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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57549262 No.57549262 [Reply] [Original]

There are maybe 8 people on biz anymore

>> No.57549271

this is very bullish. btc will pump harder, rekt shorts and catch everyone off guard. the public will blink and it will be at ATHs again.

>> No.57549283

I think there are people but we've all just come to the conclusion that posting here has become pointless around all the off-topic frogposting and literal (and I mean literal) double digit IQ's that post here now.

>> No.57549334

This. And the cultists

>> No.57550130
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speaking of cultists, I saw this tonight. sold my bag immediately. Don't want to be around when the fallout of this happens. If it hasn't happened already.

>> No.57550268

Fake and gay fud
This is just a rumor, no actual evidence to support. Big wallets still holding since very start before pump

>> No.57550387

nothing fake about it, saw some pretty legit evidence being posted in there about how the wallets are linked. Before the second massive pump happened, there was nonstop fud in the threads, which essentially bumped the threads to the top of the catalog every day. Chart rose and rose and rose and then poof, chart falls off of a cliff back down to 5 mil mc, the fud stopped (go and look), and now threads get removed. I looked today and saw zero threads of theirs. None. The chart is slowly declining. At some point, people need to consider the fact that this sure-thing they have been sold might not be an actual sure-thing. I made that mistake in 2021, and I am never making it again.

>> No.57550410

Threads were being deleted non stop before and during the big pump, it just doesn't make any sense, and the non stop fud is very intriguing

>> No.57550423
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threads being deleted non stop before and during the big pump is a dead giveaway i saw the charts yesterday and the price was just all over the place no way it's legit people need to wake up i don't trust people pumping it there has been nothing but bullshit talk i'm not an idiot i'm not taking the bait the price is down like 25% this morning the fud is real but it's just a bunch of whales trying to make it seem like there are a lot of people interested

>> No.57550435

well my point is that the fud stopped. those threads aren't fudded anymore. before fudged before makes sense because they were still orchestrating a pump. but now.. no fud, why would that be? I see it elsewhere too. And it pisses me the fuck off. These fuckers have a system in place, and they know what they're doing.

>> No.57550448

>before fudged before makes
this was supposed to say being funded before makes sense, but I am tired. anyways, I am out. Just keep your eyes open for this shit. I want to fight back. Fuck the jeets,

>> No.57550770

>this is very bullish. btc will pump harder, rekt shorts and catch everyone off guard. the public will blink and it will be at ATHs again.
you really think anyone will buy bitcoin at these prices or even FOMO in at higher prices? lmao, what a pathetic faggot

>> No.57550884


>> No.57550892

because no alts are pumping, and we're too poor to hold boomer coin

>> No.57551001

This. And you can't mention projects, not owned by the jannies, without getting banned anymore.

>> No.57551045
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I tethered in December.

>> No.57551074

Most of my foolio is in red.
Only Dione in green

>> No.57551282

people said the same thing at 10k