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57595006 No.57595006 [Reply] [Original]

my cat needs a dental cleaning but the clinic wants nearly 600 when the same clinic was charging 200ish like 2 years ago.

can i just give the cat like 50-75mg of trazadone a couple times over a week period and scrape out the plaque while hes retarded drowsy off the traz? or is this "animal abuse"?

traz is relatively safe for cats and the little shit has had it countless times for trips and social occasions.

>> No.57595036

Imagine having a pet when you can’t afford it. I swear the infantilization of pets is when it all went downhill

>> No.57595037
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yes drug the gato, he likes it

>> No.57595043

the only one who will call that animal abuse is the clinic cuz they want your money

>> No.57595048

This isn't /an/, but try giving your cat greenies dental treats. Dental cleaning from a vet is their bread and butter money maker that they push when it's not entirely needed. $600 is aggregious.

>> No.57595063
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>it's another retarded poorfag who spends all his money on his useless pet for imaginary made up stuff like "cat teeth cleaning"
Dude you realize the vets just invent stuff to scam gullible tards out of their money, right? Just stop taking your pets to the vet, or better yet sell/give it away.

Your thread reminds me of a lady who worked for my father in law. She was planning to retire, but then her cat got cancer or something and she took out a $5,000 loan to pay for "cat cancer treatment", which of course didn't work and the furball died a few months later anyway. Several years later she is still working and can't afford to retire. Topkek!

>> No.57595069

dude. this increase their yearly cost by 40%. i have 5 of these fuckers and 2 suck ass at eating their dry food when its half their diet.

>> No.57595087

Stop hoarding animals stinky

>> No.57595090

Spelunking is retarded, I’m sorry

>> No.57595091

>No Saddam Hussein tag

>> No.57595102

im a foster failure with toxoplasmosis

>> No.57595105

You are asking the wrong board for this. But as long as you actually know what you are doing I don't see an issue. Cats love drugs. Veterinary services are as big of a Jew scam as dentistry.

>> No.57595208

Do you scoop everyday? 5 cats is crazy

>> No.57595285

4 large litter boxes every other day. id like 5 but space is tight rn.

>> No.57595873


Stop feeding dry food. Especially to cats. Thats how they develop problems with their kidneys that get way more expensive, other than the already expensive teeth cleaning that becomes necessary and worse the more you feed dry food. Dry food is the worst for pets, period.

To answer your original post, yes you can clean your cats teeth with a pick and a dose of trazadone, but its still going to be a bitch getting the back teeth, which im guessing are the ones that need the cleaning if your cats mouth really stinks.

Alcohol wipes to clean your pick.
Tissues to help collect the plaque that you’re picking off, as well as to wipe drool.
And keep your cats head in a position so they don’t choke on their spit while your cleaning.

At the end of the day though, and i cant stress this enough, stop feeding your cats dry food. If you want to have pets that get sick and need to get checked up by a vet then keep feeding them that crap.

As much as i hate agreeing with them, some of the other anons are right that if you cant afford taking care of a pet then you shouldn’t have them. If you cant afford good, clean, healthy food for ALL of your pets then you shouldn’t have them.

>> No.57595964

he can afford it, just trying to save money from the inflation jew

>> No.57595992

Imagine having a pet when you’re poor
Go back 2 Reddit fag
This place isn’t for spoiled babies

>> No.57596627

be careful taking advice from these edgy teens, they're retards who have never been loved and never will be. do what's best for your cat and get the cleaning done professionally, you'll fuck it up.

>> No.57597252

lmao do people seriously brush their pets' teeth? HAHAHAHAHAHHA
They're pets, not your kids.

>> No.57597694


>> No.57597773

Audibly kekked at OP pic
Didn't read the thread

>> No.57597781

sqft? average skin color on the building?

>> No.57597798

holy shit, when i was a kid my dad shot my cat in front of me because the vet bill was going to be $30
do millenials really spend thousands of dollars to fix up a fucking cat?

>> No.57597814

If $5,000 stopped her from retiring then she wasn't even remotely close to retirement anyway, potatobrained fren

>> No.57597838

also a lot of the zero effort toothbrush remedies work pretty well. I give my dog one that's basically some goop in a deodorant tube that she licks up and her teeth look incredible at 11 years old

>> No.57597885

how is that nigga gonna get out tho?

>> No.57597928

They free feed dry food and get like 2.6oz of canned food a day each. So like 3 cans across the 5 of them a day, i do that because i know that they need the extra hydration.

>> No.57597963

Normally it was like 200-300 for their checkups and a cleaning avg per year, plus about 300 for their flea tick meds since i work outside a ton, and another like 300-400 a year per year per cat in various food. I'm about the avg spending per pet which is like 70-800 a year. I love animals and I fostered these guys and consider it my charity to the world since us humans are ultimately responsible for them since we domesticated them.

I share the cost in a household of like 125k income.

>> No.57598068

I remember when I had a cat and I’d just fed him and he would be happy

>> No.57598107

I'll take Things that never happened for 200.
State the context or else you're just another fake internet story.
What happened to your father? died in a nursery home or you all sucked his dick like the gay submissive losers which you all rednecks are?

