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57563772 No.57563772 [Reply] [Original]

Financially speaking, why are rentoids so dumb? Why do they delay gratification and buy other people houses


like why not have roommates and save up?

>> No.57563828

I think renting and investing the money elsewhere is better unless you're deadset on not moving for a while

>> No.57563830

Have you lived with roommates? If you weren’t a welfare neet you’d gladly pay the extra to be in control of your own living space. Also houses are expensive as fuck currently so there’s that

>> No.57564030

this is basically how i feel too

>> No.57564050

Tell her to buy Chainlink

>> No.57564051

Some people are traumatized and can't have roommates. Why do you need roommates to survive in America?

>> No.57564055

>I'll be 40 in 10 years
what a weird way to say you're 30

>> No.57564188

>$160K in 12 years

Why is this stupid bitch complaining?

>> No.57564219

roommates suck. If you're even a little self conscious you have to moderate everything you say and do all the time. I want to do what I want when I want. I've been living with a roommate for 6 months now after living alone and I'm already looking for another apartment on my own. It's a complete buzzkill living with another person and I despise it. The extra few hundred you save is not worth it

>> No.57564231


If you haven't noticed, all people tend to do these days is bitch, instead of taking actions to alleviate the situation.

My rent is $845/mo, but I have a roommate, so now it's even cheaper. A house is too expensive and time consuming to me and I like having the freedom to know on any month I can leave.

>> No.57564234
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This guy gets it
Plus think of it like a brain drain. Any half decent roommate is long gone and now your options is almost infinite browns

>> No.57564239

$160,000 isn’t enough to buy a house even in a flyover state. Doesn’t sound like a mistake to me.

>> No.57564245
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>take action fucking millennial. Bootstraps
>no not like that you need a permit you can't just fall asleep outside I am calling the police

>> No.57564246

>that chud who bought a plywood box in the outskirts of omaha nebraska for $80k, who thinks of himself as landed gentry

>> No.57564256
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If you are a man it makes sense because you can smash pussy and hang with your bros without people shitting on you for being living with your parnets at 30 or whatevr.

If you are a woman it is pointless but I'm sure this chick got lots of good dick while living in the city too bad like most millennial women it didn't occur to her at any point to invest in Husbandcoin at any point in the last 12 years before she got walled lmao.

>> No.57564261

But then you can't afford to own a home.

> Live with your parents || Live with roommates
> Have to cooperate with others and have very little personal space to yourself
> Can build savings to buy your own property


> Live on your own
> Enjoy the expanded personal space bubble that you can do whatever you want in
> have no savings

choose your poison.

>> No.57564273

but what if my mortgage repayments are less than rent

>> No.57564276

My mortgage is less than the rent of an equally sized place. You get a 15 or 30 year loan and your mortgage will remain mostly the same (except taxes). You rent and your rent will steadily increase well beyond what you could’ve locked in for 15 or 30 years.

>> No.57564297

> we don’t want ugly babies
The irony is that some of the most attractive women I know did not have attractive parents. Looks are really a coin toss kek

>> No.57564306

The reason is because America has become third world. There are simply 150 million more people hre than we have infrastructure for and that's because boomers weren't having kids and dcided to defund everything and rerout it to their pensions. But then because they weren't having kids despite being paid more than their parents at the same age they decided to import a gorillion foreigners to "pay our pensions". The end result of this travesty of course is that there are officially

-334 million people in the USA (191 million European Americans, 9 million jews and middle easteners, 65 million Latinx people including white latinxs such as cubans and spanards, 50 million negros, 10 million pajeetos, 5 million southeast asians and 10 million northeast asians)
-4 million people in the territories which aren't counted because they aren't states
-17 million illegals not enumerated by the census (12 million are)
-20 million temporary residents who never leave, such as indians on student visas
-probably people on tourist visas who use tricks to stay or whatever gonna say 10 million mlao

So you have like 375-385 million cunts running around here in a country built for 235 million (about the population in the late1980s when boomers began gaining power in the USA).

And so all these pajeets and tourists and illegals live 10 to an airbnb. Because of this, all other rentals and houses basically become pajeetized through artificially low demand and thus you have the expectation in rent that people will be several people to a room.

