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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57551921 No.57551921 [Reply] [Original]

Not the Muskerino!!!

>> No.57551948 [DELETED] 

EVs are a scam propped up by government subsidies, if you bought one thinking you would go up in value then you're too brown to be human

>> No.57551954

>noooooo muh tesla is worth nothing. how could this be?
>why yes, i would like a 1st gen neuralink pl0x
>nooooo muh neuralink malfunctioned a year later and gave me brain damage
we are living in the best timeline bros

>> No.57551979

>he fell for the EV glubal warming meme

a retard was parted from hismoney

>> No.57551983

think about da kikemate change goy

>> No.57551982


Why do incels hate EV's so much?

Because its too expensive?

Obviously you have never enjoyed the joy of going 0.60 in like 3 seconds without shifting gears

stay poor idiots, EV's are the future

>> No.57551986

They aren’t a scam they’re just a fun toy for rich people. Impractical over the long haul for an average person

>> No.57551990

>shifting gears is le bad
why do amerimutts hate manual cars?
there's no better feeling than doing a perfect downshift and hearing the engine roar

>> No.57551995

actual rich people own actual cars like porsches and mclarens not fucking evs lmao
evs are for middle class redditor basedbhumans

>> No.57552007

If you can't multitask while holding the steering wheel you're just NPC cattle.

>> No.57552032
File: 126 KB, 714x324, 0A79EBB5-E359-4ADD-AEA9-10C45B25FD2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EV's are the future
no, evs are the past and the idea was abandoned because it was retarded but of course americans just couldn't help themselves but be fat and retarded

>> No.57552045

Personally, I'm sexually excited by electric vehicles because of they remote control features they offer.

>> No.57552046

Electric motors are very efficient converting energy to movement. Much better than combustion. The problem is batteries. If the battery problem is ever truly solved then EV will be the next logical choice. Or maybe its time for miniature nuclear reactors in our cars. We have the technology.

>> No.57552050

Just make a super battery using quantum physics.

>> No.57552057

or maybe don't fix what isn't broken, don't be retarded and don't invent problems, but of course this sounds too logical for browmericans seething that european and japanese (actual) cars are superior to amerimuttito vehicles

>> No.57552058

>miniature nuclear reactors in our cars

nothing better than mobile nuclear reactors in the hands of retards

>> No.57552068

i don't know who the fuck thinks its a good idea to put a wireless radio antenna in your brain. but you can be sure brain cancers are going to moon.

>> No.57552073

that's where super quantum physics batteries come into play. Science is FUCKING AMAZING, sorry, lost control of my science for a second.

>> No.57552074
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because my unleaded fuel gas tank never randomly burst into flames while parked lol

teslas have been know to do that. from time to time. oh, dear

>> No.57552078


>> No.57552080
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you want to get radiation poisoning with a 12 year battery life lmfao you are a total dumbass if you think that's good for the environment i would love to laugh at you all day go ahead put your money in electric vehicles they are totally going to go up and never come back down you need to think for a minute retard

>> No.57552101


>> No.57552103

>t. retard

I hate EV's.

>> No.57552125

There's one crazy solution where you spend just a few seconds pouring a liquid into a fuel tank and the vehicle gets 100s of miles of range, look it up it's called gas/diesel/petrol, it's craaaazy sci-fi technology I know, imagine getting 100s of miles of range in just a few seconds

>> No.57552132


>> No.57552137

A battery replacement or any repair on the high voltage parts is a write off for any EV, its literally throw away electronics consomerism but for cars, beyond retarded

Not suprised a used EV is worth nothing, anyone buying that shit is buying a grenate that can explode any time aka battery death which would mean the money is gone plus tip (disposal fees)

>> No.57552149

>buying any vehicle with over the air software updates

lmao enjoy being locked out of your own vehicle unless you pay fees or if glowies dislike you.
The more mechanical a car is, the more freedom you have.
Buy a pre-2015 car and mantain it yourself.

>> No.57552153

ARKK Mommy, is that you?

>> No.57552158

honestly all those stupid peasants having zero control over their own cars makes me hard.

>> No.57552159


>> No.57552161

That is standard entry level luxury car loss of value tho. I bought a 2015 Cadillac ats in 2017, 19k miles, close to top of the range, corporate lease turn in. Very well kept car, msrp was 55k and i paid just shy of 25k out the door. Only autos that hold any value now a days are pick up trucks or stuff like camrys/civics that are riding on the older models good reputation, all new vehicles are trash.

