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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57594483 No.57594483 [Reply] [Original]

why is the US dollar the world's reserve currency when the amerimutt economy is so shitty?

>> No.57594490

Is it? Name a better economy.

>> No.57594501

the EU and China

>> No.57594504

Because oil used to be traded only in dollars.

>> No.57594510
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>> No.57594512

This. As shitty and garbage as we know USA is from the inside, the other countries are unironically worse. I work for a company that is relocating to America because Asia and Europe is limited.

>> No.57594523
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>> No.57594532

EU never recovered from 2008 LMAO

>> No.57594545

Because everyone else's economy is even worse.
Look at Japan, its a zombie, or Europe where up to 50% of the young are unemployed.

>> No.57594548

because your shit country countries depends on the US military to protect you from other shit countries. you want to be under our wing you do what we tell you.

>> No.57594556

Because everything bad about the American economy is worse everywhere else. We really are on one planetary sinking ship right now.

>> No.57594567

because as shitty as it is, it's still better than the others

>> No.57594583
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TOON is mooning btw

>> No.57594625

This, amongst many other factors is what will keep fueling this supercycle. The perfect storm.
Basically, everyone here should be able to ‚make it‘ within the next 2 years.

Also, every post is wrong. The reason the usd is currently world reserve currency is simply its unrivaled military might. This is what really backed the usd shitcoin all these years.

>> No.57594653


And despite all of our croniness, corruption, it still somehow pales in comparison to China style deceit. You simply can't invest in China. At any moment your investment can be seized or crippled (like BABA). And Europe is a sissy museum for women where any and all attempts at economic growth are openly reviled. There is only the United States of America. Welcome to Fortress /BIZ/.

>> No.57594781

Fiat is, by definition, a Proof of Violence (PoV) currency. The government must enforce its use.
With the United States having the undisputed strongest military in the history of the world, it could enforce the use of their currency (USD) by other nations.
But that can change if another nation replaces the United States as the most powerful military force.

>> No.57595027

it has unrivaled (for now) military might because it had the largest economic output.

>> No.57595084

Prettiest of the ugly sisters.

>> No.57595114

WW2, Bretton Woods, OPEC, etc

>> No.57595244

Because nobody wants to challenge the US militarily for now. Eventually the value of the dollar will go down to zero but people tend to underestimate just how long that will take.

>> No.57597624


>> No.57597668

Does what besides lawfare on American companies
The outsourced factory for the USA to consoooom

Damn you non Americans have a pathological hate for us. You won't be free from us in your lifetime lmao.

>> No.57597687

looks pretty good over here, enjoy waiting 2 years for a medical referral to go through before you drive there in your citreon that gets split in half in a collision... or whatever lmao europoors

>> No.57597701

Anon he's not royalty.

>> No.57598250
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"Freedom of navigation" aka complete control over trade routes.

Unfortunately, having the world reserve currency gives you an automatic trade deficit and gives you a turbo-Jewish FIRE-economy

>> No.57598291

It won't be forever, we will have a basket of currencies and commodities as the reserve currency soon.

>> No.57598322
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>Does what besides lawfare on American companies

Factory of factories. Going in the dumps now because of energy policies combined with the Russia situation.

>> No.57598327

third RD?

>> No.57598328
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as long as the funny bills can keep my BIGMIKE bag alive, I'll be fine, someday I'll be able to go to macdonalds with the strongest man in america

>> No.57598347

Or... hear me out... maybe trade in a multipolar world order will gravitate towards a "trustless ledger"

>> No.57598392

WW2. Also, the us economy is the best of large economies in the world.