>> No.57564323

Rent makes sense because the US is a doomed country and prices only increase because your town is being flooded with the third world. Rent allows you to just leave and go somewhere else less pajeeted. Buying only makes sense if you think Montana will be 87% white in 2070 like it is now. Instead it will be 60% white with 5 million people and half of them will be from california and dirty and retarded and the US in general will be a fucking dump.

>> No.57564340

why did she wait so long for this?

>> No.57564379

Lmao, women are cucked. As an average guy I lived with my parents until 34. This had no ill effects on my already nonexistent dating prospects. Fuck this gay obese society and let it burn.

>> No.57564678

>I've bought a rich person a second home outright in 12 years though.
I'm not an amerimutt, but isn't that like chump change for real state? How's this bitch thinking that's a fucking house for a rich person, who's most likely gonna be looking for actual good shit her poor ass would never be able to afford even if she paid that same rent for other 20 years.

>> No.57565008

She is setting a deadline for how old you should be when you own a house

>> No.57565111

This is a pointless realization because the housing market is not a game where you can grind and build experience points and levels. Banks will not just let anyone buy a home the moment they turn 18 with no money, she had to rent to survive.

Sure, if a bank gave her a chance at 18, she could have paid it off in 12 years but if banks let everyone do that, the whole system collapses. Renting is not a choice, its required by the economy.

Its like saying everyone can be a doctor, that's not how the world worlds. Even if everyone was the best doctor of all time simultaneously, it wouldn't work.

>> No.57565124

>live with parents
>can build savings

maybe white people. Ethnic parents take 100% of their kids money and consider it "our" savings. You save more money living alone in the long run.

>> No.57565163

But anon, you don't understand. If the system is not as balanced and fair as a game where I can decide everything that goes and any mistakes or oversights on my part can be brushed off without any real consequences on the long term, then it is objectively wrong and should be completely abolished because I wanna be pampered.

>> No.57565166
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are these attractive women in this room with us right now anon?

>> No.57565192

you can rent a property you bought with a mortgage, right? brand new USA resident here, I imagine you can, wondering if there's any law against it.

>> No.57565208

or live with girlfriend and make over $100k/year
you aren’t a poor incel loser are you?

>> No.57565214

Renting is more cost-effective when you're trying to dump everything in your 20s and 30s and maximizing compound interest. I'll only buy a house once I have 2 million+

>> No.57565231

Bullshit,ethnic familys live together and bond more than boomer parents that kick they're kids out at 18

>> No.57565242

You always invest your cash elsewhere

The question becomes is it better to buy with a mortgage or rent, and if you hold the property for >3 years then buying with a mortgage is the way to go.

>> No.57565256

Americans are so cucked into thinking that renting is an inevitable part of life and we have to open our doors to roommates to get ahead. Having a private space all our own is a alien and luxurious concept to the slaving wagies.

>> No.57565295

This is just the constantly regurgitated advice. Consider:
>Am I really a globe trotter?
>Do I honestly think I will move in the next year or two?
>is moving when you own a home really that much harder?
>If I were to get laid off, is there nowhere within a 30-40 minute drive of my home that I could apply to?
>Is it really worth it to take the risk of ever rising lease rates and getting priced out of your neighborhood when you could be building equity?
>do I really hate my parents so much that I can't bear with living with them while saving 90% of my income to buy a serviceable dwelling outright in a few years?
I get that people have different situations, and perhaps it would be wise to invest your money a little while you save up for a down payment or schooling, but I just don't think renting is all it's cracked up to be. Sure, if you invest the difference between renting and buying, you MAY be able to get a better return, but what if you didn't have to pay for it at all? Of course, outside of taxes and maintenance? A penny saved is a penny earned.

>> No.57565297

You can, but it's mortgage fraud if you bought the place claiming it to be your "principal residence" to get a cheap rate, then immediately turn it into a rental.

I bought a townhome in 2012, decided I wanted my own 4 walls and bought a house in 2017, decided I didn't want to live in that city anymore and bought elsewhere in 2021. First 2 properties still are mortgaged and are rented out.

>> No.57565332

That falls into "live with others" you imbecile.

>> No.57565334

>do I really hate my parents so much that I can't bear with living with them while saving 90% of my income to buy a serviceable dwelling outright in a few years

It's more along the lines of if you're in your 20s and you want to bring girls over, you're not going to do it at your parents house.

If you're a loser then living with your parents makes sense.

Also buying a house "outright" in cash is dumb.

