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57580469 No.57580469 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously though, what went wrong

>> No.57580475

>$5B in investor donations
>600 employees

do they have an insider at the SEC or something...this doesn't add up

>> No.57580500

I don’t trust that dashboard but even if it’s right isn’t most of the activity on testnets still? Every time I look at the explorer it’s all testnet tx. They have been ramping up considerably, though still nowhere near ETH-like levels. That being said, it’s just devs, when there are users in play it could look differently.

>> No.57580620

Say it with me. Its. only. on. a. testnet.

>> No.57580638

say it with me, 8 years, zero products, zero revenue. Theranos

>> No.57580648

>They have been ramping up considerably


>> No.57580661
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For the fat bastard preaching truth > trust, he sure expects us to believe these "products" like ccip, keepers, deco are real. This volume is abysmal. Someone tell Cronos I want my 7 years back.

>> No.57580671

>working on a Sunday

>> No.57580702

realistically what if turns out to be kind of a whimper? like a few serious banks show interest, but very little usage?

>> No.57580766

keep building I guess

>> No.57581091

try again

>> No.57581402

The explorer. What are you, retarded?

>> No.57581643
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Serg will hire another 300 hr roasties

>> No.57581665

their problem has always been a lack of support from the big players. Google and Microsoft show up to SmartCon, but where are the companies when it's time to open the checkbook? Run a node, use a service, all these fags do is talk and talk is cheap

>> No.57581670

regardless im selling some of my position. Im tired of bag holding for the fat ass just for him to have roof top parties with bankers.

>> No.57582761

>dude please just follow le cryptic BREDKRUMBZ

so no source?

>> No.57582792

>2 year test net
>8 months main net
>nobody can name a single dapp with users using Chainlink oracles in production
>(with proof link to dapp.com/dappradar/etherscan)
>Linkers: this is bullish!

the chainlink way, months of testing with select partners on limited use cases and then open it up
ccip GA must be soon as they are letting some smaller projects go live on mainnet
first users were minor implementations from aave and snx

aave's full implementation is in their governance now but will still be months off

>> No.57582826

nigger he just told you that everyone can look it up
fuddies became mentally ill I swear

>> No.57582982

LINK only pumps through retard hopium about international finance consortia that will never bend the knee and use the token. Best case is that some value flows to Chainlink Labs, an identifiable legal counterparty, completely separate from the token. Native staking is just inflation, and fee tokens have equal buy and sell pressure. The hard truth is that oracle token value in the foreseeable future MUST come from purely on-chain incentives, and the only currently viable value generation mechanism is OEV. Long API3 and UMA.

With that said, I think LINK still has a good pump left in it before the narratives start to dry up. Just sell the fucking rip this time Marines.

>> No.57583015
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everyone will pay link, just without knowing it

>> No.57583047

in which case it will be both auto-bought and auto-sold, with no net difference.

>> No.57583076

What a buttery smooth brain

>> No.57583093

what is collateral?
>Long API3 and UMA.

>> No.57583163

jesus christ people in here still think trillion dollar correspondent banks are going to hold LINK as collateral

>> No.57583201

>Native staking is just inflation
The supply is, and always has been, 1 billion tokens.

>> No.57583271

why cant they?

>> No.57583288

All it needs to be 10% of Bitcoin
If Bitcoin goes to 3 trillion market cap, it will go to $300

>> No.57583613

they dont need to now with CCIP. They can pay a premium in fiat that converts to link

>> No.57584634

>I don’t trust that dashboard
It's been wrong/broken more than once

>> No.57584688

Awhh look at you go lil guy! You want me to sell don’t you? I’m just not going to unfortunately.

>> No.57584761

>our only problem is that nobody cares. apart from that, everything is great

>> No.57584881

this post is correct except replace link with xrp kek

>> No.57585069

The fact you're shilling API3 means I'm probably wasting my time and this post was in bad faith, but in case it's not, banks have no need to accumulate link, they are waiting at the finish line.
>but where will they get their tokens from
The 350 million wallet that has been earmarked since the beginning for "enterprise node operators. Yes, banks will be among the largest nodes when its all said and done, without ever having to buy a single link.
>but why would link just give them tokens
because the value isn't in the token, its in the service provided. Banks ensure massive transactional volume that dwarfs anything you've ever seen in crypto to this point. Chainlink becomes the new de facto middleman for all value transactions, and banks secure their spot in that hierarchy as the most powerful/highest reputation node operators.
You're failing to see the forest for the trees, and assuming the only thing crypto will ever be is a shitcoin casino.
>ok but why isn't link pumping based on all this now?
Assets in crypto as they currently stand don't pump due to value, they pump because someone wants to sell them. Link hasn't cratered like most crypto do ,but nobody is going to pump it because nobody wants to sell it to you. Its got the most organic chart in crypto, the type of chart traditional investors would buy, not shitcoin enthusiasts.
>ok but I want to make it NOW
You can still play the shitcoin casino, just know that's what it is. Link is the safest play in crypto, if you have the slightest bit of patience.
>I can just wait for it all to happen and buy link then
Sure, but its going to be frontrun whenever it does happen, and based on your skepticism you won't know when that is. You'll say "this rally will fail like all the rest", and in 10 years from that point, you'll be crying to your buddy about how you held chainlink (which has now become a household name like Amazon/Microsoft) before anyone knew what it was.