>> No.57598122

bro i had a cat my whole childhood and never once did he need his teeth brushed lmfao. this has to be satire

>> No.57598468

dental cleaning is plaque removal.

>> No.57598474

I literally pull ticks off myself after work sometimes.
I am not regularly combing through my cats fur to find ticks.

>> No.57598486
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dental cleaning is plaque removal and don't even get me started on those 4chin retards

>> No.57598702

how did wild cats clean their teeth before people paid jews $600 to do it?

>> No.57599021

modern dry catfood is made to create problems in the cats to increase medical spending for the animals

>> No.57599027

Just brush his teeth wtf op

>> No.57599417

they didnt, they just died before 7 on average, yknow, before issues could arise.

>> No.57599442


>> No.57599476

This. I can’t believe people take their animals to the doctor or dentist

>> No.57599561

Yall retarded. Its the same as romans vs modern humans
>eat meat
>teeth grind off bones
>get naturally flossed from meat fibers
>meat and carbless leaves dont feed decay causing bacteria, sugar and starchy carbs do

>modern diet
>goyslop, sugar, carbs that stick
>no meat no bones no leafy greens
>how did people not get cavities in the past????

Dogs and cats in the wild ripped tough meat off animals, not eat kibble which is basically pet goyslop cereal filled with starchy fillers.
Feed your pets a raw chicken wing or drumstick or some bones once in a while and it will self clean

>> No.57600250

>feed your cats raw meat

kek, hands down the worst post here

>> No.57600671

Caving is the most fucked up sport

>> No.57600731

I've had my three cats for fifteen years and only one has been to the vet once in that time because he was pissing everywhere (turns out he had urate crystals in his bladder because of his kiked diet). They try to give these indoor cats vaccines for shit raccoons spread. Lmao senpai when is he going to encounter a racoon? Bro get real

>> No.57600735

>she was about to retire
>spent 5k on beloved pet
So? I mean if you are about to retire, 5k is nothing
Unless she was supposed to retire on 5k alone?
I don’t get it
It’s not like she spent 50k on it
5k is like a month work MAX

>> No.57600764

Nope, they are still feral
>some ugga bugga fed some cats once
>they followed him
>5000 years later a faggot here going broke taking care of them because “we humans domateciated them”
lol you are the same fag as those who claim “white people had black slaves and so that’s my responsibility as a white person to pay reperations”

>> No.57600772
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I used to work at a veterinary hospital so i can chime in

Your biggest risk is killing or injuring the cat with the anesthesia . I don’t know how Traz will affect the cat , at our clinic the Doc used K , but not pure K , it was mixed with something else .

Dosing will be a very significant challenge because 1) cats don’t weigh very much and 2) the drug won’t kick in right away and 3) it could wear off in the middle of the procedure

I cannot overstate this . You run a very serious risk killing your cat with the anesthesia .

Blood is normal during dental work and many teeth will be in state of decay . The doctors are very rough to get off the plaque , be careful not to accidentally break the teeth !

Usually a blood test is performed before the dental procedure to see if they will bleed out too much or otherwise unfit to receive the procedure , but you will be flying blind .

You also don’t know how Traz affects the kidneys and liver as it gets metabolized in cats

All in all i think you are seriously underestimating how risky this is . At a minimum you need to read research papers on dosing cats vs their weight , the time the effects of the drug peak , and its half-life

The cat should NEVER be on its back during this , only on its side

Yeah you’re probably gonna kill the cat , go to the doctor

>> No.57600781

lol you are goyslop retarded
Cats supposed to eat raw meat
Not processed goyslop

>> No.57600807

It’s going to stop breathing if you cause it to overdose

>> No.57600827

>my cat needs a dental cleaning but the clinic
This is the gayest thing I'd ever read in my entire life. It's a cat, why does it need a fucking dentist?

>> No.57600836

>t. Vet Jew

>> No.57600841

He lives in India where that's a retirement stack

>> No.57601036

He didn't, and they exploded him with dynamite and filled it up with cement. His body is still there, true story

>> No.57601056

your dad was that poor? haha what a failure of a man

>> No.57601844

$5000 is at least 1 to 2 years worth of salary

>> No.57601861

What shithole do you live in?
If your saving in age of retirement is 5k every 2 years, use the rest of your cash to buy a grave.

>> No.57601893

>What shithole do you live in?
In the worst shit hole possible
>If your saving in age of retirement is 5k every 2 years, use the rest of your cash to buy a grave.
That's not savings, that's full salary that goes down the drain in food and renting. Saving is for the wealthy

>> No.57601897

5k salary is abysmal
I don’t believe this
What was her job? How much was her salary?

>> No.57601922

Obviously not USA. Job was full stack web developer for a government owned university, I almost got killed once while going to work, since then I've been trying to NEET as much as I can, but shit is hard when you're broke af

>> No.57601946

Damn man
My condolences
So I assume 5k for a cat was like 100k in USA ha?