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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 817x414, stx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57591629 No.57591629 [Reply] [Original]

STX is the game-changer. the bridge between the OG king (ticker: BTC) and the DeFi revolution. Think of it like supercharging a Ferrari with rocket fuel. Here's why you should pay attention...

>Nakamoto Upgrade
The Bitcoin Boogaloo. This is no ordinary update, faggot. It's like giving Bitcoin superpowers. Faster transactions, ironclad security (thanks to Bitcoin itself) and the holy grail - sBTC. Imagine using your Bitcoin for DeFi magic while keeping it safe as Fort Knox.
>Clarity Smart Contracts
Forget Solidity. Clarity is the new sheriff in town, making smart contracts readable and auditable. This is like having cheat codes for building DeFi dApps on Bitcoin.
>Hiro Platform
The on-ramp for normies. Hiro makes building and deploying dApps on Stacks a breeze. Expect an explosion of DeFi goodness once the ass-backwards masses arrive.

>> No.57591655
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Ready for another day of hard stagging?

>> No.57591665
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>> No.57591788
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Guess we're leaving this station without /biz/...... again ...

>> No.57593492
File: 19 KB, 700x282, Screenshot 2024-02-13 at 17.31.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STX will be 10$ eoy but 15-17 is very likely too

/biz/ was so busy looking for the next 1000x that it missed the easiest buy and hold +20x ride

>> No.57594125

Based STX poster. STX is still easily my most comfy hold. We are still early as it's barely shilled anywhere

>> No.57596676

What's good king. too true. Sounds lke we're talking about a meme coin here but it's actually a top 40 kek

>> No.57597028
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Finally bought some after watching it way too long and failing to fill limit orders

feels good tho

>> No.57597046

This is just so unique
>One of the biggest gainers overall
>Nobody ever talks about it
>STX +10%: Silence
Consistently it has performed greatly and is a major coin in the top 100.

It just went from rank 36 to 33... quietly

When I started shilling it it was like top 50 or 60

Anons here have been on this since before that

>> No.57597076

I'm stoked to see where this goes. the potential is amazing. Hope they deliver.
From old thread:

>Good posts from whale anon:

>> No.57597233
File: 46 KB, 1792x299, StxYO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are gunning for these mega-hyped trash projects next and nobody is talking about Stacks. Kek

e.g. Kaspa only exists to transfer retail wealth to miners who are priced out of BTC

>> No.57598859

OP, are there other btc L2 projects that you like? or ones I should avoid?

>> No.57599048

I don't really know about anything. I'm like a crypto boomer. Ordinals and all that shit is beyond me. I've heard about Rootstock but Stacks seems to be the biggest and most established.

>> No.57599095

Can you stake it?

>> No.57599097

Right now STX is a leveraged position on BTC without liquidation risk. When the nakamoto upgrade comes is probably a sell the news event as much as I hate that term. It seems to be mostly hype now

>> No.57599105

Yeah you can get rewards in BTC apparently


>> No.57599113

regardless if it works and people pick it up this can be huge

>> No.57599173
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Let's jeet it up with some 0-value DALL-E "art"

>> No.57599189
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>> No.57599213
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>> No.57599335
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These stacks are getting heavy

>> No.57599448
File: 933 KB, 1400x676, 63d3f414697c542efdda61c9_stacksexplained_visual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who was trying to shill this at peak dead biz when it was .21, this is great to see. STX WILL absolutely give birth to the primary narrative/ecosystem of the upcoming bullrun - BTC defi. If you think 50x is off the table think again. I'd look at the early BNB chart compared to peak 2020 degeneracy if you want an idea of the gains you'll see here anon. Godspeed out there. STX is the chosen one. Screenshot this.

>> No.57599506

I was too depressed to investigate anything during that time. Good foresight

>> No.57599544

Yeah I could see there being a sell-off on launch of nakamoto, but don't forget we still have ETF flows and the halving going into BTC. When the BTC price rises PoX ensures that there is new capital flowing into the ecosystem even if there is a sell off happening. BTC will carry us to Valhalla.

>> No.57599546

saving this for stagflation thread

>> No.57599549

I cope by thinking I wouldn't have known what the big movers would be anyway
That said I instantly bought it when I read what it was

>> No.57599586
File: 11 KB, 237x212, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's totally fine. Almost nobody catches pico bottoms. As long as you know what you hold and why, you're good. And you hold STX, so you're gonna make it.

