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57593892 No.57593892 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you trying to be successful?

>> No.57593903

To buy time, the most valuable thing

>> No.57594660

tfw i have both but im still poor

>> No.57595103

To hopefully never see a nigger again as long as I live

>> No.57595121

For me it's astronomical depression

>> No.57595137

Why would depression lead to success?

>> No.57595145

>astronomical sex drive or depression
>no elaboration, explanation or context
lol yeah thats what i thought bitch

>> No.57595154

Nigger ain't wrong. We're either trying to escape the crippling reality of existence by throwing ourself into endeavors or throwing ourself into endeavors in order to money and pussymaxxx.

>> No.57595172


See: >>57595154

A lot of people that allow themselves to be consumed in autistic things, crazy pursuits, are doing it to stave off the depression and dread that comes with sitting still. I'm in that boat. If I'm not moving, growing, building, I'm very down.

>> No.57595190


I've even surmised that depression is the white man's superpower as no other group is as affected by it. Why do we build these businesses, invent these things, climb these mountains, colonize these distant lands? Well... nothing is really scarier than being chained to one place with only your thoughts and mere subsistence.

>> No.57595197

What are you building?

>> No.57595203

So I don't have to work anymore and can live off my investments.

>> No.57595204

this and also to be wage free

>> No.57595219

It doesn’t. Maybe some kind of existential dread could push a person to seize the day but that’s not depression.

>> No.57595220
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i need money to build a time machine and return to rome,a time prior to the kali yuga and the. demiurges ambition to terraform the world into a material prison, withdrawn from asecncion and communion with the gods.

Forcing npcs into the simulation ,trampling the garden to where terra just devolves into a pig pen for bipedal pigs

>> No.57595236


Everything possible right now. Mainly my investment portfolio. I was in real estate buying rentals, sold those after the market got too hot. Now I'm looking into buying a small business from one of these retiring boomers. I got /fit/ long ago and maintain that. Also constantly working on my skills as an engineer and golfer. Anything possible to stay occupied. My wife doesn't really get it.

>> No.57595266


People cope in different ways anon. I don't have single friend in this alleged state of bliss or harmony that is supposed to be possible. When the people who make it a personality trait speak it's like "yes, I feel that too, which is why taking a pill and lying in bed sounds like agony." Literally just kys at that point. I would rather pop an adderall and do something. Lethargy is not depression.

>> No.57595296

once u hit rock bottom only way to go is up

>> No.57595311

Make time for your wife sometimes fren. My gf (thank god) left me because I did not show her enough love

>> No.57595326

It doesn't.
Those are people who just feel "a bit down in the dumps" not depressed.
Actual depression cripples you mentally, it's not a mentality to thrive either through drive or desperation.

>> No.57595602

Lethargy is literally one of the main symptoms of depression. You’re using the word wrong

>> No.57595652

So I can live with high IQ people that don't spike my cortisol levels.

>> No.57595686

This sentiment is by design to keep you waging.

>> No.57595732
File: 1.02 MB, 620x917, Screen Shot 2024-02-10 at 9.49.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

money is irrelevanrt, kali yiga precedes mass extinction, the elites are npcs used to facilitate the process, the germnaic dark age is the age of the parasite, decomposition process, compost creation, feasting off remnants of the past, before the return of the golden age, a fractal of the natural life cycle.

In other words, its over

>> No.57595733
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>> No.57595756

Fpbp. I don't care about pussy nor do I care about proving something. I just want to spend more time with my family.

>> No.57595791
File: 1.87 MB, 1327x839, Screen Shot 2024-02-06 at 12.51.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the matrix is an allegory to this where agent smith is a germane pedigree with artificial consicousness, a lineage desadanded from germanic barbarians, golems crafted for the destruction of the garden and replacing it with an artificial construct

the heroes in the matrix are all ethnic, Zion..etyhnic, the one red pilled white guy betrayed everyone which will always be the case, since they arent cut from the same clothe

>> No.57595797

Someone on biz one said the key to success is gas lighting yourself to live w life of constant improvement and motivation decay and I really feel likes necessary at a certain point.

>> No.57595806

So I can buy guns and flight simulator peripherals whenever I want

>> No.57595864
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I'd like to drive her sex ass if you know what I mean

>> No.57595901

You post something like this which is based but then have other posts about Le Hindi Doom which lowers your based average

>> No.57596158

>Lethargy is not depression.
reddit tsoyboys will never understand this

>> No.57596218

>white fragility on display
Brotha I promise nothing bad will happen to you if you sit in one place for 20 minuites. Sit yo ass down and take your meds.

>> No.57596266

so I can have a harem of 18 year olds

>> No.57596284

I don't but I'd like to find out

>> No.57596295

come to finland :D

>> No.57596384
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the sun, an eternal symbol for unifying with the universal pleroma. Sol invictus. Natural predator of the parasite, hides it face in shame lest it wilt, a constant reminder of the supremacy of natural order, dance worm for Rome will rise again


>> No.57596455

> am successful
> have sex drive, but never have sex
> do not have depression
I’m like the opposite of what he says

>> No.57596545

>Why are you trying to be successful?

>> No.57596563

Cringe old fuck lol

>> No.57597044

its not really the depression itself but the trauma that created the depression that is the motivator to never be in that place ever again
and achieving said aim first by throwing oneself into a pursuit (work, business etc), if you dont have this conditions you wouldnt understand the need to constantly distract your mind in a prolonged productive state as the alternative is unbearable
and then using the proceeds from said pursuit to isolate yourself from the conditions that created the trauma in the first place
this is a motivating depression, you also have demotivating depressions that lead to max lethargy due to another set of trauma inducing events
of course le edgy twatter fuck knows jack and shit and just repeats some truism he heard somewhere without elaborating and think this makes him appear bigbrained

>> No.57597770

Kys shitskin

>> No.57598570
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>> No.57599071
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When you feel enough depression, you feel suicidal.
When you feel suicidal, nothing matters anymore, so with only a little self-push you can go wild talking to big shot people, doing things and trying and achieving. Rather than waiting for the perfect plan, or waiting for the perfect time.
The problem is you aren't depressed ENOUGH. Get on my level, Pussy.

>> No.57599098

come to argentina, I've literally seen like 10 black people in my 40 years on this country. A lot of brown people though