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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 25 KB, 1024x614, raiblocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5755305 No.5755305 [Reply] [Original]

I think this might be a scam. A awful one that will make people lose a lot of money.

The fomo has been out of this world. Why? Perpetuated by a bunch of individuals who spammed this coin on reddit based on 4 things

a) The shady exchange. This is, by far, my biggest concern. The ability to artificially inflate its price was the main reason why i think this is a scam. There is no correction because its impossible to cashout from that shitty exchange. A bunch of guys started playing the market, fomo'd baseless technical bullshit and people joined the exchange and started to see the price going up and up and up. Yet, nobody has made money out of it. Some could say that will happen when it corrects, but the correction will be nasty.

b) It's free. Yeah, but is it sustainable?

c) It's quick. Ok, but it transfers absolutely nothing. I find hard to believe a coin released on 2019 does not have smart contracts attributes. This makes xrb a bunch of nothing. The currency aspect is invalidated by the volatility of the crypto. Without a smart contract, a coin holds no value.

d) Its scalability. There's zero information about how its going to be handled.

My advice. Wait for it to get to a real exchange. If you buy this thinking this will go to 1k, i think this will go to 1 dollar.

>> No.5755324

I think you're right and the pink wojaks are going to be out of this xorlb

>> No.5755423

a) Its harder to implement it for exchanges than some random ERC20 shitcoin, so it will take time.

b) Yes. Read the whitepaper

c) "Without a smart contract, a coin holds no value." ... meanwhile, BTC is still at 13k. Are you retarded?

d) Read the whitepaper.

>> No.5755438

BitGrail is fucked.

I received deposits on 2 different BitGrail accounts that weren't mine. About $300 USD worth.

Believe me... Or don't, I don't give a shit.

This exchange is shady as fuck and is forcing price manipulation with EXTREME withdraw fees and high buy minimums.

>> No.5755444

"read the whitepaper" is the best u got? ;lol this coin will be dead in a few months. cap it.

>> No.5755466


Just an example BTW:

0.05000000 ETH

That's Bitgrails withdraw fee.

Seriously. Go check if you don't believe me.

Pro tip: This coins value has been artificially inflated.

>> No.5755467

I heard this when it was $5. Now its $35. Go FUD somewhere else.

>> No.5755475

So why don't you read the whitepaper, retard?

>> No.5755499


this coin isnt going anywhere. we will pretty much see it moon like when bitcoin went from 1k -> 10k. this is btc 2.0. your just a sore loser who doesnt own any hahahaha

>> No.5755516

The coin might be decent, but you have to be a complete potato to not see that the volume and market cap are fake

>> No.5755527

the whitepaper literally explains everything and addesses all flaws and concerns. read it. the devs have a bounty right now too. they're actively looking for issues so they can address them.

>muh smart contracts

point invalidated by the fact btc is still the de-facto trade standard for crypto.

i suppose all this FUD was inevitable as theres a lot of salty people here right now, angry they missed out on the <$5 xrb train. this coin will still be $100 by this time next month, so plenty of time to still get on board if you like money lads.

>> No.5755531

Please dont be true

>> No.5755532

i have you fkn idiot lol. and it doesn't cover any of those q's. go kys bagholders

>> No.5755535


a) you are basically asking to pray
b) baloney
c) have you actually read the criticisms around bitcoin and its future irrelevancy? are you telling me the future is based on the same mistake?
d) more baloney

>> No.5755543

So what? If you have a big XRB position the 0.5 wont matter. This shit has already gained 5000%.

And if you have a small position: trade XRB to LTC for 0,2% fee, send LTC for minmal transfer fees to Coinbase, cash out, done.


>> No.5755564

Move your Raiblocks to Raiwallet instantly and for free, faggot

>> No.5755567

i would encourage anyone with profits n their xrb to get out while they can. there are tons of reports sayin g xrb deposits are taking hours to arrive. when they arrive huge dump incoming

>> No.5755581

you know the cashout meme?

cause you really can't cashout xrb.

try it.

>> No.5755591

> It's going to 1 dollar guise!!!
>No FUD, legitimate concern

>> No.5755595

OP is a fucking idiot. It was voted #1 by a LANDSLIDE for the coin that will perform the best in 2018. don't listen to his FUD. he just wants you to sell so he can try to buy some cuz he holds NONE hahahaha


>> No.5755612

this is due to bitgrail not being able to handle the amount of traffic

kraken was down for 80% of the time last month before their hardware upgrade yet i don't see XMR, ETH, XRP, and every currency traded on kraken down 80% (except BTC ayy)

>> No.5755620

literally eat a turd.

>> No.5755623

I've got 20BTC worth of XRB in my Bitgrail acc. Even if I was Tier 3 verified, it would still take 4 days because of the 5BTC maximum withdraw.

>> No.5755630

I have to agree, I can't believe there are billions in this coin and it isn't on a legit exchange yet.

>> No.5755632

I've cashed out some coins, and have the rest in raiwallet. Not sure what this is all about.

Though I was on mercatox not bitgrail.

>> No.5755633

This is shit because its too late for me to buy: the thread

>> No.5755634

>linking to Reddit

Why can’t you “people” stay on your own website?

>> No.5755641

i'm just saying that heaps of people are freaking out and the first thing they'll do is secure their gains

>> No.5755643

So basically

>Muh smart contracts
>Muh fomo
>Muh no bittrex

Fucking retard you will be able to bud XRB in a week on Binance. For 50$ that is

>> No.5755683

i don't even hold XRB but this fud is ridiculous. Salty you didn't buy it @ 2$? I know I am

>> No.5755686

nice fud, I r8 8/8

>> No.5755692

>been this retarded
who would have guessed bag holders would claim their coin as the best pick for 2018. Really great data set you have there.

