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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57592811 No.57592811 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57592839

dogshit, centralized jeet infested chain. No solid projects apart from the same memes over and over again that rug in a few hours

>> No.57592859

Because it's just a centralised version of eth for brown people, like bsc

>> No.57592904

because /biz/ is dumb and hates making money for the most part

>> No.57593108

They lie about transaction volume

>> No.57593126

But it performed really well? Maybe those jeets know how to market it

>> No.57593275


Volume is a very fakeable metric on a chain with low fees. You can just send [Edit: or swap] assets backwards and forwards.

In fact just by picking random transactions in random blocks you'll find loads of examples of transaction that don't seem 'organic'...

As an example I pulled up a couple of weeks ago, this account made hundreds of simple send SOL transactions 18 days ago, but all of them are sending 0 SOL: https://solscan.io/account/7RYFGr4NAWfocY8DLA9zqSH6UjoCtUVh31tczqHK6y9Y#solTransfers

They aren't interacting with a smart contract or sending tokens or whatever, just paying a transaction fee to send 0 SOL to another account: e.g. https://solscan.io/tx/3Rhjk7RkvmX6dFYpvMg1kNSKtE2cSL6BDVm78fAYtXLv19CtTEGh22S9F9VXmTxUp7Ddf6FQJmqJcsNQY46axszH

But this is nothing new, we have known that bots are responsible for the huge majority of Solana transactions for years: https://twitter.com/Davyegld/status/1653070957014052865

And the idea that they would intentionally fake volume to make their metrics look more impressive fits perfectly well with the time that they faked their DeFi TVL and developer numbers: https://www.coindesk.com/layer2/2022/08/04/master-of-anons-how-a-crypto-developer-faked-a-defi-ecosystem/

Talking of those stats. Today there are more devs working in Arbitrum than in Solana: https://www.developerreport.com/

And just Arbitrum's DeFi ecosystem has about 2x the TVL of Solana, and about 4x the number of dApps deployed on it: https://defillama.com/chains

Also, you can verify data on Arbitrum yourself as it's possible to run a node at home on cheap hardware, giving direct access to onchain data: https://ethereum-on-arm-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user-guide/running-l2-clients.html#id2

With Solana, if you don't have a 1GB/s connection and a computer with 256GB of RAM then you just have to trust... and they would never lie... right: https://medium.com/cyber-capital/a-solana-critique-lies-fraud-dangerous-trade-offs-76885dbe1ea0

>> No.57593308


What im trying to point out is that volume metrics on a blockchain with low fees, such as Solana, can be easily manipulated by sending assets back and forth without any actual value transfer. I've provide examples of suspicious transactions on Solana, bots are responsible for the majority of transactions on the platform. There have also been previous instances of Solana faking metrics, and there are differences in developer activity and DeFi ecosystem between Solana and Ethereum/l2's.

Finally, i recommend running a node on Ethereum to verify data directly, unlike Solana where users may have to trust the accuracy of the data due to technical limitations and the 1GB/s bandwidth requirement.

>> No.57593323

>maybe this time people will stop mocking us if we halt our 'decentralized' chain again

>> No.57593324

We still might see some juicy price action though despite it being a shitty centralized chain full of vc's...Crypto is all about hype and narrative these days instead of fundamentals and active development.

>> No.57593332

It's that jew SBF's pet project, FTX took customer funds that were supposed to go towards btc and the jew pumped solana instead.

>> No.57593363


To be honest we all know that already, people will still buy of the narrative is right and if there is sufficient hype

>> No.57593364

It’s a zoomer crypto bro vc scamchain ghostchain

>> No.57593521

always do the opposite of what /biz/ says

>> No.57593866

It's just ETH maxis trying to gaslight us that ridiculous gas fees and endless confirmation times are a good thing and we should buy their unpumpable bags. Yeah, yeah, L2s, I know – there's hundreds of them – maybe I'd use one if all the hot new tokens didn't still launch on L1. It's hilarious though that all their Solana outage FUD backfired so massively, and the only effect it had was to price in all future outages forever. Literally no one cares anymore. Solana was down for 5 hours in the middle of the night last week and guess what? All our tokens were still there when it came back online and we could still enjoy instant finality and fractions of a fraction of a penny gas fees.

>> No.57593931

It is even worse than avax. It embodies everything wrong in crypto.

>> No.57594044
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>> No.57594055

>Toly: I want to build a giant permissionless uncensorable global state machine that synchronizes as fast as the laws of physics allow, so that institutions can no longer front run the little guy
>/biz: Solana embodies everything wrong in crypto

>> No.57594058
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pic very related

>> No.57594121

Metheads seethe as they pay 100$ for a swap and avax faggots think they deserve a run solana had

>> No.57594153

ALL distributed database tech is, from a tech point of view inferior to an abacus. Solana combines the worst of all worlds. It is THE prime example of why blockchain tech isn't supposed to be used as it is used now

>> No.57595820

Make fun of it all you want clowns. All I know is I’m making a fuckton of money.

>> No.57595858

>But it performed really well?
That's because it has some (((big names))) behind it investing and promoting it
As an investment it was good because it went up but the project itself is an absolute scam

>> No.57596153

because this coin is fucking a meme. I better go for an airdrop like manta or lrds rather than this shit coin.

>> No.57596438

thanks for elaboration, someone save and disseminate this

>> No.57597351
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A tech startup just saved themselves $600,000 dollars in credit card processing fees by offering Solana Pay as an alternative. How long do you think other companies are going to continue willingly burning hundreds of thousands of dollars when a working zero fee alternative exists?

>> No.57597392

ETHcucks can't cope with us only having to pay 0.0001% of their transaction fees.

