No.57604064

Can’t believe the price isn’t going to move for another two whole fucking years

>> No.57604081

say it with me fuddie
>70 billion daily volume on backridge DLT alone in the next year

>> No.57604452

ok cool, yeah I get it. Muh:

>wait no, TVE
>mainnet...test version

here's the thing though...the chart

>> No.57604502

PSA to all the delusional nolinker cultists..

Pay me $1000 per link token and I'll sell, I might go as low as $500 if you to the needful and kowtow for 7h a day for 777 days

>> No.57604559

fuddies on suicide with their years old scripts

>> No.57605503

acceleration during the next bear kek

>> No.57605756

Wow, I'm so excited for TGCBs (tokenized green carbon bonds to the uninitiated) on the Polygon blockchain that will consume $3 worth of Chainlink to read data from a carbon sensor. I really take solace in knowing that THIS YEAR is the one where I'll finally make it.

>> No.57605986

Fiat will hyperinflate. I don't get why people decide to give up a supreme deflationary asset for Fiat.

>> No.57606308

I was 22 when I drew this. I am 27 now, damn.

>> No.57606325
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Success is always "just over the horizon" with these guys, isn't it?

>> No.57606337

Weird, right? Sometimes people post copy pastas I made from years and years ago and it's surreal. Where does time go?