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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57562875 No.57562875[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So gas fees tanked all 3 of these last few days, which one will survive? Now an attrition war? Just another consolidation phase? Time for unification? When will gas fees stabilize? This is looking like another Rhodesia... Discuss!

>> No.57562877

so fucking stupid

>> No.57562880

Mad cuz i boop you

>> No.57562888

HOKK took the biggest hit. Thinking of selling.
Lucky and Linu took equal hits. Lucky has the lesser MC of all 3 tho.

It’ll be interesting to see how those two recover.
HOKK meanwhile is in do or die mode. If they don’t recover their MC from this? It’s over.

>> No.57562911
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You think if gas fees were stable all 3 would recover or are we in it's over mode after hitting to low of a mc?

>> No.57562931

My thoughts are, of Lucky Inu wanted to win this it should've spent even more money on marketing and hype the moment the mcap rose to the point that people said it's on the same level as Hokk and LINU. In a long term battle I see LINU winning this and of course Lucky Inu dying first.

>> No.57562941

LINU will probably hit a new floor of 2-3M MC unless it has a catalyst.

Lucky will treat this new low MC as a floor until it gets its fucking coin flip game working.

HOKK needs a super catalyst or just a lot of people buying this new low to ride it back up or else it’s over.

It’s a lot easier to recover from a 4M to 3M cap dip or a 200K to 120K than it is a 1M all the way down to 400K…

>> No.57562975

>and of course Lucky Inu dying first.
>Lucky will treat this new low MC as a floor until it gets its fucking coin flip game working.
If lucky did die first do you think the coin flip team would just move .png assets around and coin flip to one of the other dogs? HOKK or LINU coinflip incoming?

>It’s a lot easier to recover from a 4M to 3M cap dip or a 200K to 120K than it is a 1M all the way down to 400K…
Yeah they all lost about a week of progress all on gas fees. Next week will be interesting.

>> No.57562989

Lol LINU coin flip if anything but I wouldn’t count lucky out so easily. Like I said they’re low market cap so their dip isn’t that bad.

Trying to swap to hokk for coin flip would be the stupidest play ever considering how far down hokk is right now.

>> No.57562998

you've been fudding HOKK for over a week. Do you ever get tired? Or are you being paid to do this. Either one is sad

>> No.57563036

LINU retards need to work on their SEO.
I searched for the discord for 20m and just gave up.
Their twitter mentions it but everything just directs you to telegram, kek.

>> No.57563038

I’ve got bags in all 3 idiot. Acting like this isn’t going to help. You can’t just claim “FUD” when someone points out you’re literally down 60% in a single day. That only makes things worse. Focus on trying to find a solution rather than lashing out at everyone pointing out the fucking situation you’re in.

>> No.57563040

All 3 have been fudded hard since day 1. I think the dip they're in right now is solely due to gas fees killing new buyers. From what I've seen fuds on /Biz/ have zero impact on buys. Anyone who frequents /Biz/ has already bought one or all of the 3, or absolutely SEETHES that they exist.

>> No.57563062
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War? That doesn't sound very safe, you'll need some hard hats.

>> No.57563072
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>Their twitter mentions it but everything just directs you to telegram, kek.
Does their site not have a link? I don't join any crypto socials. I rely solely on schizophrenic mongolian basket weaving forum posters for crypto news.

>> No.57563075

Thanks buddy!

>> No.57563079

People hate seeing memecoins pump and love to shit on them it’s just how it is. LINU came first and is the largest so it’s going to have the most hate against it. Whereas hokk and lucky came after, so both are easy kicking targets for people to laugh at.

Again. Hitting large mcaps for these coins takes significant catalysts to climb to ATH and I think all 3 coins are currently stumbling around in the dark trying to find theirs. Each are going different routes, some similar. LINU and LUCKY are doing NFTs (even though I think that route is retarded). LINU has tik tok shills and for some reason an only fans? Again the only fans is stupid.
HOKK has some socials in the work and some proper listings being updated. HOKK should really get a website going. And find a good gimmick for marketing.

>> No.57563097

Everything, site included, just links to the telegram.
Searching discord also just shows 400 linux groups.

>> No.57563124
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I’m about to bet on lucky. The chart looks like shit but a few buys will make people FOMO in to get in at the low mc. Also, gas fees are already cheaper.

>> No.57563140

Honestly just bet on all 3 for the safest play. The gas dump is probably a safe buy in for all of them. Unless it dumps more in which case lol.

Id slurp on all 3 but slurping means more money investing and I am fine just leaving my initial in.

>> No.57563141

this is what I'm talking about. If you knew anything about HOKK, like you do about LINU apprently, you'd know it has had a website for over a week now. And marketing is being worked into

>> No.57563146

NFTs are bullshit, except they generate money for marketing and people like to sport them as their pfps. Worst case they don’t generate money, and the dev teams are out time and some money they used to generate the layers. It might not be a great way to make money outside of the communities, but I’ve seen it work many times. When the hype picks up again, it will pay off.