>> No.57597550

dont they have over 3,000 nodes now?
i forgot which project that only had 21 validator nodes, i think vechain
also solana isnt even PoW or PoS so how is it centralized?
youre just seething because you missed out on PYTH and JUP

>> No.57597579
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lol bro is this a joke like is this some kind of 4chan prank who the hell would want to use solana pay when you can just use visa or mastercard or even bitcoin or something the only reason anyone would want to use solana pay is if they were a complete idiot or just had no other options

>> No.57597595


>> No.57597603

cheaper and faster
also you didnt refute the centralization part

>> No.57597610

It was already a scam to begin with but it's being tainted by degen rugs and brown worlder hands like what happened to BNB in 2021. If your L1 is a haven for lower than non existent tx fees you're going to get the kind of clientele you advertise for, which we all know is jeets, poors, and gamblers that give anything they touch a shit reputation before moving on to the next poo chain to infest.

>> No.57597856

Kikeman-Fried said similar shit, Rajesh Gupta

>> No.57597874

Why would a normie transact in Solana pay?
Fucking rugpull central desu

>> No.57597877
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this 4chan thread is so much bullshit if you want to use solana pay instead of visa or mastercard it's because you have money you don't mind wasting on fees for no reason who in their right mind thinks solana is decentralized if a central figure can halt transactions at any moment i can guarantee it's centralized 4channers are so dumb they don't know anything about how anything works if you use solana pay you are just a complete dumbass

>> No.57598634

holy nigger run on sentence

>> No.57598641

New nose mutilation?

>> No.57598955

Ok what about avalanche

>> No.57600505

stay poor am farming jupiter air drops rn.

>> No.57600658
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Its easy to make fun of SOL with between the FTX connections and the regular breaking down.

That being said, I'm on team $$$OL.

>> No.57600937

Do any of you niggers own the Solana phone? I thought it was a brilliant move to give shit coins to people that bought the phone.

>> No.57600969

still bagging more with inj, vra and btcdragon. no fun just getting rich with them all.

>> No.57601636

I put a reservation down on the first gen but their servers where throwing a 500 when it came time to claim kek, got scammed for $100

>> No.57601675

good post

>> No.57601753

what are some good buys on arbitrum that will 100x like pendle did

>> No.57601788

Yep, the shitcoin airdrops more than paid for the phone itself and they're still rolling in. I love this scam chain. First they scammed me with 5 figures of profit on my 3 figure investment. Now they're scamming with a free phone and daily airdrops. Why didn't I listen to /biz?

>> No.57602334

People dislike Solana mostly because of the amount of scammy stuff around it. It gained fame and adoption through lies--they literally just looked at the figures other blockchains were saying they could do and made up higher figures.
The most annoying for me, though, is the way they lie about tps. They know full well how everyone in the ecosystem measures and understands tps, but they just decide to measure it in a way that 10x their actual tps. And they hid it--suspicious crypto nerds had to investigate to uncover the deception.
Solana maxis will argue it's no big deal, but actual tps (not theoretical max) is a standard way in which people measure the adoption, use and revenue generated by a chain. It's like when a company reports the number of users of its service or the number of units they have sold. If Netflix just arbitrarily reported 10x the number of subscribers they actually had, they would get fucked over for fraud. But this is what Solana does. And they only get away with it because crypto isn't regulated. If it were, Solana would have been charged with fraud by the SEC a long time ago. And that's only one part of the Web of deception that is Solana. It really is a scam chain.

>> No.57602348

Ask the Crocodile of Wall St. That bitch still isn't in jail, but her simp coder bf is. Bet her and her scamfucks are still running SOL. Pain is always right around the corner with SOL. Make sure you preorder their new smartphone so they can hack your entire life with it lol

>> No.57602460

Cause purists don't take PoS serious.

>> No.57602537

>ackchyually, if you take away vote transactions, Solana is only doing 1000 real transactions per second
Anon discovers marketing

>> No.57603222

No, anon discovers fraud.
Are you retarded?

>> No.57603238

because it crashes at least twice a year

>> No.57603251

Why don't you just get it over with and call me a chud? Then you can take your estrogen and fuck off back to r/mtf.

>> No.57603324

>made by actual convicted scammer
>unlimited supply and minting like crazy
>shuts down regularly
>VC's own most of the supply and are up 100000000%
>No actual use cases except for degen gambling on worthless memes and NFT's
>"decentralized" "blockchain" that sometimes just needs to be "rebooted" to work again

If you even need to ask you are beyond hopeless

>> No.57604146

QAN blockchain will flip it one day

>> No.57604464
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its just vc scam pump.
see BNB
this will go -90%
maybe not this week or even this year, but it will eventually.

All eth killers go to zero, no exceptions.

>> No.57604467
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>> No.57604487

It’s exactly like polygon.Larp as an L2 until you have enough money to actually become an L2 and also do ZK shit. SOL also used blocktimes to confuse people. People praise them for how much work they did, but the shit wasn’t ready to even be released(look at all that downtime). Consensus messages in TPS, failed TXs, Like polygon they faked it until they made it. Don’t get me started on Tolys awkward laugh every time he opens his mouth.

>> No.57604491

There isn't a single more jewish coin than solana. If you buy this coin you are supporting smelly, wirey haired, big nose, tiny hat wearing, 9/11 dancing, USS Liberty attacking, human trafficking, organ harvesting jews

>> No.57605313

This is the only chain on which I"ve ever made any money. I bought WIF for a penny here. Every coin I ever bought on the recommendation of this site was dogshit. every coin i ever bought on ethereum was dogshit.

So of course you guys shit on Solana