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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57561616 No.57561616[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Look. I don't have much money and I'm an ugly incel. Recently (last two days) I've amassed a little bit of money (not much just $50k) and now I'm getting w*Men staring at me smiling and trying to start conversations. Can they tell I now have a little bit of money? Are they just investing early like how we invest in shitcoins early to get 1000xs? These filthy freakish creatures want to STEAL MY MONEY. Time to do a little trolling >:)

>> No.57561658

>he think you can amaze a girl with money

you are a retard that won the lottery

>> No.57561673

Is this the dubs thread?

>> No.57561679
File: 3.87 MB, 758x1080, qdrvyqh5w.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by nature women are programmed to seek men with resources aka money so she can have kids and provide for them in the best way

marrying a poor loser today is a death sentence for them

>> No.57561688

Incel /pol/ cope

women care about chad

they'd rather have a construction worker making minimum wage than some scrawny nerd with an office job making 1mil per year

at least then she actually enjoys fucking you

>> No.57561742

cool story bro, check out these digits

>> No.57561849

>Alphafux for genetic wealth
>Betabux for monetary wealth

Youre both right

>> No.57561918

This. The women you'll attract with wealth might be getting piped by Chad, but she'll at least marry a betabuxx and offer some pity pussy once or twice a year. Not perfect, but hey it's what some guys want

>> No.57561924
File: 57 KB, 976x850, p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can they tell I now have a little bit of money?
No, you're just a fucking schizo, and also stop larping.

>> No.57561961

You're that same anon that keeps telling everyone that they "won the lottery" when they talk about how much money they made from crypto. Keep coping you little bitch. Instead of joining us you cope and seethe in the sidelines because you're too scared to try it. Have fun staying poor.

>> No.57561989
File: 7 KB, 266x190, tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily incel thread

>> No.57562176

Nah, you probably just got some money and are more confident now. They're looking at you like "why is this ugly freak walking with his chest back and nose up".

>> No.57562182

You can be a billionaire but if your woman isn't attracted to you you'll find out she's fucking the pool boy you hired. Girls want both resources and good genetics for their children and they'll do anything to get it.

>> No.57562188

>The websites that do DNA for family history say that between 1% and 3% of people turn out not to be the biological child of their supposed father. The Guardian newspaper in Britain published an article saying 4% - 1 in 25.

lmao, 1 in 25 men are getting cucked. guess what they all got in common?

>> No.57562210

Lower numbers than i expected
But i would like to see a study of rates per ethnic group and social class
Think the middle class and people from family cultures might come out way ahead and you'll find some turbo sluts

>> No.57562358

>they'd rather have a construction worker making minimum wage than some scrawny nerd with an office job making 1mil per year
They'd rather be impregnated by a guy with good genetics, of course. Can you blame them? It is their biological imperative.

>> No.57562380

kek id rather be a retard with money than a wagie who has to clean and dress myself and then go act like a trained monkey for 80% of my waking existence just so another man will give me permission not to starve to death. disgusting wagescum

>> No.57562395

Sorry for that guy but bitches are watching scuffed realtor now and know that the Toyota corolla is the chariot of the gods.

>> No.57562408

some women want your body, some women want your wallet. both are disgusting and i couldn't give less of a fuck.

>> No.57562464

what a larp, he has to pay, chads get it for free and make the women pay

>> No.57562569

what about poor chads? i know loads of poor chads. they're not too bright and have shitty wages. the idea that you get on on the back of looks is a myth. it's bonus at best, and a good character goes much further

>> No.57562598

Bitches don't know bout muh 90s Buick lesaber

>> No.57562610

Why does my Corolla never need any maintenance? Changed the alternator in the 10 years I’ve owned it. It’s like some hacked item that never loses durability

>> No.57562619

It's not that complicated. Men carry themselves with more swagger when they've got "a little money" and women pick up on the instinctive changes in your behavior and try to suck the life force out of you because they are the spawn of lilith.