>> No.57552165

I've come to accept over time over time that some people are just meant to be slaves, helping them is pointless

>> No.57552169

Imagine teasing your girl with an EV engine tickler so while she's driving you just hop on your smart phone and play with her engine while she's in the middle of traffic.

>> No.57552188

Dave? Is that you?

Just had rice and beans for breakfast
and coffee, the same coffee grounds all week
with sprinkler water from the local park

>> No.57552190

Oh my science just thinking about it makes my science get chubbed.

>> No.57552207

Does anyone else love SCIENCE as much as I do? Everybody who gettin that SCIENCE say YEAH BABY YEAH

>> No.57552212

is that boomer against EVs? Even retard farmers can be based every once in a while

>> No.57552267

>if you don't do a bunch of unnecessary shit then you're a normie
Fuck off retard

>> No.57552281

get a job loser

>> No.57552287

Ok grandpa lets get you off to bed.

>> No.57552302

keep seething mutt
grow up and let go of your adult rc cars, you're not a child anymore

>> No.57552319

Manual cars imply having more control over your vehicle which is gay. It's all about getting fucked these days.
How the fuck can a normie cum if he isn't afraid of someone hacking into his car while he's driving?

>> No.57552327

true, not being an npc toddler fully in the hands of the nanny state is gay these days

>> No.57552339

>you're a loser because i'm a low iq NPC

>> No.57552341

sodium batteries are coming. give it another 10 years and there's batteries that will last 3000 miles

>> No.57552363

>be year 2030
>Buy junker old tesla for under 9000
>battery range half of stock
>owner says it is sluggish
>open battery
>repair 3 bad cells
>back to full range and acceleration
Is home wrenching back on the menu boys?

>> No.57552381

The SCIENCE is clear, Apple products and submission to authority are sexy.

>> No.57552384

>>open battery
>>repair 3 bad cells

Welcome to Kentucky fried niggers

>> No.57552395

Theres a reason why even official shops dont do battery repairs

>> No.57552409
File: 87 KB, 1986x302, Screenshot 2024-02-09 at 13.32.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>repairing yourself
not how it works sweety, you're thinking of normal cars for humans

>> No.57552422

Getting killed by a battery would have to be one of the gayest deaths imaginable.
>be me
>killed by a tesla battery
>see other dead people in line
>yes there are still lines on the other side
>one dude said he got killed by 480volts
>Another dude said it got whacked by a tree carrying a 5000 volt line
>they ask me
>car battery
>they can't stop laughing!

>> No.57552446


>> No.57552471


>> No.57552478
File: 404 KB, 1200x799, 2015-04-14-18.38.09-1281958008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gas cars go up in flames on their own all the time. There's about 100k car fires per year in the US and that number hasn't really changed since EVs started ramping up.
Teslas burn pretty often because they're built like absolute fucking garbage, same as any other major American brand, not because they're an EV. Accordingly, they also depreciate like milk in the summer sun, like every other American brand.

>> No.57552546

they don't ignite on their own parked. these cars go up because of simple retardation. flammable shit people leave in cars in the hot sun, totally avoidable

>> No.57552697

That's what the world needs. A few billions vehicles spewing radioactive waste all over.

>> No.57552797
File: 26 KB, 640x360, 7KA7MRPJLNALBGRQTXWFGTVRGI-1831464150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EV traction batteries are serious. I'd give one more respect than 480 AC. For one, it's DC. There's a reason why DC contactors and fuses have to be built like brick shithouses compared to AC of the same current rating. 400V+ isn't uncommon these days either. In a year or two the good ones will be 800V+ because that lets you do things like DC fast charge 100 miles in 20 minutes. If you open a pack, you're exposing yourself to a transmission line amounts of danger.

They definitely do go up randomly on their own sometimes but yes most are during or just after use. Some shit rattles loose and puts fuel near electrics or hot bits, which all gas cars have. Sometimes it's bad maintenance, sometimes it's a manufacturing defect or design flaw. Toyota just recently recalled almost a couple million RAV4s over fire risk. The cause? The fucking 12V battery every car has lmao. Mount was bad so it can shake loose and rub the positive terminal around places it doesn't belong. Per the NHTSA:
>most of the fires occurred while driving, but four complaints indicate RAV4 fires occurred with the ignitions off.
There were 11 complaints in total, so 36% happened while the car was parked and seemingly inactive. Just one of many instances of a fire risk recall. Usually manufacturers aren't as good about fixing the problem. Ford recalled all their 2.5L hybrid powertrain cars twice now after dragging their feet, not solving the problem, then dragging their feet again. Oh it's just the hybrids? So it must be a traction battery problem? Nope. The engine will sometimes just leak fuel vapor onto the hot exhaust for fun. Fires can start during operation or for a bit after parking and turning the engine off. That's not an uncommon theme with car fires. You park, shut off the ignition, and walk away. A few minutes later the car is a fireball from a small leak in the engine compartment stagnating with the still hot exhaust.

