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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57587019 No.57587019 [Reply] [Original]

I posted an AVI thread on this day, was called a jeet because it’s low cap, and used this as proof.

You had 2 months, well beyond that actually.

>> No.57587611

Anons were making avi threads earlier than that. I loaded my bag at $400k mc

>> No.57587851

Thank you for being a bro

>> No.57587861

I have 1 mill Avi. I had over 10 a few months back but had to sell to pay rent and bills. Go on without me bros

>> No.57587889

Bro you’ll be fine you can make a down payment on a home or buy a nice car outright with that stack

>> No.57587890

Same but I got in two days ago and my $600 for 1.3m is now like 900. I have lots more money to gamble with so I'll buy more if it dips

>> No.57587912

Pump today was a lot from 4chan and a few outside buyers.

Pump a few days ago to 0005 was from insiders, I wouldn’t wait past 0005

>> No.57588233
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Ignoring the regular swing traders look at some of the jeetery on dextools right now. Held for three hours and selling for exactly what they bought or a tiny more or less. Minus Vitalik's tip of course kek. Thanks for playing retards, save some cash for the rope. Remember, all you had to do was hold.

>> No.57588370

Pepperidge farm remembers. Pepperidge farm also bought a nice sui bag. Comfy as fuck senpai thank you. And they say old /biz/ is dead.

>> No.57588473

4chan has paper hands. Not constantly pumping will shake out the jeets, look at the genius who just sold for a loss after holding a whole 2 minutes to chase a memecoin green candle. We'll bleed out some morons until there's an update on the audit.

>> No.57589117

I'm so glad I found this early. Thanks to the anon that shilled this to me around November

>> No.57589673

I expect 10m next week and then when audit comes through we’ll fly past 20, what about you bros

>> No.57589755

I think we'll hover around 5-6m for the rest of february, doing a hard shake-out of the jeets and then it'll be a "random" gigapump again with the bridge. But may be wrong! Team often has surprises for us!

>> No.57589867

>wut. U have to sell AVI to pay everyday stuff?
How fucked up is your life.