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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 161 KB, 1200x800, julian-marchese-dorm-room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
575867 No.575867 [Reply] [Original]


Why aren't you running a Hedge Fund from you're basement yet /biz/?

>> No.575871

Because no one would want to invest in a hedge fund where I was the general partner.

>> No.575876

he sounds like a fag (im just jealous) but seriously best of luck to him, 20% on 30k isnt paying his NYU bill anytime soon

>> No.575897

/biz/ related clickbait. Nothing to see here.

>> No.575902


BI loves them some clickbait, and nothing attracts more finance industry hateclicks than "X kid is setting up a hedge fund!1!!!!111! Isn't he just like Ken Griffin?!@?!?@??/?!".

They never actually do any follow-ups a year or three later, when the fund blew up and the kid's now working in compliance at RBS. I guess it's a corollary to "If a million monkeys on a million typewriters write for a million years, eventual one will get a glowing profile for writing Act I Scene I or Romeo and Juliet."

>> No.575944

>single 1080p screen

good luck keeping up with the markets realtime, faggot

>> No.575960

no one with an acer knows anything about wise use of money

>> No.575978
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>dat receding hairline

>> No.575987
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Just not jewish enough.

>> No.575988


>> No.576005

>earned 12k if he has a hedge fund
>earned it from his parents
>parents who are paying for his education

>> No.576035

I think I will. This has been the only interesting post on here in months. Read about the whole cornhole capital thing, but never really considered doing something like it. Why not though... if there is a reason I shall find it out in the next few months.

>> No.576054

I'm not impressed... what kind of faggot wakes up at 11 if he's trying to run a hedge fund? should be glued to the market at all times.

>> No.576078

I agree with this also, thats the first thing that stuck out to me when reading his. Ok he's come up with some technical algo that works right now but when it stops making money in 2 years is he going to flop over and stop making money? Who the fuck would give money to someone who is asleep with open positions?

>> No.576110

>Marchese, a native of Toronto, has developed a quantitative, long-short equity strategy that runs on an automated basis on a computer program

So, he is not even trading himself, just using some retarded EA shit program. lol

>In his first serious year trading, he made a 20% return on $30,000 of his parents' money in stocks

This doesn't mean shit. I managed to have something like 30 000% return in 6 months some years ago, then crashed and lost everything. (manual trading, not EA) It was all with a no-deposit bonus so i didnt really lose anything (they gave 25€, turned it to around 7000€, withdrew 2000 lost the rest)

>> No.577253
File: 17 KB, 350x350, 2013.6.24-Sell-350x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ I need some business ideas to bounce around in my head. I don't need detailed ideas, although it may be helpful, I just want something I can ponder on to create a business.

I want to create a product to sell. Nothing digital. For some reason I can't wrap my mind around programming.

>> No.577579

This faggot will end up like LTCM

>> No.577580


So he will accumulate hundreds of billions of dollars worth of positions, entirely funded by leverage, earn 40% returns for years on end, make hundreds of millions for himself, and then spectacularly blow up and nuke the rest of Wall Street as he goes?

Shut the fuck up, you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.577601

If his returns are so damn good why doesn't he go in debt and let his algorithm make him rich.

>> No.577613


for the past few years, a simple "buy the dip" algorithm would have beat the market

>> No.577623
File: 149 KB, 396x385, YD2F8aI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mommy and daddy put out 10k for son to play with
>self made

>> No.577637

>Automated strategy
>uses stochastic filter
>not using glorious moving averages

lel i already know where this is going

>> No.578059

Stop trying defend him you white knight faggot.

>> No.578061

I skimmed the article so forgive my ignorance if Im wrong.
He has no clients ?
How to hedge fund without clients ?

>> No.578069

If that teenager is a finance prodigy, why is he living in his dorm room and not fucking bitches and doing coke?

>> No.578363

>Why aren't you running a Hedge Fund from you're basement yet /biz/?
Read "An American Hedge Fund" from Tim Sykes you moron.

>> No.578402

/biz/ plz

>> No.578414


What? I'm not defending him, I'm pointing out that comparing some teen in his dorm room to LTCM is vastly overestimating his abilities. LTCM was comprised of some of the most famous and successful ex-Salomon bond guys. It's like saying some newly-elected school board member in Arizona is "the next Winston Churchill". The comparison is so wrong it's laughable.

You can't just use "LTCM" as a shorthand for "failed hedge fund due to shitty strategies", even though that's the popular narrative. It's more complex than that.

>> No.578474

Timothy Sykes is a faggot

>> No.578478

no candlesticks, just fuck off

>> No.578486
File: 109 KB, 517x768, 1417485220759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've heard about this turd on and off for the past several years.

I find it cute that every piker thinks they can just go out and start a hedge fund as if legal, compliance, regulatory requirements don't exist. This guy thinks he has some black box system that outperforms the market on its own and he can wake up at 11 every morning and do fuck all.

He was outed on ET before where he was looking for a pat on the back and a complimentary BJ for creating a "system:. That system didn't take into consideration slippage and commissions, which would have easily put it underwater.

To make it even funnier, he was on Dragon's Den. The pointdexter with the receeding hairline at 16 was looking for moni pitching the same system that would never work in reality.

Cringe factor has gone parabolic and off the charts as much as he claims his simulated returns to be.

>> No.578499

>tweetdeck and some genetic chart platform that anyone can get over the internet for free
gee, i'm sure the investors are beating themselves to his door

>> No.578503

Is the Pink Guy thing not working out for him?

>> No.578512


>> No.579109


>> No.579240


>Because he didn't slave away like an idiot earning investment capital his parents made preparations for their son's success therefore his success is meaningless

You're not gonna make it

>> No.580265

I want to work with machine guts.

Well there's already some threads on that thread on that here. But hey, I'm a font of mad ideas, so here goes:
1. cookies or other food
2. analog electronic devices, such as handheld games and BEAM inspired robotics
3. furniture and sculpture: wood, cardboard, bend metal tube, a lot of materials can work depending on what conditions the furniture is made for
4. hand blown vacuum tubes ( http://hackaday.com/2014/11/21/artisanal-vacuum-tubes-hackaday-shows-you-how/ )
5. crazy sculptures, like furniture but prettier and often less functional

>> No.580267

For that you need to use time travel to give yourself ancient treasure that you bought centuries ago when it was still fairly cheap.

>> No.580483

most hedge funds are money losers and the people working for them make their money through fees to the clients.

>> No.580503

>running a hedgefund

>performance depends on your rationality, emotional stability, information processing and risk management

>doing cocaine
>even once

Try drinking a glass of wine whilst trading forex, notice how that voice in your head saying "do it faggot we could be rich" is 10x louder and tries to force your hand

>> No.580648

>this guy gets it. When youre working, clear mind is the best.