>> No.57565391

>I pay someone for the privilege to sleep and shit in a box they own
>I'm not a loser
You're fucked either way. People are much more accepting of the reality that shit is getting expensive if you want to live somewhere that you don't have to worry about getting shot as soon as your feet cross the door. I wouldn't want to date someone so shallow in the first place. I've also had sex in my parents home with multiple different women. I don't care if you don't believe me.

>> No.57565408

You also gain equity on the value of the property, it might only be 2% per year but 2% on a 300k house is still 500/mo

There are tax benefits too, but the standard deduction has grown so much and mortgage rates were so low for a decade that most people don't benefit anymore

>> No.57565409


>> No.57565412

Wouldn't it be just as good to get a hotel room for the night if you wanna hang out with your girl? It's not like it'll matter at all if she ends up dumping you or it doesn't work out. If things go well enough that you two are going to live together, then renting and splitting the rent in half until both can save enough to buy a house is smarter imo.
It's retarded to think that just because you could maybe hopefully pound some pussy without paying for a hotel, that you're going to spend the 50% of your income you could be saving by living with your folks.

>> No.57565453

>shit is getting expensive

No it's not. You're just a loser.

And you're unwilling to take the steps necessary to change that.

>> No.57565458

>make it make sense

It literally does make sense though. I don't understand what you don't understand Paige.

>> No.57565461
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>> No.57565463

This is the curse of original sin.

>> No.57565470

Because thats how it is. 4 years is a good rule of thumb. If you know you will be in the same place in 4 years then buy a house, and if not don't.

>> No.57565474

Yes. You should definitely do that. So many loving relationships started with the first date at the hotel room.

>> No.57565480
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>no tits

>> No.57565504

>I've also had sex in my parents home with multiple different women. I don't care if you don't believe me,
I at least do. I've seen it happen multiple times with my family members.
Most of which ended up married happily with the partners they hit it off the most with.
>So many loving relationships started with the first date at the hotel room
Are you actually retarded? Where did I say a date, which I personally believe would be more along the lines of going to a nice dinner or watching a movie, a park or some other activity you both could enjoy, and not just chilling with your partner doing shit like watching Netflix, which is not first date material anyways? Plus, who takes others home on their first date, you mumbling fool?

>> No.57565505

>It's more along the lines of if you're in your 20s and you want to bring girls over, you're not going to do it at your parents house.
this is how burgers peer pressure each other to get fucked in the ass by landlords

imagine fucking over your financial future just to get some pussy, god damn

>> No.57565526

What his is talking about did work for me.

>live with mom
>go to bar walking distance from hotel
>would get a room for like 80 dollars every week or two
>meet tinder dates at bar or just go drinking by myself and try to meet girls if no tinder hoes available
>have a bunch of dates at this bar
>the staff there all know me and are like friends
>eventually meet a qt at this bar
>we have been dating for 6 years

She didn't let me fuck her at the hotel on the first night, but it was a time in my life I look back on fondly. Its really good advice not to get an apartment strictly for pussy IMO. All you need to get pussy is the shirt on your back and big pair of balls.

>> No.57565538

What metric are you using to classify me as a loser? That I can save 90% of my income? That I don't fuck someone with a shitty personality or that I'm not in a monogamous relationship with? That I make nearly twice the median wage and still choose not to spend it for silly reasons? That I will likely own a home within the year and make it unlikely that I'll have to pay someone else's mortgage ever again? And yes it is getting expensive. Rents have increased nearly 50% within the past couple years in my area.
>Yeah okay but you're still a loser
I really wish you saw it my way, man. I wager you'd be much better off.

>> No.57565546

>dating for 6 years
>not married

>> No.57565548

The Declaration of Independence changed the "Life, Liberty and Property" to "Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness".

What was the reason for this change?

>> No.57565553

Marriage is a scam. It's better to not go through that shit if your partner is not retarded and obsessed with the idea.

>> No.57565637

>who takes others home on their first date

People who have their own place, LMFAO

>> No.57565647

>dating for 6 years

Got it, this board is full of losers

>> No.57565656

Do not interact with women period

>> No.57565674

My guy. Even with your own place, you should not bring a random woman that you don't know for shit to it, just to get some pussy. I take them to the hotel until I fucking know they are not street trash, because that's a neat thing called common sense. Like goddamn, I ask you again, are you retarded?

