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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57549611 No.57549611[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why? Do you guys like money or not?
>Doxxed team
>Quantum Resistant & ZK proof
>Dual sharding
>AI platform
>Parachains & Interchains
>Fog Computing
>Scalable, Secure, & Decentralised
>Support for all Web3
>18M Mcap and all coins in circulation
And it just today broke out of a 1yr channel. Carpe celliem. (Seize the cell. Its latin nigger.)

>> No.57549778

/biz/ won't buy until it's in the top 20. You're only allowed to talk about meme coins and high mcap shitcoins now

>> No.57550058
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They literally had to implement a fix so that forks of their chain would not go and run rampant. The fix involved "choosing the "correct" chain". Bearish as fuck.

The "correct" chain is the one with consensus. There should be no need to artificially select a particular uncle or fork arbitrarily.

>> No.57550144

Blah blah blah. Mainnet just launched. Seems like whatever kink you are referring to is fixed. Numba go up nigger.

>> No.57550159
File: 12 KB, 320x256, 1632884235840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blah blah blah. Mainnet just launched. Seems like whatever kink you are referring to is fixed. Numba go up nigger.

tell me you know nothing about crypto without telling me you know nothing about crypto. fuck off back to telegram pajeet.

>> No.57550166

>see the name
>instantly think of cell phones
What is this? A block chain for the 90s?

>> No.57550171
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>> No.57550789
File: 10 KB, 1638x99, yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know

>> No.57550976

i only bought 600 of these niggas a couple weeks ago
mad i didnt buy more and now id feel like a sucker if i bought more after a 200% pump

>> No.57551078

I don't get it, their code is open source, that is a huge plus, so they decided to implement mechanism to protect the integrity of their chain if somebody decides to fork, why is that "Bearish as fuck"?

>> No.57551100
File: 1008 KB, 1024x1024, A8ADbgwqii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

open source code is retarded it's probably something the devs are telling you to make you feel good about getting rug pulled i don't even believe you read the code yourself i can read the goddamn code better than any dev because it's open source so what you could easily implement a backdoor when you release it
it's a scam token and you're a sheep have you never heard of the phrase if it's too good to be true
and what's with you losers who always claim they have a huge cock

>> No.57551123

>open source code is retarded
lol, just like BTC and ETH, newfag. They did that for a reason you know, tranny.
>i can read the goddamn code better than any dev
Ah, the non-dev KDA tranny on meds.
>a huge cock

>> No.57551161
File: 117 KB, 1219x759, 532432432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samefagging KDA tranny with vpn, as always. Go back to your JP Morgan KDA scam and paid pump and dump group.

>> No.57552680

Bamp eeet