>> No.57552880
File: 1.99 MB, 576x1024, japanese woman phenotype.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanted to go to japan in 2015 but degree not finished
>wanted to go in 2018, needed more money
>wanted to go in 2020, cockblocked by covid
>japan shut down for 3 years
>if I go now it won't matter because all the cute girls from back then are hags trying to marriage-trap gaijins

>> No.57553033

A car is not an investment. If not going to write off 100% of the value, don't buy it.

>> No.57553267

>electric vehicles
Fucking kek

>> No.57553309

>EVfags realize cars that run on deteriorating batteries are worthless

>> No.57553401

>evs are the past and the idea was abandoned because it was retarded
EVs were abandoned 120 years ago because we didn't have a means for delivering cheap electricity to practically every person on the planet.
And battery technology was utter horseshit.

It's a little bit different today.
In case you didn't already notice, you have access to electricity, and you use batteries all the goddamn time.

What an utterly idiotic argument you make.
You're welcome to hate EVs all you like, but at least make an attempt to justify it rationally.

>> No.57553412

>my Tesla is just as much of a luxury car as any other!
>nooooooo why does my new car depreciate?!!!

>> No.57553625

>It's a little bit different today.
People spend more than half a fucking hour refueling the fucking thing you stupid nigger
the idea is just as stupid today as it was 100 years ago you filthy shitskin

>> No.57553690

but you can refuel at home. can you refuel at home? the range is enough that you can drive to work and back and never need to use a charging station.

>> No.57553720

gas stations are literally everywhere and I'm not an incel with so much social anxiety that being able to refuel at home is a relevant selling point compared to the convenience of normal cars for humans

>> No.57554128
File: 20 KB, 665x392, gigachad intellect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just looked up some Teslas that were in an accident, you can get a wrecked Tesla for about 5 grand. My theory of its value depreciating as extremely as it does once it crashes holds up, I shitposted a while back saying that Teslas have no value in a scrapyard as its components are mostly made out of things that are not metal and instead are made out of other materials that have no value other than when it is perfectly assembled and functioning. The fact that it goes down in value as greatly as it does is testament to the fact that a Tesla's value is not only just based on the fact that it is in perfect condition, but also related to the value people attach to the brand name. Something that in the past was not even conceived of. Teslas are literally toys for adults.

>> No.57554273

I see battered teslas in a rich zipcode and laugh my ass off that the fruity driver lost an assload of money on it while I am driving a 20 year old sedan in perfect condition and just add another exhaust pipe to make women wet, I saw a tesla driver with a redhead GF and she saw me in the grocery store and was practically falling off the tesla fag until we both left at the same time and I pulled up behind his car and the chick was one less antipsychotic and depressant pill from opening the door and getting in my car

>> No.57554342

Don't know, just hate elon, simple as

>> No.57554437 [DELETED] 

Imagine thinking kikes will allow this capability into the hands of the normal people class

>> No.57554455

>coke bag
damn for a split second I thought musk was based

>> No.57554475

imagine being a retard like you. yes it will come.

>> No.57554520

They are unreliable and not practical for rural use.
t. western canadian that enjoys the outdoors

>> No.57554524

Gas is extremely inefficient, more than 50% of potential energy is wasted, and oil is increasingly limited in supply. But why did I assume there wouldn't be so many brainlets in this board is the question? Considering the amount that took the miniature nuclear reactors seriously I don't know what I expected.

>> No.57554561

My dad just did the hybrid battery on our 2007 camry no problem

>> No.57554583

>provides such a large amount of easy energy that you can lose 50% of it and still its fine
My car runs on fuel, not efficiency. Why would I need it to be 100% efficient?

>> No.57554601

>soulless powerplant that makes electric toy-like noises when you go fast like you're some sort of child that needs to be entertained, compensating for the lack of actual mechanical musicality you'd find in a real engine
I like driving cars, enjoy your depreciation, cuck.