>> No.5755703

lmao so true. these idiots think that XRB will dip cuz its on Bitgrail? yeah sure itll dip to 50 when it hits binance then it'll moon to 100 in just few weeks after

>> No.5755705

bagholders with 300%+ increase.
alrighty then.

>> No.5755731

How can this be top15 and still only be on some garbage exchange ?

>> No.5755733

lol post ur buy tx then. prove u're not getting railed

>> No.5755734

im saying its a possibility.

>> No.5755763

He doesn't know how supply and demand works.

>> No.5755765

4 billion market cap in a month, parabolic unprecedented rise. Literally only on one shitty exchange that pretty much only trades this coin. This could get ugly really quick, don't let your greed blind you.

>> No.5755818

BTC rose from 1k to 10k in a few months and the technology in XRB is much more innovative. STFU, you dont know shit

>> No.5755828

check the volume and the price. it doesn't match up.

and if this is going to 1k like people preach, it sounds like its still very soon to buy.


>> No.5755842

Doesn't matter if this was done with intent or not. It's impossible to hide behind the fact that Raiblocks primarily growing in what can best be described as a lobster trap, where it's easy to get in but hard to get out, has caused an INSANE price increase.

The tech is good, and that is why it has increased. But because it grew in an isolated bubble it grew too quickly. And when it's released into the wild, by being listed on Binance, we're going to see one gigantic fucking crash.

Will it recover? Yeah, probably, because it's a legit project. But a bunch of people are going to lose a fuckton of money by selling on the way down.

>> No.5755850

>this WILL get ugly really quick

>> No.5755859

supply and demand means nothing in crypto, this went from a 30M cap to almost $5bn in a month on low volume and shitty exchanges, are you really that blind to see this isn't being manipulated? I'm not saying the product is bad but its so obvious its being pumped without any correction, no coin does that

>> No.5755928

>cant cash out

I took back my initial investment, just convert it to LTC and send it over to Binance. 0.05 ETH isn't such a big fee compared to sending bitcoin, btw

The technical questions are all addressed on the whitepaper. They're offering tons of cash for the bug bounty, feel free to try and find something.

And the coin is meant to be used as currency. It doesn't need smart contracts to compete against ETH because this is another market niche. It's trying to compete against DASH and LTC. Some people in Venezuela are already using it, since their "real" currency has gone to shit. So it already has a use case.

Get dicked fudder

>> No.5755932
File: 447 KB, 1920x1080, One crypto to rule them all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRB? What? That's a real thing? Oh shit, my bad. I thought you said XRP. Wrong thread. I'll just leave this here on my way out.

>> No.5755945
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I got this by filling a bazillion CAPTCHAs never in my wildest dreams I expected to be in this position. I don't really understand what it is or why it's valuable so I don't know what's the right price to sell and have no idea how to figure it out. I've read the whitepaper I just don't think I understand it.

>> No.5755949

It just means very few people are selling, and lots of redditors of FOMOing into XRB, you don't need artificially inflated volume created by bots to get to a large marketcap, just take a look at NEM, lots of patient Jap bagholders.

>> No.5755950

the way this appeared on reddit, it very much sounds like someone had that intent.

they knew two things. it was fast and quick. that's their preaching. go look at the fomo. all exactly the same. and then they made people go to the shitty exchanged. they started playing with their own coins to inflate the price. the volume doesn't lie. there was no reason for this to go that big.

im just trying to warn people who want to get in now. Be ready cause things can get very nasty.

Even if there wasnt intent, things would be scary now.

But if there was intent and it was orchestrated...wow.

we talking about a project that, right now, is hiring 1 dev to "fix" something or help. after it hits 4 billion....hikes.

i see a lot of red flags.

>> No.5756119

>most can literally sell for an impressive profit at anytime, with more buyers coming in at every second
You fudders are fucking retarded.

>> No.5756122

The DDoS attack problem bugs me A LOT. We can't fucking have a free internet without cloudshit and everyone is pouring money into a coin that intrinsically is weak agains peny attacks.

Why no one is speaking about it?

>> No.5756125

Whitepaper reader here. Read it a month ago. Haven't bought because of how uncertain the tech is. Big mistake obviously. From now on whenever I see something like XRB that can work in the short term but probably not the long I will throw some at it.

This thing has not been subject to attack like the other top 10 things. XRB is no where near as shit as IOTA but there are still massive question marks about how much resources it would take to take the network down. When it hits top 10 you'll probably see people actually analysing its weaknesses and thrashing it. If no one else does I'll do it eventually.

>> No.5756171

There was a 85 btc sell wall at bitgrail

>> No.5756181

Like I tried to point out, nobody is concerned about anything from a technical point of view. Its vulnerability, sustainability, scalability, etc. its all based on price hype on a shady exchange.

>> No.5756254

It literally has been talked about multiple times.

You all should really watch this:
It addresses your concerns and a lot more.

>> No.5756260

I started with crypto like a week ago but bitgrail is the only site where eth has gone missing for me so far. I don't like it.

>> No.5756268

Not buying into your ponzi, enriching you beyond your 100x in one month. (Only a brainlet denies certain ponzi dynamics driving crypto atm.)
My whale stacks will seek steady gains elsewhere.

>> No.5756318

Never trust white altright males

>> No.5756353

Cashed out twice. First when I bought at 4, then when I sold at 20.


>> No.5756384

...except when you sneak onto their forum to ride the wave of wealth they have created. just like in everyday life!

>> No.5756407


>> No.5756417

I don't understand the volume argument... Are people saying that there isn't enough volume to account for the price?? How can there not be enough volume??? It must be getting sold if people are buying it

>> No.5756461

by a bunch of individuals buying at higher market prices to inflate the market price. probably buying of each other.

the volume shows there is no demand for the price to spike that much.

