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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57553548 No.57553548 [Reply] [Original]

Compare yourself to your fellow /biz/ collegues. Post your:

>Income (usd)
>Net worth

I'll start

>$37,602 per year
>Police officer (in "1st world" country in Europe)
>Net worth - around $60,000 USD, mostly in savings as planning on buying a house soon, some limited crypto investments and car.

>> No.57553598

>$15,083 (neetbux)
>like maybe $2000

>> No.57553603

>male masseuse at gay spa

>> No.57553614

>software developer in 1st world European country
>around $30k in savings, $25k in crypto, $5k worth car, $250k mortgage

>> No.57553622
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Kayla Kayden aka Lacey Spice

you're welcome

>> No.57553626

>>Age: 24
>>Income (usd); 600k/annually
>>Occupation: living off dividends
>>Net worth: 40mil

>> No.57553627
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>failed businessman
(60K~) USD

>> No.57553641

- 33
- IDK per year. I didn't really work the past 3 years
- Do whatever. Have a bachelor in IT
- NW 600k cause i started buying bitcoin in 2017

>> No.57553647

>around 12k usd

>> No.57553670

$34,000 CAD + tips
3.2 Million USD

>> No.57553679

nice try Fed

look at all these newfags

>> No.57553696

Just turned 22
>Income (usd)
>Net worth

>> No.57553719

>HR Coordinator

>> No.57553734

>Income (usd)
>Net worth

>> No.57553738

>pornographic image to keep thread bumped
>blatant data mining

>> No.57553740

spoken like a true glowie who isn't going to make it
kill yourself nigger

>> No.57553749


>> No.57553795

No BBC posts? biz is lacking these days

>> No.57553805

also glowie thread

>> No.57553845

Glowing out in the open

>> No.57553862

You have to respect him for saying it open in the op
Nubiz still responded

>> No.57553882

>>Police officer (in "1st world" country in Europe)

>> No.57553884

>forex and crypto trader (technical analysis through truflation and tradingview)
>$75,000. (buying a new car soon)

>> No.57553886
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>> No.57553895

I’m really into this new girl at work but I’m a loser and she’ll figure that out if we hook up

>> No.57553902

Aren't you ashamed to say that you are a forex trader?

>> No.57553910

cars are the worst possible investment, as the years go by they become more obsolete

>> No.57553918
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no one cares
the web is empty
all data is fake

>> No.57553926
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american detected

>> No.57553927

>software engineer in the Balkans
>200k in crypto and 10k in savings

>> No.57553934

true and real

>> No.57553937

its just an ai agent larping

>> No.57553944
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>52k/y (pre-taxes mind you)
>New grad lab engineer at a big ass polymer company in the EU
>Net worth - around 40k, would be more if I didn't invest like an idiot into crap back in 2021 but oh well
I will never afford a nice house or apartment (not so sure about having my own house since that is such a hassle in this country) on my own. Luckily I have good parents. Without them I'd have to resort to taking a fat loan because the taxes are so damn high.
I still manage to save a lot but that kind of disappears into stocks.
And I am planning to use my savings on escorts because I'm ugly. Wish me luck bros

>> No.57553956

>penis inspector in nigeria
>around $138,0381,415 (all in crypto)

>> No.57553967

>$5 per blowjob

>> No.57553983

t-tthanks you too

>> No.57554051
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>Software Engineer
>1.8 M in crypto, land, and boomer rocks.

People think I’m homeless, I don’t bother to correct them.

>> No.57554431
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>type my response for the satisfaction
>then, erase it because no one cares
>this is a glowie thread
n-....nuh nih-....n-nigg... NIGGEEEEEEEEEEER