>> No.57565677

im talking about 1 other, singular. not some poly multi tier consoomer household

>> No.57565693

*on their period

>> No.57565771

>I don't know the girl, we met on Tinder
>I need to vet her first
>I told her to meet me at a hotel

Holy fuck Zoomers LMAO

>> No.57565792

Immigrant here. Can confirm. I gotta help with the rent so I lose a bunch of my savings.

>> No.57565799


Are you literally women or boomers? I can't tell. I will NEVER get married. Thats handing power to a woman and also throwing a 10+ thousand dollar party. Fuck you guys are cucks

>> No.57565839

40 is the doorstep of old age for women

>> No.57565848

Married 35 year old boomer here, love my wife

>> No.57565890
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Damn, anon. You really are proving yourself to be retarded more and more with each post, but I'll bite.
I meet with them at the fucking restaurant or place we're going to, or the nearest park and such, first.
If they don't agree to such simple things, they are simply worthless.
If all goes well, we go to a hotel.
If they can't agree to such simple thing, again, worthless and a waste of time. Don't care, move on to other things.
It's not that complicated, anon. Any woman who'd just go to your fucking house to meet you there without actually knowing you first, like in the example you gave, is fucking retarded and looking to get trafficked.

>> No.57565895


>> No.57565917

>millennials had women blindly show up at their doorstep and invited them in for sex

I knew Zoomer stories about Baby Boomer economics were sensationalized, but this tops that

>> No.57566083

Honestly this would be a big selling point for being a homeowner desu

>> No.57566226

go back

>> No.57566238
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We did have it a lot better than zoomers have it though. It sure didn't feel like at it that time but women are so fucked now.

Last year on the 4th of July I went to the river and all the girls there were literally wearing thong bikinis with their entire ass exposed. Back in my day, you would barely find 1 girl out of 50 who was a big enough slut to do that.

>> No.57567467

>Last year on the 4th of July I went to the river and all the girls there were literally wearing thong bikinis with their entire ass exposed

You're complaining about this? Are you gay?

>> No.57567479

I would never date a girl who shows her whole ass in public. The dating pool for a zoomer who is not okay dating sluts is tiny.

>> No.57567636

Yeah that's actually pretty cheap for 12 years worth of rent.

>> No.57567661

She's really pretty
She's a little older than me but I would be willing to date her and let her live in my home for free

Why is she alone?? And she's not making tons of money from prostitution either? WTF

>> No.57567686

What if it was a full coverage or cheeky bottom

>> No.57567809

fpbp people sleep for 10 years then wake up and start crying, then go full commie

>> No.57567933


If you're really good at sex and aren't a little bitch, the slutty behavior stays within the relationship

Ideally you want a woman who is between the 'new to sex' and 'total whore' phases though, that seems exceedingly rare now

>> No.57567937

Dumb roastie doesn't understand the concept of mortgage payments or opportunity cost

>> No.57568397

>NOW wants to settle down
she's 15 years too late

>> No.57568552

>second home

>> No.57568558

That would be 25

>> No.57568576

Women hit the wall at 25, 20 if they’re Brits 30 if Asian.

>> No.57568650

same difference you fool.

>> No.57569532

>Why is this stupid bitch complaining?

She has hit the wall and is now yelling into the void of twitter. Very sad!

>> No.57569567

>Unironically true.
Why do Brit chicks age like milk out of the fridge?

>> No.57569702

what a terrible thread. i enjoy /biz/ for all the shitcoin memery but man when it comes to literally any other financial topic this is a real cesspool of ignorance.
>buying a house in cash is bad
>paying interest or renting is throwing away money
please understand how the time value of money works before posting anything anywhere ever again, thanks.

>> No.57569737

Thank you for the effort Paige, I really wanted a twelfth apartment to rent!

>> No.57570110
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Were all slaves.

>> No.57570126

If you're over 45 years old, and have a net worth of over usd 1 million, it really makes more sense to rent. Less hassle. More liquidity to invest = more money to enjoy the rest of your life with, instead of sitting the house you own, and invest peanuts. Simply true.

>> No.57570377

>My mortgage
You're renting from the bank.

>> No.57570459

the main point of buying property is access to a cheap loan without a margin call
it's hard to compete with 5X leverage

>> No.57570614

So 10 years without savings or investments?
What did she expect?

>> No.57570625

i'm not reading through the whole thread
but it seems like rentoids are really getting uppity about this
what should we do about it, /biz/bros?