>> No.5756481

volume argument is pure fud, check cmc. XRB is doing better than NEM for example while being in 2 shitty exchanges

>> No.5756500

does your brain hurt?

>> No.5756536

now. not when it went crazy for sure. why are you lying man?

>> No.5756563

Price will drop for sure, no one is saying the opposite. But with the coming new wallet/mobile apps, you must be dumb to think this will drop that hard

>> No.5756582


nah.. the spike is purely "binance hype" speculation and general holding mentality due to anticpated gains, not lack of demand.

But my guess is it will sink to 20k come binance time.

I've got 4k and I do plan on selling 2k the minute this gets to binance.

I might buy some back if theres any solid retention and if dump won't be so severe.

This is literally the SAFEST strategy, i challenge anyone to come up with a better alternative.

Also i'm not a hodler.

>> No.5756612

I have no reason to lie. 4chan shills told me to not buy when it was 2$ because it's too hight, market manipulated blablabla. I did, fucking best decision ever !
You think no market is manipulated ? there are whales only on bitgrail ? WTF
This will drop, but it will recover fast. done.

>> No.5756635

If you think Rai has been pumped because of whales you are a moron. This will dip a little on Binance then take off to $100.

>> No.5756638

Occam's razor. Volume is low because it's on two shit exchanges. The illuminati isn't trying to trick you into buying shit coin mk II. Buy the richblocks or stay poor forever fags.

>> No.5756641

The POW argument makes no sense. So I can increase the POW for the whole network then to the point where no ones phones or embedded devices can do it. That's a successful denial of service attack. When you're not rewarded for PoW like you are in bitcoin there will be fuck all hashing power on the network. I doubt it will cost much to blow this thing up. If you're a competitor coin with millions invested and XRB is threatening you're status, it's an easy and relatively cheap investment to blow the whole thing up. Not to mention the Feds.

> Transaction rate-limiting and other techniques are currently being investigated to mitigate attacks.

Wew lad. Maybe you can do that before the thing has 10bln market cap?
I don't even see transaction rate limiting is going to help anything.

>> No.5756694

this is not a """"""""spike"""""""". Look at logarithmic chart. Look at volume.
This growth is normal and organic.

>> No.5756836
File: 321 KB, 552x561, 60039dcd-e6ce-407e-b3ab-0d936b8da97e..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About 10% of my portfolio is currently XRB and I obviously want the coin to succeed, but it takes an idiot not to admit that it's current price is thanks to some serious manipulation and shitty exchange scenario. I expect huge changes once it hits real exchanges

4chan is not an alt right website, ya cunt

>> No.5756858

read the fucking whitepaper cucks

>> No.5756980


That's great, but what you neglected - YOU STUPID FUCK - Is that this exchange doesn't allow you to have a small position.

Minimum buy order is 10 XRB. That's over $300 USD.

It costs like $40 to withdraw ETH so no one is going to sell and withdraw their funds on an exchange that charges that much unless they've got a few thousand dollars worth.

What, you think people were gonna sell their XRB and withdraw ETH when XRB was only a few bucks? Their profit would be completely negated by the withdraw fees.

The price of this coin is completely inflated.

If you made money off this, congrats, I'm jealous, but make sure you cash the fuck out before this hits an exchange that isn't complete trash.

>> No.5757002

>it's not a spike

>+2000% in one month

Whatever u say bro

>> No.5757010

go back to sucking Arab dick, cuckold.

>> No.5757019

It doesn't even matter if it keeps up the momentum to 100 dollars. You need to remember the golden rule: Never ever FOMO into pumps.

>> No.5757059

You think people who made a shit ton of profit of XRB give a shit about 40 dollar fee?

>> No.5757079

>So I can increase the POW for the whole network then to the point where no ones phones or embedded devices can do it.

That's the case already. From the whitepaper:

Device Transactions Per Second
Nvidia Tesla V100 (AWS) 6.4
Nvidia Tesla P100 (Google,Cloud) 4.9
Nvidia Tesla K80 (Google,Cloud) 1.64
AMD RX 470 OC 1.59
Nvidia GTX 1060 3GB 1.25
Intel Core i7 4790K AVX2 0.33
Intel Core i7 4790K,WebAssembly (Firefox) 0.14
Google Cloud 4 vCores 0.14-0.16
ARM64 server 4 cores (Scaleway) 0.05-0.07

>> No.5757157

>Minimum buy order is 10 XRB. That's over $300 USD.

Back in November I got JUST'd hard at Bitfinex by minimum order size on BitcoinCash.
Bought the minimum order, but the fee got deduced, so now my stack was below minimum and I couldn't sell. By the time I got extra cash into the exchange, it crashed hard.

Never again.

>> No.5757285

>g-guys please listen to me this thing is a scam
>Please sell before you get dumped on

Has there ever been anyone at Biz that gave hoenst advices? This is board infested with absolute scum that want you to fail for a shit and gigles. Do NOT even entertain this fud and just hold.

>> No.5757417

>muh manipulation
You're all throwing that word around so easily, can you elaborate more how exactly.
Bitgrail lowered buy/withdraw to 1 XRB btw

>> No.5757455

ok but how can something be free?
how can it be transferred at no cost?
How can it be so fast?

>> No.5757504

How can private torrent be so fast and free?

>> No.5757556
File: 39 KB, 995x656, withdraw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh no, such high XRB withdraw fees from BitGrail. Such manipulation.

1 XRB min withdraw is too much for pajeet.

>> No.5757585

Its not free for the original cracker who had to buy the software. There's always a cost. The scene does it for rep, somehow I doubt the XRB devs have the same aims.

