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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57567541 No.57567541 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck Mexicans on Facebook market place!

I live in CA and marketplace is basically unusable. They haggle no matter how good the price is, they ask way to many questions using poor English, and they low ball every goddamn time.

I have stopped attempting to sell anything and now made a game where I make them drive 2-3 miles away and ghost them. I have made two meet up so far.

>> No.57567832
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The NCR isn't going to be quite like FNV had us believe.

>> No.57567861

imagine being assblasted about someone asking something

>> No.57567876
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>imagine being assblasted about someone asking something

>> No.57567895

Don’t do business with them. They need to go back.

>> No.57568158

> El trata de vender cosas a mexicanos en Facebook marketplace

>> No.57568165

Tell everyone how white you are and how single your mom is.

>> No.57568169

We don't like gringos like you anyways. Go back to your homeland faggot.

t. OC Mexican

>> No.57568204

On the first text just say the price is firm and don't bother answering. Also don't sell to them unless you're in a police parking lot

>> No.57568238
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white people were here well before your shitskin kind

>> No.57568245
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>> No.57568258
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>Selling a camera
>Mexican guy and I agree on a price
>He shows up like 10% short
>Complains about driving like 20 miles in his big gas guzzler old Jimmy
>Well that's what we agreed on. Find it or no sale
>Goes to 7/11 or something and gets cash
What a waste of time.

>> No.57568282


>> No.57568346


LOOOOOL. Stupid gringo. Bet you just believe every little anecdote that gets passed down huh?

>> No.57568356

odelay vato, oc forever homes

>> No.57568364

Try not being a dumbass with your strategy? If you want 180 mark it for 240 so when you agree to drop it 60 they can think they're ripping you off

>> No.57568412


Hey, Mexibros, where did you guys learn such
hard nosed, negotiating tactics?

>> No.57568431

They have to go back

>> No.57568746
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seethe beanboy

>> No.57568758
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>> No.57568778

>the wiggas
can't make this stuff up

>> No.57568823

I miss the days when only white people had internet connections. 4chan was pure kino 15 years ago and now its full of fat mexicans with federally subsidized comcast

>> No.57568854
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>> No.57568867

>The first people to settle in the Americas were fucking New Yorkers.
Of course.

>> No.57568904

That's a symptom of survival instincts going into overdrive. If it became normal culturally to think that people with a different hair/skin color were not a threat, then this wouldn't be an issue. People have a vested interest in not letting that happen.

>> No.57568920

Blame smartphones. It democratized the internet and turned it to what it is today.

>> No.57568923

>If it became normal culturally to think that people with a different hair/skin color were not a threat
no nation can support the hordes of the world off the tax paying dollars of whites
that's why we have incredible debt
so yes they are a problem, you just don't experience the ramifications until an entire economic collapse hits you in the face (you'll probably be blamed too)

>> No.57568933

thems fightin words, you really want the white mans crosshairs on you?

>> No.57569018
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quiere llorar!
quiere llorar!
quiere llorar!
quiere llorar!


>> No.57569034

I'll be happy to leave, as soon as you give up all the computer technology in your possession and return to living in a mudhut.

>> No.57569140

This Mexican is actually correct. California should be Mexico same with Arizona New Mexico and Texas. I say we make a deal. Give all the southern states to Mexico if the Mexicans leave the northern states

>> No.57569237
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American born is American, not Mexican.

>> No.57569263

>steal land belonging to mexico
>noooo there are mexicans here nooooooooooooo
amerifat retards everyone

>> No.57569280

>Invite German and English settlers to act as a buffer between you and the Apache marauders in largely unsettled territory
>Those German and English settlers decide to secede once they've tamed the land because Mexico is a shithole and no Mexicans even live in Texas anyways

>> No.57569281

I mean just say it's non negotiable and ignore them if they continue trying to haggle.

>> No.57569315

>steal land belonging to mexico
Texas seceded, beat Mexico then petitioned to join the USA. Blame the legal Mexican residents in Texas for Texas rebelling then joining the US.

>> No.57569327
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also it was our land anyways

>> No.57569335
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>> No.57570085

Tacos burritos sisi

>> No.57570783

I live in France and never trade with niggers and nafris. They are either going to try to steal the item or bullshit you about how they only have like half the money and totally need it for this week and pay you later.