>> No.57570637

Or mom and pay buy you a new house and let you “rent” it from them and they invest your “rent” for you in a Roth IRA. Your parents do love you, right?

>> No.57570645

She expected Louise hayes to jump out of a bush and tell her she’s perfect the way she is and that the universe will give her a house if she wishes hard enough.

>> No.57570772

Just fuck in your car

>> No.57571398

yeah in a woman's mind it's 40 though

>> No.57571446

very funny that you think there will be somewhere less pajeeted to go to in 2070

buying a house and having 10 blond blue eyed children with your wife seems like a much better strategy than simply retreating further north every year

>> No.57571521

I can’t imagine being tied down that heavy financially on a thing. What if you lose your job?

>> No.57571550

>raising two boys debt-free in the south for dirt cheap
>earn 70k/year of passive income
>it's more than enough
couldn't be me moving to the big city to wagie for 50 years kek

>> No.57571631

They changed it became materialism is fetishized by women, Jews, and manchildren.

>> No.57571739

>longterm partner
her long list of necessary obligations scream she wants a man to fix all her problems. no sweetie, the sex isn't all men want. if she doesn't make 6 digits and already own a house by 33 she isn't worth it.

>> No.57571808

Can't westoids just live with their parents for a while, then buy a house? Or maybe inherit the old one

>> No.57571953

>Can't westoids just live with their parents for a while, then buy a house?
you'd have to live with your parents until your mid-30s

>Or maybe inherit the old one
you'd have to live with your parents until your mid 50s and this only works if you're an only child

>> No.57572636

Yeah $150k is a bargain in a real state, I saw a tear-down recently up for sale in my neighborhood that was selling for almost $300k. The roastie was also forgetting that the landlord wasn't just storing all that money in his big Scrooge McDuck vault, a lot of it was going to the mortgage, taxes, insurance and maintenance on the property she was occupying (ie, supporting her, something roastoids are experts at not being aware of)

>> No.57573035

if getting your dick wet is the prime motivator to rent than as a financial decision its retarded as paying the occasional escort for the same hitrate your cuckshed condo will bring you will end up way way cheaper
i never understood this retarded argument i need to suck my landlords cock so i can bang a drunk barsloot every blue moon

>> No.57573059

>Have you lived with roommates? If you weren’t a welfare neet you’d gladly pay the extra to be in control of your own living space.
Living alone is for people with a triple digit IQ. Poor stupid people have roomamtes

>> No.57573161

they don't have attractive parents because they aged. Some people at 25 look completely different than 10 years ago, now imagine 35/45/55+. The only other explanation is the women have lots of makeup/work done

>> No.57573227

only if you're renting a house. Sorry I'm not a yuropoor I'm not big on sharing walls with Indians

>> No.57573309

I'm salty I never bought some shitbox in ohio when I lived there for 3 years.

>> No.57574088

i live in a country where rents are low due to low salaries but prices are high due to foreign investment. The math says im better off renting. This is true of the rich people in this country as well, sinking a fortune in real estate just to get 3% ROI? Bad investment

>> No.57574317
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Nothing stopping you from doing that right now

This neighborhood is 95% white, there's a park in your backyard, and you are a 5 min walk to Kroger


>> No.57574345

You're bragging about raising your children in poverty and depriving them of opportunities to get ahead in life because you don't want to work?

What color is your skin?

>> No.57574718

>live with their parents for a while, then buy a house?
I don't think you know how devestating this can be if you're in your late 20s early 30s.

>> No.57575919

And insurance Anon. Cant forget the insurance. I bought a house 7 years ago and while my loan payment remains at 1825 a month my taxes and insurances are now 1200 a month. Fortunately property values dropping have stopped the tax hikes this year.

>> No.57576044

I wonder how many times she cucked you.

I used to be a DJ for some nightclub. The amount of married women that I have been with made me never wanna get married.

These girls are so good at hiding it. The husband will never find out. These women are still with there men in happy relationships.

They will never know our hot flings.

I guess that’s needed for a long marriage. One of the partners needs a hot fling once every few years or so..

Might as well be the man that is the only one who seeks them.

>> No.57576363


You guys are hilariously insecure

>> No.57576438

Kill yourself spix.

>> No.57576448

There will, now blow your brains out for suggesting people stay in this doomed country because you're a hoomer dipshit who needs people to buy in to pump your fucking bags.