>> No.5757595

I was actually considering selling some of my xrb after reading this thread and a couple like it last few of days.


I now assume that is the point.

This market is no more manipulated than any other in crypto world.

>> No.5757665

there is no limit for XRB/BTC on bitgrail

>> No.5757674

Not really though. Not in this case. If running node on any device is so cheap, that we dont mind paying 1-2 bucks per month on it because we all use and love instant transaction without fees it can work without army of basement dwellers that are pushing Ireland level of elecricity consumption for what is still a niche market.

>> No.5757676

but what do smart contracts transfer?
i tell you what

>> No.5757679

You might actually be a retard if you can’t understand a 7 page white paper written in basic english

>> No.5757683

I also got a random deposit that wasn't mine on Bitgrail. It was 0.5 ETH. I surely it's a glitch. Sure enough I withdrew it to my binance account lol. I'll take it

>> No.5757998

I saw this kid at the station. Seemed like a bright young man. A little out of this world, no real social skills, a bit dreamy I guess.

He looked at the train I was about to board. Thought I'd strike a conversation with him, but even a simple hi made him blush like a 12-year-old girl who just discovered her love for older men.

I asked him, are you going on that train young fella? "N..no." he said. I thought I'd at least try to convince him why he should get on the train, after all, it was going to Top3.

Being at a station where the digits were in the 100's I can understand one would never believe such a train to exist.

Didn't get much of a reply out of the conversation I tried to have, but I still handed him a ticket. "It's up to you from this point on kid" I said, and went aboard.

I kept looking at this kid, hoping he would jump on as well. Right before we were heading off I saw him set a step forward, just to stand still and back off right after.

It's been a month, I'm still on that train as I'm writing this. We're at station 16 right now, heading towards station 15. We're quite sure we'll be there in less than 24 hours. We might even speed things up and go to 14 straight away.

All kinds of people in this train. It's wonderful to see. Those who joined us at the very first station, those who joined as we neared station-100 and got that secure feeling of being on the recognized list of stations.. Some only joined recently and had to pay over 150 times the amount for the very same ticket had they bought the ticket early December. They're very optimistic about the ride either way, they say it doesn't feel like they overpaid, they actually think they still got in quite cheap.

As we're nearing Top3, I think about that kid sometimes. I just hope he didn't become one of those OP's that refused to hop on the train whilst being handed a ticket by the man himself, 4chan, and started spreading FUD. That would truly make him a faggot.

>> No.5758062
File: 224 KB, 1065x847, bitgrail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder

>> No.5758070

100 USD next month, stay poor Pajeet.

>> No.5758072

Oh look, It's another DRRRR NO SMART CONTRACTS Guy. Not every fucking coin needs smart contracts and guess what? 90% of the coins that say they have them ARENT WORTH SHIT technologically speaking. Smart contracts are just buzz words like "blockchain" and "disrupting"

>> No.5758131

I understand the letters, I just don't understand the magic thing that makes this worth so much.

>> No.5758288

XRB is a scam and I am gonna laugh so hard when it reaches a real exchange without fake volume and marketcap manipulation and it tanks hard leaving tons of bag holders

>> No.5758338

>look at me i didnt buy at 3$ now im salty and did u know the volume is fake ha ha just like that pls sell your bags

>> No.5758339


>> No.5758375

The salt is real ! Keep going pajeet. I'll fucking laugh my ass off once you will see the new wallet, plus wait for a big announcement ... just saying

>> No.5758384

Oh shit ive fucked up

>> No.5758388

agree, the bag-holding is going to be legendary

>> No.5758444

Mind - blown. That shitty house is where I have more than $120k worth XRB right now, because those dipshits have such small withdrawal limits and cant verify my documents for so many days. Kek.

>> No.5758448

There are some real problems with XRB:

- not peer-reviewed, kind of important considering how novel the tech is
- spam might be a problem. somebody on reddit posted an estimate of it taking around 1500$ per hour or something like that to paralyze the network. there's no adjustable POW, and even if there was, like anon here pointed out it would just make the network unusable for most people
- incentives to run nodes. even now, the wallets can't sync up with the ledger because more transactions keep popping up than they can sync. assuming global adoption, running a node would take some severe resources, most likely enough RAM to keep the entire ledger there. at that point why even bother coupling the wallet with the full node? it's not p2p if only corporations can run nodes.

>> No.5758454

>working wallet
What’s not to understand anon? That’s all it was ever meant to be.

>> No.5758494


>> No.5758495


>> No.5758532

Confirmed jealous because no xrb.

>> No.5758549

Chadblocks is just taking a nap. He will be back at it before you know it.

>> No.5758586

a whale is dumping into 80 million volume
we'll be right back

>> No.5758588

Also, the owner is literally a teenager with a Creeper from the game Minecraft as his facebook profile pic.

>> No.5758600

I sold most of my XRB because of >>5758448, but honestly it's baffling how salty people are about it. If you didn't buy then so what, let other people enjoy their gains, trying desperately to shit on them isn't gonna help you

>> No.5758602


>> No.5758628

I got verified in one day, resize your documents, into under 1mb sized pictures

>> No.5758632

bittrex is registered in some parkspace condo

>> No.5758638
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>> No.5758670 [DELETED] 

i bought at $10 $13 and $16
even if it halfs I would still have more money than I did 3 days ago

>> No.5758677

buy the dip you inherent brainlets

>> No.5758747

This is the last time in 2018 that you will be able to get XRB for <$30

t. been comfy holding since $3,50

>> No.5758752

nice, just bought 100k more

>> No.5758815

You guys know there’s another shitty exchange that has it too right?

