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File: 303 KB, 1221x546, wv property address removed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57565697 No.57565697 [Reply] [Original]

explain in short essay form why you haven't decided to be a free man and not a slave, a man chooses a slave obeys

>> No.57565721

buying a goybox doesn't make you a free man. There are millions of homeowners in America and they are all slaves. Kek

>> No.57565740

this home has taxes that are only 310 dollars a year

maybe in your liberal shithole this would be true, but for this property it is completely false

>> No.57565756

address removed because the inside is so destroyed that it needs a teardown?

>> No.57565763

I'd have around $340k in stable investments after I bought the house. Even at a 4% withdrawal rate, I'd be living off 13.6k a year, which is the poverty line. It's doable but I would much rather work another decade.

>> No.57565798

no because I got banned for "doxing" by posting these threads like a year ago

>> No.57565813

you've been brainwashed extremely hard man

what you're actually saying is you prefer working for another man's goals for a decade over your own, atleast that's what it sounds like to me, you can still do plenty of work for yourself even without money on your own property

>> No.57565824

> 2 months worth of salary just to pay home tax
Jfc makes me want to die

>> No.57565827

Nigga we can argue how much I'm being fucked in the ass all day, which is true, I'm a wagecuck, but I'd rather slave away for another decade or so to be able to live more comfortably. You can't do anything to change it either so stop larping

>> No.57565898

this property is in america not africa, we make more than 150 dollars a month

>> No.57565909

hopefully you already have land, if you act too late you'll be priced out, this is an extreme anomaly that land is so cheap while shitbox apartments are valued 10x more than them

there is no value left to be extracted from "socialization" and cities

>> No.57565978
File: 3.03 MB, 2103x1576, Screenshot 2024-02-10 160346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please...quite literally...i need more

>> No.57565996
File: 382 KB, 1024x1024, 1707598746965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57566233

This thread again?

>> No.57566375

My taxes are only $3300 a year, that's 1/30th of my annual income (post-income tax)

>> No.57566405

I too much of a stoic chad to flee society like some chud loser

>> No.57566636

ok but you have to be a cuck to make that much money

really it's about what you give up

the taxes on this property are 1/10th what you pay, so I have to put up with 1/10th less bullshit than you to succeed, I have to put in 1/10th less effort

oh and how many acres do you have, gun rights, anything else you are losing

>> No.57566642

literally the opposite of stoic, you're driven by moment to moment emotional responses, to be a true stoic is to go against what everyone says, and do the right thing for your future, you failed, miserably

>> No.57566652

this thread will never go away as long as people live in unnatural situations

>> No.57566661

Who cares, for a big plot that price the land is worth more than the house anyway

>> No.57567417

What do we need to do get you to you away?

>> No.57567453

Nope I win you lose.

>> No.57567496

no, hidden so you can't see that the area is only 20% white kek

>> No.57567504

I live in canada

>> No.57567506

oh look the same thread made by the same mentally ill person every single day
nobody cares about whatever gutter trash heap you found on zillow

>> No.57567535

Adasenya the MMA fighter has made millions from the sport, and has put it all into property, building new housing complexes that he rents out. He said he is replacing his income for when he stops fighting. He has over 20M in property now.
Not only will he make 10s of thousands in income each week, but his capital wealth will increase at least 1M a year.
Wise man.

>> No.57567537

I care.

>> No.57567628

No thanks.

>> No.57567635

Shit hole

>> No.57567739

dollars are worth nothing, land to support your family is everything

some jew in ny can say his apartment is worth 20 million dollars, but can he catch a fish on it, can he raise farm animals and raise a family in that apartment absent the outside world supporting it, no, he can't

>> No.57567767

10 acres for 62k is decent depending on location and your goals. This could be a nice renovation or enough land to rebuild what you want over time.

>> No.57568190

What are you going to do when society collapses and your psychiatric meds run out?

>> No.57568217

Should be noted that the guy who originally said that followed it up by having his skull caved in be a five-iron.

>> No.57568250

What state? I'mma need to see those property taxes and such.