>> No.57576492

your downpayment could also be gaining 7% in an index fund. So for a 500k property that's 100k or $7k a year for free. Then you also have to add in property taxes and fees and insurance and energy costs and home maintenance.
All I know is if i keep investing my $ it tends to goes up

>> No.57576538

how'd it go for a OP roastie?
she probably lived laughed loved, traveled and ate out every day, worked some part time diversity job, and now wants to tax the "rich"

>> No.57576601

>europe is doomed
>usa is doomed
>canada is doomed
where the fuck will you go to? russia? they're in league with the chinks

you have no choice except demographic warfare

>> No.57576638

This is why I don't understand why people don't put the least amount down that the bank will let them and pay the PMI.

PMI is 0.35% of the mortgage balance. I paid $105/mo on a $325k mortgage. Putting the 65k into a shitty treasury bill at 5% covers the PMI + 170/mo.

20% down is a stupid financial decision, and buying in cash is a REALLY stupid financial decision.

>> No.57576657

OP is saying you should live with your parents/spouse instead of renting when you're single.

>> No.57578305

hahaha this is the same kind of turboroastie that seethes at men going to SEA for young virgin brides

>> No.57578901

as long as your cuck box..er I mean.. 'house', is liquid and you can sell it on the market quickly and easily, than ya its a good idea!

>> No.57578971

Renting is a good option if you are young and utilize your capital to the max somewhere else while living with flatmates (not roommates) as you said. I had like 7 different roommates in the past 2 years (3 bedroom flat) and I barely noticed them being here, we almost never meet. Sometimes they didn't even know each others names. Most of my peers make like 1/2 of my salary (I'm a codemonkey), yet they always rent a whole flat even if they don't have a partner.They are literally willing to give 50% of their salary for it and they have nothing left at the end of the month. I heard my millenial cousin who works a corporate job say how impossible it is to save 10k. I probably burned half that on gas fees last year. But these people will think they are 'high status' simply for the fact they have a uni degree and white collar job. Nevermind they can only save up like $300 /mo even without children. And they will look at me like I'm in the trenches. If i'm in the trenches they are in the deepest pits of hell. I could rent a whole luxury apartment with my salary but what's the point if you live paycheck to paycheck?

>> No.57579028

Buying a house only makes sense if you think America won't shit the bed

>> No.57579113
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I live in in Western Sydney with my mum. There are virtually no other Whites where I live. It has its advantages - I don't pay rent, its safe enough and I actually have some nice greenery where I am.

But there are no women around here so I feel stuck and it sucks.

Also I keep telling mum to cut up these mangoes from our mango tree before they go off. "I don't like to waste food it's just how I was brought up" she says and she gets annoyed when the bats (flying foxes) eat like 1/5 of a mango and then leave it on the ground. BUT THEN LOOK AT THIS. WHATS THAT MUM??????

>> No.57579511

I always question renting morality and I never seen people caring about it one bit.

My only conclusion of it is that you like being fucked in the ass don't you ? Honestly jesus fucking christ...

>> No.57579584

In any normal country a few months of missed payments is not enough to lose your home yet. If you then get a job and catch up and make a deal with the bank they will be happy. They make more money servicing a loan than being forced to sell your house for cheap.
If you can’t handle a few months of unemployment you need a smaller house and a bugger buffer savings account. You SHOULD also be able to pay the loan with a lower paying job in case you need an emergency job until you get back on your feet.
My mortgage is $250 a month on remaining $40k. If it was a $100k it would be what, $600? Then adding utilities, insurance and taxes and it’s at $1000. Still less than rent AND builds equity.
I don’t have good rates either, almost 6%.

If I want to move I can just sell it for about the same as bought, maybe even more, and I’ll get cash back from lower loan.
Worst case scenario, I rent a disgusting cuckshed somewhere else with roommates for less than $500 and rent out my home for $1200-1500 WHILE building equity.

>> No.57580161

>This had no ill effects on my already nonexistent dating prospects
How would you even know? Incel rhetoric lmao

>> No.57580228

paying rent is the worst thing you can possibly do to yourself. Feel bad for zommies they are totally fucked but than again the usa is a hell on earth shithole with a fake first class economy based on unlimited debt.

>> No.57580615

This. plus i work in an industry that makes you move a lot. getting tied down with a house would have been a bad idea.