>> No.5758866

>sold this morning at ATH

FUD some more so I can enter again

>> No.5758903

I sent 103xrb to bitgrail and I have no pending deposit and no XRB in my wallet. What the fuck

>> No.5758939

Get RAILED faggots hahahahahhahaha. Price crashing like no tomorrow

>> No.5758955

I've been able to cash out just fine.. don't listen to these guys.

>> No.5758961

> upward sloping log chart
> "normal and organic growth"
You're fucking retarded

>> No.5759005
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Oh I see the faggots are out larping again.

New paradigm bitches

>> No.5759008
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>> No.5759010

Is this thread really the cause of this crazy dip happening now?

>> No.5759014

bitgrail graphic can't even keep up

>> No.5759030

What's your definition of a crash? Trendline hasn't been broken. Trendline won't be broken.

>> No.5759042

it always takes some time don´t worry I did it in the past and it always worked.

>> No.5759044

No. Are you stupid?

>> No.5759060

No it's honestly stupid fucking bitgrail's fault

>> No.5759078

You have to be an idiot to follow the advices of some 4chan biz threads.

>> No.5759080

Probably because they lowered minimum withdrawal from 10 to 1.

>> No.5759108

relax niggers. 50$ today

>> No.5759119
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>> No.5759127

There is no buy limit you brainlet, also the withdraw minimum is now 1 XRB. Let the FUD flow through you brainlet

>> No.5759148

Holy shit it's.. back up

>> No.5759151

>50$ today
$ 50 market cap.

>> No.5759152

Yes it really is and its really sad that someone would do this...

>> No.5759153

You faggots are all salty as fuck you didn't buy at sub .30 and sell half at 15 and 1/4 at $30

Literally have lambo Fiat on coinbase, withdrawing 10k per day for the next 80 fucking days.

Thank you bitgrail and xrb!!

>> No.5759168

Charming house, probably older than burgerland

>> No.5759201


its smart money knowing that you either get out before the imminent crash or they will never see their gains again.

>> No.5759210

Little piece of advice, always try to look for ways to minimizing your withdrawal fees by checking every coin.
For example withdrawing dogecoin on bitgrail costs 15 cent, ltc on kucoin is 20 cents, etc.

>> No.5759241

aaaaaand it's back. Dang it, missed the dip

>> No.5759278

Kek, I fucking love this coin

>> No.5759316

one whale dumping less we have to worry about now. ok so where were we again?

>> No.5759317

no pussy shit here... i got my whole portfolio on xrb wew

>> No.5759324

What did you use for proof of address?

>> No.5759327

The actual name of the company is Webcoin Solutions and their address is Via Roma 145, Signa C.a.p. 50058 - Florence, Italy. This is all on their website.
The domain is registered to Francesco Firano who uses the nickname TheBomber and he admins the Telegram support group.

>> No.5759352

op raises interesting questions.

sold half my stack for now.

>> No.5759364

thanks :*

>> No.5759373

smart move

>> No.5759386

Most of OPs points are stupid.
Still, it's a somewhat risky buy, because the coin is kinda untested and who knows what can happen to it and whether it can scale.
But if it's found that there are no major issues or that the issues will be fixed, this can easily be $1000+ EOY.

>> No.5759425

yeah but not with bitgrail.
this coin needs a legit exchance option.
otherwise it is a risky trap.

>> No.5759440

Guys I have a large amount of XRB in mercatox.
I've read somewhere in reddit that the withdrawal limit for non-verified users is 0,5 BTC but if you have 2fa it's 1 BTC, not american so can't really verify my user to get the 5 BTC withdrawal.
Can someone confirm the 2fa thing?

>> No.5759451

It's literally coming to Binance, maybe already this month.

>> No.5759453

xrb withdrawal fee = 0.

>> No.5759589

It's fascinating, really

A bunch of faggots can all band together to post bullshit drivel FUD that is completely baseless in reality, and people actually listen to them an panic sell.

It's amazing, really.

40 dollars today, faggots.

>> No.5759666

the scary part is that op is right and nobody was able to answer.

im legit scared and thinking of selling the other half.

>> No.5759729
File: 31 KB, 600x484, 1514163966903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on faggots, i have 0.5btc in this, so i dont give a shit if i lose it.

Make me rich

>> No.5759779

I'm holding my raiblocks in my rai wallet
Only problem the loading is slow, but already loaded 220 from my 380 coins.

Sure BitGrail is an incompetent exchange, this is why we need to get raiblocks added to a real exchange.

I'm not worried about scalability. Block lattice was tested and it's pretty scalable.

>> No.5759790

Then sell you weak handed faggot. DYOR bitch-made goofy. The world dont need people like you getting rich.

>> No.5759819

>im legit scared and thinking of selling the other half
Do it please, I need more.

>> No.5759831

Show me your iron hands, comrades.

>> No.5759849


But I tried to FUD yesterday, told them security vuln with real words, and they didn listen.

>> No.5759852

look at all this fud of cunts that didnt buy it on the italian job exchange and now want a discount when it hits binance

fucking losers, you can suck my dick while i laugh my way to the bank

>> No.5759912

So glad I got my funds off of bitgrail. I am 10,000% convinced bitgrail is a Mafia money laundering opp. I also believe the Bitgrail Mafia are intentionally slowing XRB growth (1.2k sat sells) to prepare for XRB's ascension to the crypto throne.

>> No.5759915

Hey guys, im poor, but i read this and cash out 4 ltc to my binance account, and there was no problem, they are there now :D

>> No.5759945

Literally the worst investment of my life. Thanks a lot assholes.

>> No.5759991

Rainode syncing time takes weeks or fails altogether.