>> No.57554609

>Gas is extremely inefficient, more than 50% of potential energy is wasted
Not my problem lmao, It can waste 90% of potential energy for all I care if it doesn't have to wait more than a minute to recharge

>> No.57554619


>> No.57554651

sorry incel just stay inside and in an urban area
you shouldn't have that kind of freedom anyway, you present a danger to the rest of society

>> No.57554672

congrats, you listed the ONLY thing EVs have over normal cars

meanwhile charging stations are being scaled back, and will never have the sustainable infrastructure needed to make full EV everywhere a reality
car dealerships want them off their lot and WILL NOT buy them back unless they already have a buyer for them- even for a fraction of the price YOU bought it for
car manufacturers are already cutting back productions because everyone who wanted one bought one already

lmao, meanwhile my Ford Bronco that's 40 years old still works just fine. yesterday, today, tomorrow.

>> No.57554916

>congrats, you listed the ONLY thing EVs have over normal cars
You forgot being able to charge at home or anywhere with an outlet.
It’s not EV’s fault batteries have shit energy density. Stick a homemade turbine and a transformer, and the same amount of gas your gay nigger car takes to get a mile can shove an EV 500 miles. All while you’re bitching about gas prices

>> No.57554960

>It’s not the shiny thing's fault the shiny thing is useless

>> No.57554965
File: 268 KB, 462x688, Shitheap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wrecked Tesla for about 5 grand.
theres a thriving market in exporting rekt teslas to dodgy east yuro rebuilders:
guy finds his trashed Tesla location pinging him from Ukraine, with its new owner happily logged into his Spotify account. STASI on wheels could have prob. also told him what he'd had for lunch everyday for the last few years
>>57552797 is bang on tho, I would not be having one of incindiary devices parked anywhere near my house after a frame bender, never mind be fucking around 'tryin to fix a fe bad cell'. They could make them modular (and safer to repair) - not in their commercial interest tho

>> No.57555009

>Electric vehicles are a meme, it’ll never be competitive
Lel, lmao even

>> No.57555027

>Because something is expensive it must be good
Okay Goy

>> No.57555043

If the grid was 100% renewable you might have a point. Try again.

>> No.57555078

>Set oil fields on fire
>Gas prices spike
>Electricity sits comfy
It is all renewable, since natgas is easily manufactured by dairy and sewage plants, oil isn’t
Now go back to the lithium mines, peon

>> No.57555085

It's a miracle they're even able to do that. Makes me wonder of what happens to the value of it once repaired, if it goes up, or the entire premium that covers the car is completely gone once it crashes once. Either way, the fact that it's a vehicle so complex and lodged in technology, its main selling point is being a fully functional piece of computer on four wheels, and as that, it becomes disposable to an extent that shouldn't even have been possible. I doubt you'd be able to recover its value once it has crashed once and been fixed up like any other automobile, its worth by being used alone while still completely functional decreases insanely much, I can't even imagine how much the value would plummet if it crashed and was fixed again. US and Euro markets would equate it to scrap, maybe in other countries it could retain some of its value.

>> No.57555145


Okay retard.

>> No.57555153
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, gmansameasiteverwas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>if I go now it won't matter because all the cute girls from back then are hags trying to marriage-trap gaijins
Asian women have been doing this since ancient times. That's part of the East/West dynamic.

>> No.57555191

Sodium batteries on any kind of vehicle except maybe trains are completely fucking retarded.

>> No.57555211

>perfect downshift
you say this like it's difficult lmao. "perfect" downshift should be the norm. please sell your car if all your shifts aren't optimal.

>> No.57555233

Idc what anyone says. Teslas are the greatest cars ever invented

>> No.57555237

I meant perfect as in extremely quick and leaves your rpms as close as possible to the redline

>> No.57555301

>as close as possible to the redline
Idiot. Please get rid of your car.

>> No.57555341

Have you tried not living in a third world shithole where you’re forced to share a cardboard box with a dozen murderous spics? I do and it’s great

>> No.57555484

Can't wait to use a flipper zero to blast bbc sissy hypno into the brain of the tesla driver that cuts me off on my morning commute

>> No.57555523
File: 15 KB, 220x206, Millions Must Pay For My Gay Porn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't wait to use a flipper zero to blast bbc sissy hypno into the brain of the tesla driver that cuts me off on my morning commute

>> No.57555536

I like having fun what can I say

>> No.57555576

Enjoy the freebie, tesla driver

>> No.57555667

Fair, but it's not great for your engine. God help the poor soul who buys your car.