>> No.57563155

>and for some reason an only fans?
Yeah when i saw that posted here i lold. Apparently that's not the main groups doing, everyone seemed confused.
>HOKK should really get a website going.
They have a site, it's just kind of clunky. I don't know if they fixed it, but the reddit redirect would send you to 'this subreddit is banned'.
>Everything, site included, just links to the telegram.
I just checked. Looks like their links work fine but the discord invite has expired. May have been a casualty of the report raids? Their Twitter was K.O.d for a while too but looks to be back up. Hokk also suffers report raids.

Not sure if it's one dog reporting another or some genuinely mad sol scammers.

>> No.57563176

>has had a website for over a week
is it a .com? .org? Everytime i try to check again it seems down but i don't remember if it was a .com i know it was something i thought was an odd choice.

>> No.57563189

And i have zero clue what the lucky site is anymore. First one was held ransom.

>> No.57563191

I know what you’re saying, but I stand to make the most money on lucky. I already do own Linu and HOKK, but it’s going to take absolutely nothing to get it to double in value. I think that will induce FOMO will make it get going again.

>> No.57563198

It’s on dextools. Takes like 5 seconds to find. Plus you can just buy it on the coinbase wallet, don’t even need uniswap .

>> No.57563200

Hk has taxes and is for faggots

>> No.57563204

I'm not going to link it here because jannies are homosexuals. Just go to the HOKK dexscreener, it's near the bottom where the info is (just like Lucky's)

>> No.57563211

So does Lucky, but I don't see you bringing them up. Gee, I wonder where which side all this fud is coming from...

>> No.57563214

Ah thanks, I'm retarded. I completely forgot dextools would have them.

>> No.57563226
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This is even easier.

>> No.57563233
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>So gas fees tanked all 3 of these last few days
>Not the early whales slow rugging
Keep diddling with your mutt coins... meanwhile I'll be in something that actually will moon.

The jannies pumping this dogshit should be summarily executed.

>> No.57563238

Coinbase will send you to the website?

>> No.57563252

>>Not the early whales slow rugging
Yeah this fud doesn't really make sense considering almost all 3 coin's whales would be losing money selling now and/or would have made 5-6 figures selling earlier.
>muh slow rug
Makes zero sense.

>> No.57563264

>I can't read a fucking chart
Many such cases.

>> No.57563289

Yeah you should buy low, not high. Each dog team is moving their projects forward. A bad week with $50 gas fees could kill these coins but so far it's looking like they're still planning longterm.

>> No.57563300

No, I’m being retarded, just saying it’s easy to swap because the coinbase wallet brings up the token when you select to swap ETH. But yeah the website and tg are on dextools.

>> No.57563323

>planning longterm
Oh yes, believe me they are planning to longterm drain your asses for every penny you throw at them by slowly dumping 1000's of wallets on your head and hoping you don't notice. Meanwhile they'll promise you rose gardens but you'll just end up with the same garbage everything else has (muh cool website muh listings muh staking blah blah blah).

But whatever... it's your money. Do wtf you want with it I guess.

>> No.57563326

Is lucky Inu mostly held by whales? says only 21% of it is in the hands of "remainder" holders. which worries me.

>> No.57563347

this actually looks like a pretty promising project. only 20k market cap. most of which is held by non-whales.

>> No.57563368

>they have THOUSANDS of wallets!
Did they have about 15 million dollars laying around to spread across 3 separate meme coins with taxes and gas fees? All to make a loss? Nice conspiracy.
Yes but tell again about how your coin "will actually moon".

>> No.57563399

I’ve genuinely never seen the website shilled in these threads or even in the TG. If I’m just not looking at the right time, then that’s on me. Shill it more Though.

>> No.57563413

Lucky inu guys really need to fix the coin icon it’s stretched and blurry.

>> No.57563433

>15 million dollars
>to load up on 10-zero shitcoins
>a few TG groups surely can't be dumping!!! HAHA CHUD!!
>but tell again
Ok, email me and I'll explain

>> No.57563686

One or two of these dogcoins will die. This will open up a spot for a new one to come in and gigapump. I unironically bought a small bag of SJI in case that's the one. I saw a few anons shilling Casinu as well but I think it's too high market cap to pump like HOKK or LINU.

>> No.57563700

LINU forever.

Also seem to remember SHIB dumped hardcore after initial pump..huh..

>> No.57563763

What was the catalyst for SHIB recovering?

>> No.57563818
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56% is burned, the 20 something percent wallet is the liquidity pool, and the rest are the holders. No one has over 2%, so there are no mega whales. I’m trying to send ETH over to my wallet to get some but it’s not fucking working right now. This better fucking not pump before I can do that or I’m going to lose my fucking mind! ARGHHHHHHHHH

>> No.57563833

It won’t do any major pumping until the coin flip is finished which not sure when that’ll be? Maybe next week? You got time. And this is the best time to buy probably if you’re going to. If I bought pre dog bleed I’d be angry right now.