>> No.57599599

Yeah that seems likely.
I guess we all just have to hope they can deliver a good product that can compete in its own way with other defi solutions. I've watched and read a bunch about STX but I'm too smoothbrained to really understand it.

>> No.57599707

post ATH there will be so many cryptos to choose from that "use case" actually may become more important. assuming "adoption" is increasing (objectively it is I think but this will be the narrative again anyway)

Obviously it's same shit over again. Promises of tech, promises of usecases. Shiny baubles. But I can see it going somewhere. STX is promising defi and tokenization on the biggest asset in the space, which doesn't really have either yet
Last cycle I was quite late and just bought some winning horses. It can work out well (I made +80%) but you don't have time to DCA obviously. This time I did it late january so my lump sum investment can hopefully run a little more.

>> No.57599759
File: 626 KB, 1024x1024, JEETMODE-LUSTFOR-STACKS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't take my word for it I held MATIC during the fucking bear market. On the bright side I redeemed it all for STX. There are anons with 500k stacks. They tried to shill it to you and to me but we didn't listen. It's not too late to rally behind something with actual value (compared to all the other bullshit out there) Verification NOT required

>> No.57599812
File: 718 KB, 1024x1024, STXrulesTheWorld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no second best
Until STX

>> No.57599823
File: 94 KB, 976x575, citrea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.57599828

>DeFi revolution
>Ferrari with rocket fuel

Go back to Beoble, dirty poojet

>> No.57599844

*botanix also blocks your path*

>> No.57599856
File: 36 KB, 981x133, Citrea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roach devs
Ignoring this fatal flaw how would one profit from Citrea?

>> No.57599866

yeah it's AI slop

>> No.57599876

Instead of blocking my path shill it a little and tell us how to profit

>> No.57599884

I'm out of prompts. Here's what I used
>a wild STAG who is standing and holding a lavender colored opaque glass orb with 2 hands. The alpha of stags. A huge bulging stag. He is roaring and drooling from euphoric rage and lust. Violent greed. Pictured in a full moon with piles of money. Money explosions. Realistic nature photography.

>> No.57599902
File: 90 KB, 1350x754, StagsRising.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

money explosions

>> No.57602059
File: 76 KB, 1355x723, stagplosion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

READY for another explosion STAGS/

>> No.57602361

This is the FUCKING ONE my Gs!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YEAH!

>> No.57602368
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>> No.57602604
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>> No.57603537
File: 92 KB, 1350x795, bizsleeping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh /biz/?
still sleeping on stacks?

>> No.57603770

Holy shit, just woke up to more stacks mooning. People still sleeping on it of course.

>> No.57603836
File: 116 KB, 1268x905, stxsilence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GM sir. Indeed ... We are being printed upon and the hype hasn't even arrived.

On youtube you find barely anything recent. Literally nobody influential has picked it up kek. Extremely bullish

>> No.57603840
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compared with Solana>>57603836

>> No.57604204
File: 80 KB, 1733x498, stx29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Later fools. Eat dust
STX to rank #29

>> No.57604375

i got hacked few years ago and lost all my money,then i found stacks
i whent in with a grab in stx,i got my self like 5k stx,but the best part is when i stake it i got free btc

>> No.57604686


>> No.57604721

if STX delivers my future portfolio until I die will be 70-80% BTC 20-30% STX

>> No.57604809
File: 69 KB, 1343x753, staggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup stags. Report in

>> No.57604844
File: 795 KB, 1024x1024, StacksSTAG3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57605301
File: 13 KB, 284x200, thebizindicator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always do the opposite of what /biz says

>> No.57605412
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>> No.57605429

Hope you TeePee'd Kind Sir UwU down about -20% now?

>> No.57605458
File: 81 KB, 1364x752, stxshort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Place your bets Stags

>> No.57605471
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quick and painless

>> No.57605707
File: 15 KB, 239x225, Screenshot 2024-02-14 165348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

closed at +15% and reopened another one

>> No.57605759

>closed at +15%
I guess you're too cool to admit a loss. We both know +15% would have been impossible after you made that post

>> No.57605795

Anyway as we all know you're too beta to post your order size.it's ok

>> No.57605843

fuck it I'm in

>> No.57607694

It has been one of the best performers of the day and week! Let's go stags!

>> No.57607702

Whether short or long...may STX be good to us all

>> No.57609054

I just bought a bag so prepare for the dump