>> No.57556179 [DELETED] 

(((appraisal offers))) are always a jewish scam

>> No.57556449

>EV's are the future
literally every car dealership network that exists disagrees

>> No.57558738

>muh egg prices

>> No.57558749

Yeah… no

>> No.57558996

>never enjoyed the joy

just like you'll never enjoy the joy of smelling the smell of gasoline or feeling the feeling of knowing you can easily with ease drive across cross country routes. I have felt the feeling of accelerating 0 to 60 in a tesla. I've also felt the feeling of owning a range rover sport. Then I aged past the age of 25 and realized the realization that people who care about cars are fucking faggots.

If you have a working automobile, that's literally all that matters. I drive a Volvo now and it is a great balance of adequate luxury with minimal maintenance that isn't terribly expensive when required. Very few intelligent people I know buy overly expensive cars (unless it is for their shitty wives). Not because they can't afford to but because they aren't childish faggots.

Every Tesla/Rivian owner I've ever met has been a childish faggot without exception.

>> No.57559067
File: 34 KB, 219x126, 269258a85b592347b24f865ce5a2829b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, a year ago
>flipping this old shitbox at CarMax
>see some guy go up to the service counter
>Indian guy, kind of overdressed and I can smell the cologne from a mile away
>I saw him showing one of the service people his 2014 Model S in the parking lot
>after a few minutes, they hand him his paperwork and the man literally breaks down into tears
>he tries to hide it but it's pretty obvious
>leaves with the paperwork without saying a word
Teslas are literally out here ruining lives. I'm glad everyone's starting to understand what /o/ has been telling them for years now.

>> No.57559461

EVChuds won anon

>> No.57559479
File: 1.54 MB, 1024x1024, thk9qDSidN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how big is your cock mine is massive

>> No.57559639

EVs aint Christian. Gas and oil is Christian.

>> No.57560850

>leaves home
???? niggers literally CAN NOT think 5 minutes into the future and this post proves it

>> No.57560862 [DELETED] 

God I fucking hate niggers.

>> No.57560911


I know you're trolling but honest answer:

>EV's are multiple times more expensive than a decent car
>features you don't need, some behind paywalls/subscriptions
>zero resale value
>zero ability to do your own maintenance
>fraction of the range of a gas vehicle
>complete lack of infrastructure to charge vehicle

They are objectively worse, cost far more, and are inconvenient on top of that. The only way I would use an EV is if gas was $50 per liter.

>> No.57560967
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>> No.57562123
File: 3.02 MB, 6792x3208, WOULD YOU LOOK AT IT!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you look at that? i have a good mind to just go up to ole elon himself and tell him, mm hmm, "would you look at this?" oh, my god. just look at it! i had to go back a few times just so i could look at it again. would you look at that? would you look at that?

funny that i see most people driving the ugly ass tesla 3's with the gay ass front bumper that looks like it was kicked in lol

>> No.57562261

just hodl untill the lithium supply squeeze

>> No.57562271

>Warn down used cars
>Plummet down to nothing in a few years

>Warn down used houses
>Value goes up every year!

Why is it like this?

>> No.57562278

>actual rich people
Don't get caught up about what they drive so long as it's nice. The retarded cultism about manufacturer is a middle class phenomena.

>> No.57562280

Because cars are infinite and land is not

>> No.57562282

Shorting Tesla was too easy

>> No.57562294

land is infinite, there are tons of empty houses all over the U.S. and empty fields everywhere.

>> No.57562295
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Teslas were only desirable when they were the only decent option for an electric car. They were leagues ahead of the rest of the other car manufacturers for years. But times change and now all of them have attractive EV offerings. Some a lot more attractive. Tesla are still a unique company in terms of what they offer (powerwall, superchargers, etc) but when it comes to cars they aren't special in the least any more.

>> No.57562298

Cyberpunk reality gonna be bonkers.
I forsee once everyone has a BCI that the majority of humanity will just live their entire life homeless on the street visiting the global virtual brothel that is porn.
like 70% of humanity will be homeless cyborgs fucking in virtual reality 24/7.
Cyber rape is gonna be crazy.
You can fucking virtually rape anyone in their brain over the internet anywhere on Earth and the proxy TOR shit will make catching people very difficult.
Like the world will be defined by cyber rape.