Faggots listen, sync time is the measure of trx/s.
Syncing 1GB worth of data taking more than a week means IT DOES not SCALE
1GB torrenting takes 10min for comparison even Ethereum is faster
Save your cash dont be bagholder

>> No.5760105

>Pajeet my son
>You have found a security vuln
>Now you must decide
>Do you submit to the RaiBlocks Bug Bounty for an insane cash prize
>or do you shitpost about it on a cambodian basket weaving forum

>> No.5760124

so... never ever buy any coins at all?

>> No.5760192

It's absolutely unreal.

Dozens of people trying to drive down the price so they can get a piece of the pie.

All this shit is BASELESS, faggots. Buy in while the noobs panic sell over this hilariously bad FUD campaign.

LITERALLY every negative thing you are seeing in this thread is the salt of somebody who didn't buy this coin and wants to buy it sub 30.

It's a little like being gay and making fun of gay people.

>> No.5760310

Pathetic fud. Anyone who has done even a modicum of research knows how retarded you sound.
Light nodes / mobile wallets are coming, which will only care about the current balance. NO SYNCING.
Also for the desktop wallet I downloaded the database in ~5 minutes and copy/pasted it to the right folder in ~15 seconds. Only brainlets can’t figure this out.

>> No.5760320

>a) The shady exchange.
How it is shady? It's just a minor exchange... even binance or bittrex started small. And to be honest, Bitgrail has tolerated the volume well. ONLY XRB VOLUME is higher than ALL Kucoin volume combined. Imagine that, and they still answer in telegram, twitter, and communicate when there's problems. They lowered the minimum deposit/withdrawal from 100XRB to 10XRB and to 1XRB yesterday.

> There is no correction
False, there have been several corrections. In fact just at THIS moment we had one.

>b) It's free. Yeah, but is it sustainable?
Why not?

c) It's quick. Ok, but it transfers absolutely nothing.
It's meant to be a currrency like bitecoin was at the start, or what Litecoin and BitcoinCash are trying to achieve... that's the value it transfers, it DOESN'T need smart contracts. You're saying that the billions in btc, bch, and ltc holds NO value. It has value because of demand, that's all, and it serves a clear purpose and it's superior than it's competition.

>d) Its scalability. There's zero information about how its going to be handled.

What are you talking about? have you read the whitepaper or the AMA on reddit?


Good question and it’s definitely scalable. Lookups like this scale with the logarithm of the data set size O(log N) with a tree-like structure or O(1) if they’re based on a hashtable. To get an idea of how this scales, if it was a simple binary tree with 1,000 entries it would take 10 lookups. With 1,000,000 entries it takes 20 and 1 billion would take 30. The biggest resources it’ll need is network bandwidth. This is an issue with all cryptos but the volume has never been enough to really point that out. I think we have some good plans with the small size of our transactions and using multicast in IPv6. Next will be disk IO. We did some synthetic benchmarks on a home ssd seems to be able to do severe thousand tps. IO scalability has lots of options because data centers need this all the time.

>> No.5760393

Read the fucking whitepaper. Clients do the proof of work when they initiate a transfer. To make a transaction, a client must first confirm two other transactions. Thats why there is no mining needed.

>> No.5760441

>"NO FUD, legitimate concern"
>proceeds to give NO arguments, and make retarded claims "it doesn't scale, check mate raiblockers hur dur"
Inform yourself faggot, you haven't read shit about the coin.

>> No.5760443

They may not sync, but they have to provide the POW when they want to send.

>> No.5760453

how does raiblocks deal with ledger size?

The ledger (chain) size is already nearing 4GB with only a handful of transactions. It has no proposed mechanism for reducing this and if not taken care of soon - will drive XRB into the same scaling wall as Bitcoin.

>> No.5760527

Pruning is currently being implemented to reduce the size.

Light wallets are on the roadmap for January

>> No.5760622

why? if it really is a legitimate contender to dethrone BTC (and fuck LTC and BCH in the process). It definitely caused me to sign up on two shitty exchanges I never would have touched.

wow, great arguments anon!

if you're lucky

It's also possible you didn't fall on your head repeatedly as a child but smart money is staying away from that bet

>not being able to distinguish between a ponzi scheme and market volatility

>what is a whitepaper

nice timing anon

>> No.5760651

>2 for 1 confirmations
Not true, this isn’t fucking IDIOTA

>> No.5760728

you angry fuck.

>> No.5760739

Based. We back to $32 and headed for $100. Hope you faggots don't panic sell when:
A. Bitgrail faggots realize they need verification and panic sell to convert to BTC in hopes of buying in again with their gains
B. Whales dump the second they get access to high volume on binance.

>> No.5760787

why does de base look like a bunker?

>> No.5760833


Fudding your own exchange's main currency

>> No.5760890

If you're quick you could make a lot of money

>> No.5760899



>> No.5760924

>check 3months gain
>holy shit. Cant be true.
>only available onone exchange in which u cannot cash out.
>okay makes total sense now.

>> No.5760981

>hurr durr, my shitty ass raiblocks are gonna replace BTC

>> No.5761021
File: 309 KB, 1242x415, 0D134CC6-56EA-4BE0-90DC-0C7D3F1008EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck lol
<<< XRB dev’s response
My sides

>> No.5761063

uh oh

>> No.5761074

Tax bill

>> No.5761099
File: 185 KB, 1242x265, 7B484712-8AD2-4CED-A03A-48408B658BA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Initiate exitscam.exe

>> No.5761128

it's not anything. all you have are paper gains.

>> No.5761152

I got money in this, think im cashing out. should I cash out?

>> No.5761167

the dev's a stinky pajeet? now all this spam makes sense

>> No.5761309

why wouldn't it be free if there's no middleman

why wouldn't it be fast if there's no waiting for blocks

>> No.5761358

Take some profit and get your coin off bitgrail. XRB is going to have an insane year, many highs and some lows. Just remember to take some profit every now and then.

