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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57562156 No.57562156 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57562164
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>> No.57562221

>XMR has to be one. Itll allows you to avoid tax so basically doubles spending power.

>> No.57562224

Based AVI investor

>> No.57562454

AVI will unironically 180x from here

>> No.57562480


>> No.57562504

why do you like rndr token? it has nothing to do with A.I. And big companies that require render farms get tax write offs when paying for render farm hire so they don't need cheaper options

>> No.57562513

TUCKER once the bottom is in

>> No.57562625

Wpokt is underappreciated

>> No.57563077

why would TUCKER go up from here?

>> No.57563084
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OP has a large Kenis

>> No.57563089

These threads are always full of large cap alts that will never 10x, or small cap meme coins that are headed to 0. Never any real alpha here anymore. Sad.

>> No.57563167

I'm the anon that sold all my GRT for KNS. Been slurping the past 2 weeks and built up a sizeable kenis

>> No.57563207


Shouldn't Avi be doxed for that to happen

>> No.57563278


>> No.57563401

TYBG probably won't go to zero for as long as coinbase exists. I'm kicking myself for not buying more when it was under 8mil the other day.
Fideum is a real project and severely undervalued.

>> No.57563546

other than KNS being quite higher MC than the others. LINU and AVI are all cheap and primed for a 50-100x minimum in 12-15 months. Thats pretty alpha

>> No.57563619

I want something money can't buy, so I cannot make it. I want my country to have a better (warmer) climate. I already have a boat.

>> No.57564216

why the fuck are you tards shilling LINU on every board on /biz? anyone with the tiniest bit of brain wouldn't touch that shit with a 10 ft pole.
Do portfolio a favour and buy SUPRA at launch, at least you'll be early on that and can cope 100x

>> No.57564222

people still pretend that these coins have some kind of actual use in reality? lmao

>> No.57564228
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You are spot on.

>> No.57564235

You're the anon that's not gonna make it this bull cycle. SUPRA is your best bet, no other L1 comes close.
Bonus tip; buy and stake PYTH, it's gonna outperform TIA in the long run

>> No.57564255

>hurr don’t buy LINU buy my bags instead

You jeets are endless, Alexander should have subjugated your people.

>> No.57564278

KNS is the alpha.
It’s not a meme.
Its mcap is very small. It has the potential for $1B, there’s a 50x, without the same risks posed by memes

>> No.57564359

For the fresh anon,
recap of the E193 drama. Feel free to copy and paste

> swing trade every single price action (he knows that eventually swingies get the rope)
> tries to manipulate the chart once again
> dumps his 11T stack trying to cause panic sell, homies slurp the bottom and price him out from his 11T stack
> “OMG what do I do now”
> somehow he needs to compensate the losses
> bet all of his stack on a shitcoin called cap1bara (yes, the mammal. It’s such a shitcoin that biz doesn’t allow me to write the name properly)
> his wallet gets slashed in half since he gets used as a sissy cuck exit liquidity
> gets back in the tg, throws a tantrum, blames us homies for his decisions
> gets back on 4chan and throws another tantrum on how his “volume” kept LINU alive and wish us for the worst fate possible
> now panic sold cap1bara and bought something called “goat trading”
> will keep you posted about his gains

You can check his cries here >>57563232 #

And his wallet here:

https://etherscan dot

>> No.57564374

At this point, I think I have a best shot with a low cap like lucky

>> No.57564448

Just don't hold when it pumps next time anon. Meme coins crash very soon once they go parabolic.

>> No.57564461

t. fully allocated

>> No.57564802

Fuck SUPRA bro it is all about the heckin doggorino LINU

>> No.57564828

Manta could do 10x

>> No.57564890

This anon knows

>> No.57564896
File: 161 KB, 1179x1179, hmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>concerned about my well being
>needs everyone to sell their lucky
you may as well just say "hey, I own HOKK/LINU and I need to make sure Lucky doesn't also hit 7 digit mc"

>> No.57564920
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yacht party is pre-programmed
simple as

>> No.57564976

I hold 100k of it myself. But did you just reply to your own post?