>> No.57585187

>because the value isn't in the token, its in the service provided
This is the exact issue. Chainlink's value is designed to accrue to Chainlink Labs rather than the token. They will dangle carrots and "what ifs" to tokenholders as long as possible, that's all I'm warning. When those start to run out, THAT's when I'd be bearish on LINK. I'm still very bullish in the short term on ways they *could* drive value to the token and the current reliance of mainnet dapps on CL price feeds, but the emphasis on multinational QSIBs and astronomically regulated entities running proofs of concept with a view to holding LINK as collateral ten years from now ain't it. This is why LINK needs to avoid becoming XRP tiers of banks-will-run-nodes schizo. You generally are thinking the right way though anon so you will make it.

>> No.57585249

Its like you ignored everything else I wrote just to respond to that one point. Read up staking in the white paper, understand what they are building. If you still don't get it there's all kinds of documentation now on the website that details exactly how staking will work.

Your entire argument is "hey Chainlink has been the most upfront transparent entity in crypto all this time, but staking is all a lie and its actually a giant ponzi scheme that hasn't rugpulled yet".

Staking will require those banks, and anyone else who wants high volume and high value transactions for their nodes, to accumulate as much link as possible. 350 wallet ensures banks don't have to accumulate and can wait at the finish line. Staking ensures even banks have to actually hold their link, meaning a massive supply/demand crunch when that moment comes.

Also if what you're writing is sincere, then you aren't an API3 shill, just a massive midwit who got fudded out by the retards carpet bombing this place the past 3 years. Exactly the type they want to sell/not buy, btw.

>> No.57585255

Behold: the confidence of the center of the bell curve!

>> No.57585436

And just to expound upon why this system is needed, yes banks will be happy to collude to keep you out. But ultimately they would also happily fuck each other over, so any system that became the replacement for the current has to still have some form of decentralization/reputation management in order to get the current establishment to buy in. I'm not even arguing chainlink is perfect decentralization, its not, in fact its literally handing the future of finance over to banks on a silver platter. That's why I can respect fud that comes from BTC maxi's based on an ideological perspective. But to just claim its all smoke and mirrors and link is trying to thread the needle on some rugpull that isn't even as impressive as most shitcoins, just comes across as peak midwittery.

>> No.57585453

it's clear you have devoted yourself to buying their tokens, but please don't let life pass you by. set a hard deadline / set of goals that if they don't get reached, you'll find another purpose. it's not pretty to wake up at 40 and all you can remember is a chart and blog posts

>> No.57585464

you're a midwit parroting the words of others

>> No.57585475

>If you still don't get it there's all kinds of documentation now on the website that details exactly how staking will work.
this is false

>> No.57585667

I don't have to buy anything, I made an early investment and make 6 figures at my current job, along with 5 figures of passive income from chainlink. I didn't wait for my real life to begin. Projection is common here though.

>> No.57585762

I'm living my life and doing just fine, thanks
I have a gf, which is more than you can say

>> No.57585785

set the deadline, it's for your own good. else you'll "just one more year" your best years away

>> No.57585805

This ain't it big dawg. Just keep lurking and in time you will begin to understand this space.

>> No.57586374

None of this is happening tho

It actually is tho

This board will be hilarious when you miss another bull

>> No.57586402
File: 236 KB, 1080x1080, ELGDAgO5hs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you stupid cocksucker it's not happening we're headed for mass adoption and all my bros will be living large and you'll be a wagecuck forever lmfao you'll never understand crypto and you'll just end up buying the top when you fomo in i can't wait to laugh when you're forced to buy at the all-time high while i am out enjoying life and banging all your chicks this is why you guys are poor and stay poor you don't understand how crypto works and you're too busy being a wagecuck 9-5

>> No.57586459

Link is 50 cents higher than where it was in 2020

>> No.57586505

Dont respond to bots

>> No.57586696