>> No.5761359

holy shit, is it real?

>> No.5761404

meh, I'm holding. Still at 30% gains.

Might accumulate more. I love fud.

>> No.5761425

It was 10 yesterday. Lol.

>> No.5761471

>links to some faggots on plebbit saying this coin is yuge
Come on, that literally means fuck all, you might as well link to a /biz/ thread that speculates the top 10 coins for the year.

>> No.5761507
File: 597 KB, 1100x1095, B798C796-F9C8-4286-9627-E1692384719D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look like a poo to you?

>> No.5761576
File: 971 KB, 1242x1707, D69EE496-E1DF-441A-ADD2-73E2A3AE4E98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the giant slayer freindo
Yes. Break out the popcorn niggers

>> No.5761668
File: 483 KB, 753x562, 1rUszZf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5761775

Should I cash XRB out to wallet or exchange for something and cash out?

>> No.5761802


never their fault

>> No.5761816 [DELETED] 


>> No.5761818


>> No.5761856


>> No.5761885

OP, you should read the whitepaper before FUDing here.

>> No.5761921

lol STFU u nigger, can't you see the shitstorm happening on twitter now? Bitgrail have said how the fkn xrb nodes can't handle the traffic bcuz its a piece of shit

>> No.5761946

omfg raiblockers prepare your pink wojaks LMAO

>> No.5761949

To be fair people have confirmed wallet to wallet transaction work just fine.

>> No.5761970

You're right, just counter culture to the bankers and governments, which coincidentally makes it right leaning.

>> No.5762027

Serves him right, he trusted the niggers of europe

>> No.5762040

THIS IS A BITGRAIL PROBLEM RETARDS. Listen to the creator of another exchange.

jaydubs (raiexchange bawss) - Today at 12:30 PM
the problem is: the node software has a bug where a transaction will not be broadcasted to the network, but will still be recorded in the local database and doesn't know any better.

this is normally extremely rare, until you start doing bitgrail/mercatox levels of traffic.

that being said: there is a built in command in the RPC server to rebroadcast blocks. the solution is the simplest one in the world: you run multiple nodes and have them listen to eachother for redundancy.
But bitgrail is lazy as fuck and doesnt want to implement self-sanity checks.

>> No.5762053

I skipped this one.
There's no team on the website. That's always a huge red flag for longterm holding.
Also the site is janky and points you to coinmarketcap, which means they care too much about price.

>> No.5762070

Go ahead, buy high and sell low then.

>> No.5762118

>this is normally extremely rare, until you start doing bitgrail/mercatox levels of traffic.

So rare unless you have almost zero traffic? What will happen on binance or kucoin lol

>> No.5762168

did you read the entire post, fucking brainlet? it literally says the solution at the end : "he solution is the simplest one in the world: you run multiple nodes and have them listen to eachother for redundancy."

>> No.5762172


>> No.5762211

your concerns are valid and there is definite market manipulation going on with the scam exchanges this shitcoin is on. theres a reason its not on binance or any exchange that matters. its a fucking scam.

>> No.5762212

It isn’t hard to believe it’s bitgrails fault after their shitty servers crashed from all the traffic?

>> No.5762273

lol holy shit XRB is dumping HARD now.

>> No.5762274

I'm happy either way at this point. I've already cashed out $60k gains from this one coin so I don't really care if it goes to 0 at this point

>> No.5762366

This project is a pipe dream of twitch kids who missed the boat on early crypto

>> No.5762412

Noise just stockpiled tons of xrbs. You can see btg retard is retard

>> No.5762641
File: 92 KB, 505x722, 1513785649013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Colin Lemahieu:

Right now we have about 12 people, half core and half business developers. I think this count is good for working on what we're doing right now which is getting wallets and exchanges worked on. Ideally people outside our team will start developing technology around xrb taking advantage of the network effect to build more technology faster than we could internally. That being said we're going to look in a few months to see if there's anything out there people aren't developing that should be and we'll see what people we need to make it happen.

Pic related is Colin Lemahieu past work.

Fud harder faggot, we will recover from this, mark my words.

>> No.5762685
File: 501 KB, 2208x1143, 066A505E-4F3A-45F3-ABD4-17D445E23A54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A HARD DUMP is what I took yesterday on the toilet, pajeet. This is a little baby blip for Chadblocks

>> No.5762779

comfy as fuck

>> No.5762816
File: 48 KB, 640x426, 1514813080433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This FUDing is hilarious.

Reichblocks is unstoppable

>> No.5762836

This "minor bug" is causing people to randomly lose their XRB or gain XRB in transactions. Someone got 300 XRB for nothing yesterday because the tx are fucked up.

>> No.5762853

buy byteball. DAG + smart contract

>> No.5762891

>My advice. Wait for it to get to a real exchange. If you buy this thinking this will go to 1k, i think this will go to 1 dollar.

I'm OK with this, I bought it at 20 cents.

>> No.5762975

My 2 cents. XRB is free to withdraw from bitgrail. So bitgrail fud XRB and the weak hands cash out, bitgrail gets a nice slice of pie from transfer fees before XRB gets added to a decent exchange and bitgrail becomes a ghost town.

>> No.5763099

>Someone got 300 XRB for nothing yesterday because the tx are fucked up
God I wish that were me

It looks like a slum

>> No.5763365

I don’t think they even put that much thought into it. The Bitgrail team are just a bunch of fucking crybabies. They ban people from their Telegram not only for what they they call fud (where did my transaction go? / why is this website such a piece of shit?) but LITERALLY for tagging a moderator to ask what should be a simple question (tx pending for 4 days, no response from support, can you look into it?)

