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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5757485 No.5757485 [Reply] [Original]

Skycoin will unironically replace btc

Just saying

>> No.5757508

based skycoin shill

>> No.5757562

Any reason why?

>> No.5757587

this thing still does not work

>> No.5757697
File: 374 KB, 600x876, net.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's superior both to btc and to every alt there is. In every way.
Blockchain thats been in developement since the bitcoin early days, fixing literally all of the issues with bitcoin:
>web of trust algo that got rid of miners and pos hoarding
>corporations can easily adopt it without any need to maintain their blockchain, it just werks
>fixed double spending
>fixed signature malleability
>51% attack impossible
>secure deterministic wallets
>coinjoin protocol for privacy, same privacy level as zec without the ridiculous computational overhead
>created their own networking protocols for consensus verification
>uses a lot less resources than bitcoin nodes
>soft coded blockchain size parameter for ez scaling
>provably hundreds of txs per second, faster than raiblocks
>no tx fees
>timelocked distribution over a 14 year timeline
>massive ecosystem built around it

Coin itself is used for operating skywire, a new decentralized internet built from the ground up, designed to be in every way better than tcp/ip
>designed to be ran on their own open source hardware infrastructure
>uses public keys instead of ip addresses
>all traffic encrypted by default
>man in the middle attacks impossible
>nodes forwarding traffic can only see the previous and next hop, not origin or destination
>latency superior to ipv4 because ISPs use hot potato routing and skywire doesnt
>speed superior because bandwidth aggregation is possible, using the unused bandwidth of your neighbours
>immune to all of ISP fuckery such as throttling, censorship, outages etc
>works as an overlay over the current internet as of now, but will be completely independant as soon as the network backhaul is in place
>incentivized for the first 14 years, you get paid for running a node and transferring packets for the network
>it will be faster and pretty much free, no way current ISPs can compete

All of this already works, it's a massive project with like 80 developers, all of it in public github.

>> No.5757722

Miners aren't even launched yet, are they?

>> No.5757826

what's the catch

>> No.5757853
File: 1.18 MB, 792x1372, skychan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to ____ skychan

>> No.5758048


>> No.5758083

Pump and dump

>> No.5758153

The main dev is tin foil hat autismo
Shitty marketing
Exchanges not willing to list it because it's not an erc20 token and actual real work needs to be done to integrate it
Skywire not finished despite nodes being shipped

Other than that it's a good hold, should go up massively if they fix the problems above. They certainly got the actual coin part of it down, it's got the most elegant consensus algorithm I've ever seen.

>> No.5758564
