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57594136 No.57594136 [Reply] [Original]

It seems like one of those things that "people just do" and never really question it. But why would you pay a 3rd party for accident protection when you could just do it yourself? Open a different bank account for emergency funds, and deposit what you would be spending on insurance in it every month. And if you make it the entire year without having to use it, you withdraw a certain percentage as a kickback.

You don't have to worry about the insurance company fucking with your rates if you have to use it, if you have insurance you still have to pay deductibles, and by definition the insurance companies are making money off of you, otherwise they wouldn't be in business. Plus businesses that you're patronizing will try to squeeze you for extra money if they know they can get it from the insurance company. (can't tell you about how much my dentist is pestering me about routines x-rays for no fucking reason.)

So why not just do it yourself? Only problem I can think of is that you're banking on not being in any major accident until you can save up enough capital. Am I missing something? It's the most jewish business model barring lending.

>> No.57594302

The real big brain autists know that the right way to go about this is to have insurance all the way up till the point something happens to you for the first time. The odds that 1 major bad thing will happen to you in your life is very high but theres no way to know if it will happen at age 20 or 80, so any savings you have accumulated so far may not be enough to cover it.
If more than 1 major bad thing happens to you in life, odds are that you are the one putting yourself in situations that result in bad things happening. So you should just stay insured for life.

>> No.57594339

Yes it's a meme. You think the infinite browns that larp as no habla englis carry insurance? Top kek

>> No.57594366

The gov't requires me to buy car insurance. This is tyranny.

>> No.57594368

You know the joke about 2 statisticians on a plane? Says the first, man, I am always so scared about there being a bomb on the plane, you know, odds are low but it can happen to anyone… says the second, you know, have a very good solution to this: I always bring my own bomb. I mean, what are the odds of there being TWO bombs on a plane?!

>> No.57594441

It’s a scam for poors with boring lives. The real purpose of insurance is to prevent racketeering, the mafia can’t make money by shorting your stock and then destroying your businesses assets if you have a much larger company take the hit for it.

>> No.57594485

if you have to drive a lot 3rd party insurance makes sense so you don't end up liable for some boomer's overpriced assholemobile and the price is pretty negligible compared to other insurances which are usually scams

>> No.57594516

the fact that insurance is legally a requirement (and also a billion dollar industry) tells you everything you need to know

>> No.57594537

It's case by case. A lot of it is a scam. Employer subsidized health insurance though is a no brainer, greatly reduces your expenses especially for major procedures. You basically can't survive without some kind of coverage in the American system.

Car insurance, depends. If you drive a shitter just carry liability. Life insurance is a scam. Home insurance is obligatory if your house is financed, personally I like that peace of mind as a flattened house is a nightmare.

The way I look at it, only carry insurance for things that are legitimately catastrophic, and find the cheapest plan possible.

>> No.57594616

car insurance is required in 48 states
housing insurance is required if you're under a mortgage

but yes i completely agree with you. and then you have to deal with filing a claim and insurance only covering a part of the damages. complete scam. industry wouldn't exist if it wasn't massively profiting.

>> No.57594759

If you can't afford it you should get insurance. Can I afford dental shit? Yes, so I don't get insurance. Can I afford spending $3 million if I get cancer? No, so I get insurance.

>> No.57595558

>It's case by case
yeah I agree. It's circumstantial. But most people could probably get by without home insurance. Unless you live in a place where natural disasters are a large concern, like on the coast or tornado alley, other than that your only real risk would be fire. And there are so many safety measures in modern homes nowadays even that risk is questionable.

But if your employer offers insurance why not take it?

Health insurance is more nuanced. If you're young and reasonably health conscious chances of anything bad happening are low. You could afford yearly check-ups out of pocket. Once you're older and cancer/diseases/reoccurring treatment are much more likely then insurance makes more sense.

>> No.57595690

If I had put all the premiums I ever paid for scam fuck cat insurance into bitcoin I'd have enough money to spay and neuter every cat in America. And enough money that my cat would outlive me and have bionic legs and lasers to kill birds with midflight. Pet insurance is a scam. Also fuck flood control what is this 60 second shit.

>> No.57595727

Do you know who pays for the damages to your car if the other driver does not have insurance? You!

>> No.57595751

>Car insurance
Must have to drive legally
>Life insurance
Term life is very cheap
>Home insurance
You will never own a house

>> No.57595769

only get the legal bare minimum, insurance companies will never sell something that you can profit from

>> No.57595847

Some life insurance companies will sell term at a loss and try to get you to convert to whole life.

>> No.57596326

HDHP. By the time you are old and need health insurance you could easily have like $200k tax free

>> No.57596528
File: 142 KB, 1137x640, 1656269024393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be so so so much richer right now if it weren't for my car insurance skyrocketing over the past few years. My rates literally went up over 2x over the past 2 years alone:
> No accidents
> In my 30s
But yet, as mentioned in another reply, 48 states require car insurance, and I'm in one of the states with the absolute worst hikes (SC). Fucking hell this shit sucks so hard, why does the government mandate me to participate in one of the scammiest, scummiest ponzi schemes of all time? All because all of the you-know-who's who don't know how to drive? I'm supposed to pay into the pot for their recklessness? FUCK.

>> No.57596639

You voted for this. Is this not want you wanted?
>inb4 nooooo I don't want this!!!!!
If that were true, you would have done something about it by now.

>> No.57596657

I didn't vote for any of this dogshit. SC has antiquated laws that have caused it's economy to lag far behind it's neighbors GA & NC. Again, I'm getting severely punished for the actions of others.

>> No.57596704

Cope wyteboi. We gon take everything from you.