>> No.5763603

Looks like I'm holding anyway. Mercatox is down once again.

>> No.5764012


small bug, simple fix. bitgrail are just incompetent assholes who are pissed because their shitty exchange will be made irrelevant for xrb trading in a few days time.

>> No.5764615

/ourjew/ is trying to sort things out in a reasonable manner but these shifty spaghetti merchants insist on being petty as fuck.
It IS a bitgrail problem when you refuse to implement the braindead-simple solution the devs proposed – add a second node for self verification and rebroadcasting of tx to the network.

>> No.5764655
File: 319 KB, 1242x587, 9AAE89BB-BEC5-48DB-83D8-13E72A79AD77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.5764977

Dude I got into this at $0.60. Even if it falls to $1 I'll still be up. Comfiest hold ever.

>> No.5765333

The minute another coin uses DAG and rewards people for having a master node everyone will jump shit.

There is no reason to keep a wallet open.

>“Businesses will keep it open get instant confirmation”

Retards at McDonald’s can’t even understand the register, you think businesses want to risk a clerk fucking up a wallet? And what does that mean for franchises? Every franchise has to send to corporate? That is massive coordination.

>> No.5765374

i sold all, was a nice 20x. have fun bagholding

>> No.5765478
File: 2.51 MB, 600x338, 1514503073978.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's always gonna be a person who thinks it's all a big conspiracy. If RaiBlocks was a hoax, it would be the most eloborate hoax to have been crafted. If you read the whitepapers technical stuff you realize the brilliance in the architecture, so Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin look medieval in comparison.

RaiBlocks is gonna be used everywhere in the future.
It'll most likely take act as a protocol, the signal data is less than an UDP signal so.

Why wouldn't it be sustainable? Same thing can be said for torrents. What if everyone just stopped seeding? It wouldn't be sustainable?

Zero information on scalability? I'm not even gonna comment on that, read the fucking whitepapers you idiot. Block pruning is confirmed to be coming Q1.

>> No.5765784
File: 212 KB, 1242x561, 9EBA6154-D119-4167-B863-34C6B89DF0F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh nodes
You guys are SO bad at this. Fud harder.

>> No.5765842

XRB is a pajeetcoin, deal with it

>> No.5765984

Francesco needs to lay off /ourjew/

>> No.5766059

Were all up 20x lol. Looking forward to the pink wojaks as the chadcoin continues to rise

>> No.5766655

you're the pajeet, make sure to FUD some more when this is 60+ dollars after binance release

>> No.5766764

Trips speak truth

>> No.5766776
File: 31 KB, 600x662, a9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Highly decentralized. Even a normalfag with a decent internet connection can run a node.
>Absolutely feeless and free.
>Fast transactions (a few seconds)
>High throughput (1000+ tps)
>Fairly distributed via faucet (no premine or "foundation" keeping most of it)
>Hit $2 billion marketcap appearing only on an obscure exchange.
>Developers adhere to "do one thing and do it well" and aren't fapping over non-existent bullshit like lightning network, smart contracts, etc. It works today!
>Not ran by refugee circle jerking SJW devs.
>Has been around for 4 years.
>Has been proven non impacted during altcoin/bitcoin dumps.
>Lead Dev and Creator Colin has worked as a Dev for QualComm, Dell, AMD, and others; working on cutting edge work.

>mfw people call xrb a scam

>> No.5767111
File: 276 KB, 614x586, 1514834170557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Common FUD that has no backing:
>It'll dump when it hits exchanges. - We rarely see this in altcoins unless it's post ICO at a premium. Currently has $50 million in volume a day, not that low of a volume coin, has had plenty of dumps and immediate pumps.
>Double Spend Rumor - Some faggot keeps fudding this on reddit and github, Devs have offered massive bounties for any bugs, he refuses to back it up when called on it.
>Spam - Not really a MASSIVE issue like it was with IOTA. XRB allows for minimum receipt limits, and transaction limits by node operators.
>Don't buy at an ATH - It's constantly at a new ATH. So essentially you will never be able to buy it and you WILL miss out. Sorry you didnt get it at under a dollar, you're still going to make money buying now.
>Artificial Shortage because of Exchange - Not really, constantly has order books that are deep enough to support $50 million in volume. Once in a while someone does dump, but IMMEDIATELY it is pumped right back to a new ATH. The rich list shows nearly no wallets with more than 1% of total circ supply.
You are literally missing out on the next top 10 coin. I don't know what else to tell you if you havent bought already other than stay poor.

>> No.5767147


Truly the chad coins of all chad coins. Only a chad coin can absorb FUD while making 5,000% gains in a month.

>> No.5767376

The coin was dead and the project forsaken, someone just bought it back to life. People started screaming it has 0 fees. Mind you that this bullrun litterly happened the same time IOTA had that ''partnership'' with Microsoft.

>> No.5767641

prove me that zack is jewish

>> No.5767793


>> No.5768029

Doesnt mean he's related to Ben... There are probably a lot of people with the name Shapiro

>> No.5768192
File: 414 KB, 1242x959, 4EC39FE9-8CB6-487D-A52B-38FBEC575FC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurr durr what is google?

>> No.5768674

See, this is how I know you're doing a coordinate FUD campaign. If you had spent 30 seconds researching you would know they have a great team. Their info is available to everyone and they are actively answering people's questions on twitter/discord/telegram/reddit/yourmom.

Try harder, Rakesh. I cashed out my initial investment already, now I'm playing with house money anyway.

>> No.5768834

>Smart guy on the dev team for a coin that is the possible future of crypto
>Using religion as an excuse being less successful
Get the fuck over yourselves