>> No.57568261

That house is probably a shithole on the inside. I’d rather buy a plot and build something, maybe end up spending a cpl 10k stacks more but have a nice house after. Not even a big one. Just one that doesn’t look as depressing as OP

>> No.57568266
File: 54 KB, 474x474, 1706424552269393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do what I tell you, or you're a slave

>> No.57568310

> 3 bed
> 1 bath
> 900 sqft
That’s a fucking prison cell

>> No.57568467

it literally wasn't real

I don't take psychiatric medication, I'll most likely be on my 20 acres somewhere, already have my systems in place, I'm going to assume that some forms of internet will stay up, and I will laugh at the rat tier subhumans and their daily lives

also, my property will be designed like a bunker/trench/pillbox, if fuckers want some I'll be ready with camping spots to blast mothers

>> No.57568470

wv, 0.5%

>> No.57568474

literally 3x bigger than your apartment

>> No.57568528

>won 2021 bullrun w/link
>bought nice home on 25 acres, truck, tractor and tools
>1 acre stocked bass/perch pond, huge garden, small vineyard, medium orchard, 20 acres of woods w/turkey, deer, bear, etc.

just need to drop geothermal tubing into the pond, get a solar roof (will probably teslafag) and i'm golden... until they give me chemtrail cancer, but whatever. we persist.

>> No.57568551

don't forget trenches and barbed wire, also ieds

>> No.57568977

>ok but you have to be a cuck to make that much money
Biotech, mixed wfh/lab work, I spend about 20 hours a day just listening to music and grinding out experiments (meditative and productive), couldn't imagine doing any other work outside of self-employment.

>> No.57569150


I'm just looking to never have another bill in my life. Getting close.

>> No.57570186

wow you're back? and you're spamming the WV property again? this one sold 8 months ago for 45k


why did you give up on spamming spring valley? couldn't take people pointing out how shit your flyover town is?

>> No.57570211

you'll always have a property tax bill to pay

>> No.57570234

You do know that the taxes that are shown on these sites get jacked up when you buy the home right? Have you learned nothing ?

When it gets sold it's re assessed at the new price that was established by the selling event

>> No.57570239

I usually only post spring valley when I encounter another illinois fag in the wild or I just get bored of wv threads

basically there is no reason to live in a blue state, where the land is so expensive and property taxes are 2.5%

honestly spring valley is better than most fagpox areas of the country, probably over 75 percent of the country

the biggest weakness of illinois is the government obviously but also because all land is corn land and impossible to live a homestead life on for a reasonable price

>> No.57570249

What state ?

>> No.57570252

the prop tax is only 0.5 percent you massive faggot, even if the house value tripled it's still better than a blue state

pretty sure the house gets reassessed when it gets listed as well, you think these props are on the market for 10 years or something kys

>> No.57570263

Look at California listings they also show some tax from great gammas tax rate when the house was $310. No it doesn't change by listing it, it's by selling it or taking out a loan on it

>> No.57570277

I'm basing it on the current tax rate chomo

>> No.57570299

damn, somebody got a good deal on that, the craziest thing to me is it seems these rural properties are going down instead of up

I know we had an insane market recently but even still

I think people aren't properly assessing the situation, being the collapse of the us government and how important being able to raise animals will be for survival

the downward spiral I believe is apparent but people are too stupid to actually adapt to it

>> No.57570311

it's really not bad at all, anon posted it

>> No.57570361


>> No.57570901

>it literally wasn't real
Likewise, the line has no basis in reality.

>> No.57571028

This looks like the type of place they show on the news that's missing a roof from a category 5 hurricane

>> No.57571059

Yeah I mean if I was into sending people mail that explodes I'd get this place but I might have kids one day and I'd rather not send them to a place where everyone's on oxy

>> No.57571091

Bro you said it yourself, a slave obeys. Having to pay even a dime to live on land isn't freedom.

>> No.57571154

I inherited a house that is not in the path of a mudslide or in a floodzone, not in a state that is notorious for air and water pollution, I live 20 minutes away from two hospitals, and I have fiber internet. My backyard is quite small and I have to park my car outside in the street, but it beats living in a rotting decaying moldy and coal-layered shack in bumfuckistan.