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57579047 No.57579047 [Reply] [Original]

And just like that he's going to die in prison

>> No.57579055
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>Could be

>> No.57579060

>The 31 year old could be sentenced to more than 100 years dungeon
>could be
they won't do shit

>> No.57579062

What does that mean for the shitcoin FTX2.0? are we done with that?

>> No.57579416

he's in an underground mansion in israel

>> No.57579433

no hes definitely getting life in prison
absolutely best case, as in it would take a miracle, maybe 30-40 years but thats basically life for someone his age

>> No.57579526

>charges quietly dropped a few months from now
I'd put money on this still.

>> No.57579549

>charges quietly dropped a few months from now
he will be filing netflix documentary about his life from comfort of his parents mansion in < 1 year

>> No.57579550

He was 28 the last time I checked.

>> No.57579555

Don't worry Biden will pardon him on his last day in office to reward him for laundering all that money for Ukraine.

>> No.57579564

the one jew that got caught, it's a historical moment

>> No.57579568

maybe things will start to get better slowly? bit by bit, with stories like this one, of evil people being held accountable by the justice system?
and someday we'll look back on these past few years like a bad dream, and ask- "How did we ever let it get so bad?"

>> No.57579571

He shouldn't have jewed other jews.
If he only jewed goys his punishment would have been "Don't do that again, ok?" + a smile.

>> No.57579575

Last bullrun was 2021, thats 3 years ago anon

>> No.57579579

>his parents
they are part of the trial too, but i don't think anyone has any illusions about them going to jail

>> No.57579591

This was in 2023.

>> No.57579617

Dude we were done with that on like day 2 of it being mentioned lmao

>> No.57579628

I will take the other side of that bet with my entire net work

>> No.57579637


anyway hes going to prison for a long time
watch the vid of shkreli explaining how the sentencing works that I linked above

>> No.57579644

Specifically: FTX’s new management says that Fried, SBF’s mother, used ill-gotten funds from her son’s businesses as a piggy bank for her political action committee. The PAC, an operation called Mind the Gap that tries to get Democrats elected to office, and its supported causes received “tens of millions” of dollars from Bankman-Fried and FTX executive Nishad Singh, the complaint says. (According to the Federal Election Commission, Singh’s portion amounted to $1 million.)

Singh’s contributions, it notes, came directly out of FTX’s coffers. It details a money-in, money-out cadence in which Bankman-Fried’s hedge fund sent money to Singh and then, within a day, Singh sent similar (or even identical) amounts directly to Bankman-Fried’s mom’s PAC. Singh has admitted to campaign finance violations. Maybe Fried, SBF’s mother, was entirely unaware of and disconnected from this operation. But an August 2022 email cited in the lawsuit includes Fried explicitly explaining to her son that he could use another FTX executive to make PAC contributions in his name, “but that has its own costs and risks.” Not a great thing to have in writing!

Other parts of the lawsuit sit somewhere between outrageous and very funny. The suit says that Bankman, SBF’s father, was at one point drawing a $200,000 annual salary from FTX but that he thought he was “supposed to” be getting a nice, round $1 million.

>He emailed his son, according to the suit, “Gee, Sam I don’t know what to say here. This is the first [I] have heard of the 200K a year salary! Putting Barbara on this,” he added, calling in the boss’s mother.

The suit says that shortly thereafter, Bankman-Fried made a $10 million gift to his parents out of funds from Alameda Research (FTX’s sister hedge fund), then had the couple put on the deed to a $16.4 million Bahamas property with funds “ultimately provided” by FTX.

>> No.57579653

That Bankman was heavily involved in FTX’s operations seems difficult for anyone to dispute, given a clearly intentional effort on the company’s part (under its old management) to raise awareness of his involvement. One of the suit’s more descriptive examples of how the sausage gets made describes SBF’s prep for a meeting with the editor in chief of Vogue (which ostensibly means Anna Wintour, though she isn’t named). The company’s “head of global luxury partnerships” advises SBF to “mention the role your Dad and brother play behind the scenes supporting you at FTX and in Washington alike.” Bankman had a lot to do with FTX, and FTX wanted everyone to know about it.

A great deal of the complaint revolves around the idea that Bankman, who has decades of tax law experience, either knew FTX was a fraudulent mess or should’ve known about it and missed such obvious red flags that he bears legal responsibility for them. The complaint lacks a smoking gun to that effect. (If it had one, maybe prosecutors instead of FTX bankruptcy execs would be filing it!) But it has quite a lot to paint both of Bankman-Fried’s parents in a deeply unflattering (if not necessarily crime-committing) light, and maybe FTX hopes that it will be useful as a way to separate SBF’s parents from some money.

>> No.57579667

these people are such incredible assholes. i mean i know it, of course i know it, it's been obvious since like mid 2020 but still, when i get confronted with the actual examples of how craven and dissolute their thought processes, words and actions are, i can't help but gag

their decision-making processes are devoid of so much of what most people would agree makes us human. just complete naked self-interest. the only other thing i can compare it to in living memory is the behavior of big banks and their bought-and-paid-for regulators in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis.

>> No.57579698

gas the jews

>> No.57579924

Absolutely 100% dead behind the eyes. Why anyone trusted this greasy piece of shit is beyond me. Retards in silicone Valley just throwing money at whoever promises them 'the next big thing'

>> No.57579939

He'll get 2-10 and be out in 2.

>> No.57579982

He’s been convicted you idiot. They can’t just drop the charges. He MIGHT get a lighter sentence but that looks unlikely since he fucking spazzed out during the whole trial.

>> No.57580009
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biden's second biggest individual donor behind soros. His parents are well connected democrats. Trump is anti crypto. Don't let any left wingers forget this it's the easiest way to make them mad lol

>> No.57580044

what dumbass, seriously

>> No.57580078

>obviously take stolen money and use it to buy houses
So, why aren't they being charged with crimes?

>> No.57580085

>major dem donor
I wouldn't put it past the legal system to find a way to let him off the hook.

>> No.57580096

I predict 20 years and he will get out in 10

>> No.57580104

Bernie Madoff died in prison

>> No.57580133

Won't happen. FTX was purpose-built to finance Biden's 2020 run. His mom ran the dems' Mind the Gap Super PAC ffs. How is the Deep State going to entice people to do shady shit for them in future if doing so carries a 100 year jail sentence?

>> No.57580156

Nice dubs. Have you forgotten about the jewish mossad honeypot operation rna by the jewish kike Jeffrey epstein? They'll blackmail people into doing whatever they want.

>> No.57580184

i hope his parents will be prosecuted too