>> No.57562299

There's a limited space where you can build, it's not because it isn't fully build up in the USA that it matters. Look at The Netherlands for example, house prices will always go up

>> No.57562309

Yes, because they're too expensive. They're great, I've driven everything from bargain bin chinese electric vans, to the Tesla Y, and I love driving them. But that doesn't mean I can justify the cost of buying and insuring one. I can buy a brand new ICE car for £13k and it will cost me pennies to insure & run. The absolute cheapest electric car you can get is around double that price to buy and at least double the price to insure, plus here in the UK electricity costs aren't that far off petrol. It just does not make any financial sense at all to buy an electric car over an ICE car. And don't even get me started on maintenance & repair costs.

>> No.57562314

Asteroid mining and space station construction solve the real estate issue.
There are infinite resources in space once we finally go there.

>> No.57562350

he's about the go the way of Papa John's for spending too much time shitposting on X and Shaquille O'Neal's going to be the new spokesman for tesla with free The General auto insurance to come with it lol

>> No.57562356

In order for me to buy a brand new tesla instead of a brand new Honda that costs $25k, the tesla would have to cost $9,000.
I am not joking at all. I would not pay the same price for thr tesla even though thr tesla is """"valued"""" at some 60 or 70k or whatever thr fuck they cost.
If the tesla cost 10k, then I would still rather pay 15k more for the Honda.

>> No.57562363

only 200 more years

>> No.57562722
File: 353 KB, 720x516, EVs are for fags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"hey, anon. you look so hot in that EV car", said no woman ever

>> No.57562821

>miniature nuclear reactors in our cars

Nuclear cars are the future, radioactivity is a very natural thing that is extremely easy to detect and cleanup. Easier then most toxic chemicals. People should stop paranoiding about that

>> No.57562876

80% or more of electricity is generated by fossil fuels. The lithium plants are some of the worst places in the world as far as toxicity goes. For miles around the plants everything is dead.
EV cars could be great but only in the next 100 years when the electrical grid can handle them, 80% or more of our energy comes from renewable sources and something better and less deadly than lithium comes along.
They're a great idea but we lack the ability to implement that idea to it's fullest so as of now we're pissing in the wind.

>> No.57562908

>Nuclear cars are the future, radioactivity is a very natural thing that is extremely easy to detect and cleanup. Easier then most toxic chemicals.
Try selling that to an average person, good luck.

>> No.57562969

>buy new car
>it's now used car
>wonder why price of used car is the price of used car

>> No.57563020

>>wonder why price of used car is the price of used car
>value plummets to a point where it's actually pathetic to think about in comparison to other vehicles that aren't electric or Teslas
yeah ok

>> No.57563091

I’d buy it. Even better: a nuclear semi truck, I’d make that my job

>> No.57563265
File: 76 KB, 613x612, intredasting2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the problem with electric is the electricity problem

>> No.57563330

Well its true
if you refuse to assert your position in the world, it will be assigned to you
slavery is more spiritual than anything

>> No.57563502

sad thing is there's really no such thing as a new car. every car has some mileage or use to it for moving and testing purposes. it's a literal scam. they spray a bottle of new car smell in it and sell it as that scam. guaranteed some dealer likely farted in your new car a few times before he sold it to you. that's why it takes so long to get it out of the dealership lot

>> No.57563631
File: 381 KB, 1080x1075, Gogetsome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just need to be able to fit all this in my trunk

>> No.57565448
File: 67 KB, 1000x667, 37bf91135d180c2abd96d07c72c6aa503acde9fe7d57e7f363b2e5c5ff3ef3a0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

combustible cars have depreciation too not so fucked like a EV but still, also the reason of the depreciation is because the lithium batteries start to degrading and must be replaced wich cost alot of money, i hope the sodium batteries maybe can solve some problems because seems gonna be more cheap and reliables

>> No.57565492

the last time we let nuclear reactors in hands of retards we got chernobyl

>> No.57565507

Shifting is lame and outdated. Perhaps if you have a sportscar and are on a track its fun but not during rush hour, daily commute and traffic jams you faggot.

>> No.57565896

>be me
>drive 35 year old Subaru for several years
>always 100% reliable, never have an issue
>go to start it one day
>click, click, click, POOF
>engine bay encapsulated in flames
>unable to open hood to extinguish fire
>flames reach cab
>car burns to the ground

It was -25f outside and I believe some old wiring got frayed and brittle and caused a fire that then hit the fuel lines. Talked to a guy who kind of specializes in these cars and he says he's seen it happen a few times.

Gas cars burn up too but electric cars are just gay. Electric make a whiny little wheezing noise when they accelerate and take forever to charge. They're probably good for people who never leave the city but for long trips they're a major inconvenience and a meme.