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File: 309 KB, 1987x1675, 2023-state-individual-income-tax-rates-2023-state-income-taxes-by-state[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57595402 No.57595402 [Reply] [Original]

Gentle reminder that no one actually pays the top state tax rate and you dumb hillbillies are getting cucked out of roads, parks and gibs for no reason.

>> No.57595431
File: 719 KB, 997x847, net domestic migration by county.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The taxes are higher for top 50% earners no matter how you cut it. All of the taxes together. And then there are tons of hidden things that highly tax/regulatory states do. They restrict housing... which makes it odiously expensive. They make it difficult to start or run a small business, which reduces your options, and raises costs. Taxes in Cali aren't just double that of Florida, so is the cost of food and gas. It's tons of little things that add up from this general culture of letting the state do whatever they want.

People don't move because it's fun, or convenient. It's sheer necessity and reality.

>> No.57595434

>the hecking parks
>what you have nature thats better then parks you say?

>> No.57595446

Imagine being so fucking naive that you think income taxes actually go towards roads.

>> No.57595447


Not to mention

>Oh sorry... that park we built with your money is now a homeless person/jogger campground
>no you can't have cops or firemen either

>> No.57595486


Minnesota gives you a straight $2k gib per kid. Florida hasn't been cheap since 2017 and you get $200 a month on unemployment.

>> No.57595606


Predictable fox watching boomer response. Whites need to learn what niggers have known for decades. Getting ahead is all about gib maximization not bootstrap free market bullshit that hasn't worked in fifty years.

>> No.57595673
File: 153 KB, 640x640, glom horse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Minnesota gives you a straight $2k gib per kid.
No, it doesn't citizen. It steals $2k fewer from you per future slave you raise.

>> No.57595721

its easier to just take federal money LMAO

if your state isnt gibbsmaxxing, its over. NO REFUNDS when we go our separate ways, nothing personal

>> No.57596150

let's see the version of that infograph that includes the shitskin immigrant invasion. home prices should be low in the areas of net negative migration, but they're not even slightly

>> No.57596268


the high tax states are the whitest places in the USA

>> No.57596355
File: 64 KB, 800x566, global-tax-systems-citizen-200613-800x566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and don't think leaving the country absolves you of paying American taxes, the IRS will find you wherever you are :^)

>> No.57596408
File: 32 KB, 512x512, 1705034300029075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The federal reserve is a declining institution, we have inflation everywhere (according to official accounts and private accounts such as truflation, the data may vary), Americans trust democracy less and less and the oligarchs continue not to pay what the normal middle class pays in taxes

>> No.57596437
File: 267 KB, 1050x907, 20231226_170247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high taxes are a relic of boomer prosperity in a high trust (white) society. there was so much surplus floating around, people had no qualms about investing in making their state a better place. now taxes have become politician heroin. one little bump and every shitlib karen on some nothingburger community panel is trying to figure out how to pass another 8.6% fart tax that pays directly into their pockets. the entirety of the gibs programs is just laundering ill-gotten tax money in the name of helping the worthless and white guilt
t. oregun fag where taxes always go up and budgets can't be balanced

>> No.57596451


you aren't going to turn back the tide so figure out how to take advantage

>> No.57596503

wtf, i dont even care about the inflation anymore

>> No.57596535

I'm homeless. so idc.

>> No.57596569
File: 153 KB, 665x1135, lickmewhereishit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine striving to become a worthless nigger. touch grass

>> No.57596682


Majority of my income was in the top marginal rate in AR before I moved lol. The highest bracket was 6% back then too. It was 5.9% for all income above $8300 if you were "high income" and taxed using that table. I now live in a state with no income tax and it's an extra $5-6k per year in my pocket.

Also I don't need gibs because I work and have assets and savings. I couldn't give two fucks about parks, and roads are like 6% of state and local government spending on average. Same as the federal government, the majority of state spending goes toward welfare and other entitlements.

>> No.57596738

Im not even american

>> No.57596766

I'm not sure why we always blame boomers for the biggest shitting of the world when it was the late 1800s and early 1900s when things really starting going wrong
We should just go back to 150 years and remove the damn income tax
>but muh cost of goods
Might give more reason for production to shift BACK to our shithole countries

>> No.57596868

Guy I just moved to Oregon, and majority of the roads at potholed messes and theres garbage everywhere.

>> No.57596935
File: 11 KB, 196x199, dejected wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't have any issue with the IRS if they simply played by the same rules as
>literally every other government in the world, sans eritrea
And just taxed Americans that lived in the US.

It has been a complete and utter pain living abroad and
>paying US taxes
>reporting foreign bank accounts
>complying with dozens and dozens of forms that are required just to continue to pay the taxes I don't even benefit from
Literally insane. I live in a much higher-tax country than the US right now (Ireland) and I gladly pay the taxes I owe here - you can see the direct benefits of it in daily life - but christ it is such a headache.

If I end up living abroad long term I may just renounce out of convenience. It would literally be more convenient to give up the citizenship of my birth and pay HIGHER taxes abroad than it would be to continue being an American. Literally insane

>> No.57596950

i don't disagree, but if you look historically at the taxes that caused public uproar with torches and pitchforks, they're were minuscule in comparison to the taxes approved and/or tolerated by the general population 1950 forward.
i think local sales tax on retail sales of new manufactured goods and import tariffs are the only justifiable ones. keep the money in your community and tax imports to promote domestic manufacturing

>> No.57597003
File: 85 KB, 711x696, 20231012_110840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to be disgusted, look up the odot budget and number of high paying bullshit admin position. then those fuckers have the balls to say they're broke and they need to raise registration fees and toll the shit out of the goyim driving to work on i5 and i205. and then there's their fucking plan to replace half the intersections in the state with pork barrel traffic circles. they've gone full retard

>> No.57598984

>tfw moving to Kentucky from Alaska soon.

It's gonna suck losing 4.5% of my pay but but I'm getting promoted and adding 50% to my salary so it should be worth it.

>> No.57598998

>no one actually pays the top state tax rate
yes they do

>> No.57599035

in maine, the city of portland is short about 12 million dollars in city budget because of asylum seekers and refugees. the newspapers even acknowledge this. theyre considering raising property taxes by like 10% after already raising them a year or two ago. the schools are also something like 30% ESL right now. its a total disaster

>> No.57599174


>> No.57599218

My brother moved to Florida and pays way more for his HOA, home insurance, and kids school(public schools are Detroit level) than I do in Pennsylvania. He also needs to worry about hurricanes and people on drugs trying to attack him at gas stations. I get living there during the winter but year round is too much. Same with Texas Property taxes and HOAs. I don't even know anyone who has one up here besides for mountain houses that have community pool and lake stuff