>> No.57571147

Land doesn't really belong to anyone.
It just comes down to who can "overpower" the other.

>> No.57571527

Same here but with Nafris and Haitians
>T. Montreal

>> No.57571755

Being hispanic is a business filter, just sold a car on marketplace to a Vietnamese guy and there was no bullshit about it. Showed up on time, looked at it, brief inspection, negotiation and then the cash. Swarthoids will normally try to lowball so I just ignore them.

>> No.57571778

>0 source
>polcels eating it up
You all are so fucking stupid

>> No.57571781

I stopped selling on marketplace, offerup, and craigslist for this reason. The only time I use it is to get rid of something for free that I don’t want to move myself. Otherwise I just throw it in the trash instead of deal with these mongoloids. . These sites are where the bottom feeders shop.

>> No.57571788

I don't sell stuff. I'd rather throw away something worth 300 bucks than deal with "people".

>> No.57571792

5'2" guy

>> No.57571848

>look at this map of the neanderthal migration
>we wuz literal white niggers nnn sheeeit
>u mad spic boi?


>> No.57571849

Just say no and block retard. You will never make it in sales if you are that emotional.

>> No.57571922

Try selling something on marketplace and see what happens. You will be swarmed by el ogro de las americanas messages trying to offer half of you original price in broken English.

>> No.57571938

In a lot of cultures haggling is the norm and is expected. Then these people come to America and expect we do as they do and haggle, instead of learn the American way. We are unironically very Jewish when it comes to selling.

>> No.57572002

lol who invented and built your ancient pyramid culture? definitely wasn't you halfwits.

>> No.57572956
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the sources are in the image you low iq shitskin

>> No.57572971

>we wuz first Nations!

stfu you fkn faggots

>> No.57572995
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true why do darkie shitskins larp as first nations when they came here far after whites were already here with established trade routes between america and europe

>> No.57573021
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>> No.57573063
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>t. muh I know what I got no low ballers boomer
Cash is king, the reason they do that is because plenty of people are willing to take cash for straight away payment.
Haggling cultures are extremely comfy, American consumer goyim are not used to haggling, they pay the max retail price on everything, in other countries everything in the store is haggled for, allowing buyers to get a deal and sellers to liquidate inventory faster.
There is a saying "you know it was a fair deal when both parties walk away frustrated"

>> No.57573119
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chinese too

>> No.57573127
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and egyptian yep

>> No.57573135
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aztecs too yep, you're good

>> No.57573145
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looks like you're right

>> No.57573156
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yep even aryan hebrews looks right

>> No.57573353
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Niggers, jews, jeets, Asians, Hispanics all think the exact same thing
Everyone in history was black, source: black hebrew Israelite facebook collages. The ytboi crackas (jews) hide our real history.

>> No.57573425
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>> No.57573512

Set the price as 300 then "settle" for 200 and everyone feels like they've won.

>> No.57573626
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>> No.57573661

This. OP is an idiot. If you'll only accept $180 as the minimum then why would you start there?

>> No.57574058


Fucking mexicans. I was trying to buy a car on marketplace this week and the dude flaked out on me two days in a row. Today he texted me at the crack of dawn asking to meet up but i just ignored him, then he triple texted me with an attitude that i wasn't replying

>> No.57574414

not everyone wants to haggle like we are in a fucking arab market retard

>> No.57575110

In many negotiations that is true, but in many (again, cars) it’s not. Thanks to the miracle of the Kelly blue book, you can establish a reasonable value for used cars and negotiate around particulars from there. I’m always willing to negotiate particularly when cash is involved but don’t come in trying to buttfuck me, this is a business transaction and not a bathhouse. Also, death to Israel.
This is the big thing, the people trying to hustle on marketplace are low class shitbirds that will flake on you, fuck around on payment, and generally they just don’t have their shit together. I once sold some used furniture to a negress who showed up in a clapped out Porsche cayenne that was probably a salvage title and after a variety of attempts to wedge things into the vehicle the broad drove down the street with the tailgate up and half a couch hanging out. Not my problem though, I got paid.

>> No.57575166

A goat born in a horse pen isn't a horse.