>> No.57563848


>> No.57563899

Everyone thinks that until they look at the chart and see the mc 50% higher. These low mc coins move fast as shit when something happens.

>> No.57563931

You can’t send ETH? What are you using?

>> No.57564240

hokk isn't looking so lokkd anymore

>> No.57564458


There's something really soulcrushing about seeing all the progress slowly built up over the week gone overnight. But this is the legendary HOKK. Even if it's dead for now, it's certainly gonna have another run at some point.

>> No.57564462

HOKK has the bare minimum.

LUCKY and LINU have
>Public Attention Grabbers

If you didn't sell when you HOKK was at 2M mcap then... yikes...

>> No.57564467

For the fresh anon,
recap of the E193 drama. Feel free to copy and paste

> swing trade every single price action (he knows that eventually swingies get the rope)
> tries to manipulate the chart once again
> dumps his 11T stack trying to cause panic sell, homies slurp the bottom and price him out from his 11T stack
> “OMG what do I do now”
> somehow he needs to compensate the losses
> bet all of his stack on a shitcoin called cap1bara (yes, the mammal. It’s such a shitcoin that biz doesn’t allow me to write the name properly)
> his wallet gets slashed in half since he gets used as a sissy cuck exit liquidity
> gets back in the tg, throws a tantrum, blames us homies for his decisions
> gets back on 4chan and throws another tantrum on how his “volume” kept LINU alive and wish us for the worst fate possible
> now panic sold cap1bara and bought something called “goat trading”
> dumped goat trading 10 minutes ago and bought something called DEVVE
> he’s down on that as well

You can check his cries here >>57563232 # #

And his wallet here:

https://etherscan dot

>> No.57564472
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wtf are you doing anon why would you invest in this useless shitcoin you are actually retarded for real you need to learn financial discipline and stop chasing after these worthless pump and dump scams its over now sell your worthless dog token there's no chance it will ever have a run again

>> No.57564493

Either get a gimmick or gtfo. Your soul advertising feature right now is
>H-Hokk was a giant back in the day guys it rivaled shib...!

Yeah and it also died. You need to put more into your revival than that.

Maybe I'll buy back in if it dips to 200K Mcap because there IS potential there you fuckers are just not doing ANYTHING to stand out.

>> No.57564516

I'm not taking criticism from somebody who doesn't use any punctuation whatsoever. Also, I bought at 50k. I'm still up nearly 10x.

>> No.57564553

is lucky the one with 119k mc on dextools

>> No.57564565

>low iq
>wants to invest in lucky
a tale as old as time

>> No.57564576

HOKK is the only one of those, where the price can go down 50% and no one panics in the tg

>> No.57564582

HOKK has covered all the bases when it comes to its website domain name, you can find it on hokk classic dot com

>> No.57564586

Let me check just to make sure.
Yeah that's the one. It's red as fuck like all the other dogs but it's low mc so it's not hard to pump.

While I think it's a good play, just know the team behind it is advertising a coin flip game that I've *not* seen an update on within the last 3 days. If they fail to deliver that it's going to be a dead coin.

>> No.57564606

Wait, that's still not out? I remember when it was gonna be released *tomorrow*, and that's at least a week ago.

>> No.57564626

Some people were rushing the dev to get it done and he said it's 60% done. So nah, still not done. If it actually gets made? This'll do well. But if it's a continuous >eventually
thing? Dead.

Again though. It's something.

Go tell the HOKK tg to get their butts in gear and work on an eye catching project of their own. A website and socials are not enough.

>> No.57564696

>red as fuck
Oh that really narrows it down, they’re all red you dipshit

>> No.57564732
File: 353 KB, 1179x1504, 702169F4-58C2-40C5-A547-3A2E7066BF75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought more. It’s a gamble, but it’s 120k mc on a coin that passes all basic tests. Out of all of the dogcoins, it’s literally the only one that has memes and not art. Prove me wrong, post one meme of the other two that doesn’t suck.

>> No.57564752

This is one of the most uncomfortable memes you could've posted as an example dude.

>> No.57564765
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It’s not real bro haha.

>> No.57564782
File: 339 KB, 1179x1536, C811FAD8-8C11-48F3-A062-F7F56D2648EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, this one won’t awaken uncomfortable feelings in you.

>> No.57564801

lmao wtf are the lucky boys doing behind the scenes

>> No.57564832

not bad. what was the context of the original pic? wtf did he hand him?

>> No.57564840

FUN escaping the high ones, an awesome move that’ll put some more wind in the already wide sails

>> No.57564888

>ETH fees killing pajeets because it costs their village a week of food in order to trade so they just sell early

>> No.57564942

pajeets trade on sol

>> No.57565279

What’s the deal with the lucky nfts?