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57548147 No.57548147[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

the whales sold the news, we are now rugproof and it's time to go from 2m > 100000000m market cap

>> No.57548252


>> No.57548261

Insider here, the Tucker team will be announcing a partnership with the trump team Monday.

>> No.57548268

not possible. contract denounced

>> No.57548297

I denounce your ass. Kek.

>> No.57548331

We really are dumping all the way back to 1M, huh. I'll set a buy order there.

>> No.57548363

Nah doubt it, that's way too low

>> No.57548381


>> No.57548392

So many Biden Hands

>> No.57548395

Getting ready for some slurpees

>> No.57548404

I lost but not selling

>> No.57548430

i'm still up thousands cause i bought around 400k market cap. gonna grab some more until i'm one of the big whales.

>> No.57548467

I'm waiting with 0.4 ETH. Idk when my buy in though

>> No.57548475

The bottom is in now we'll be going back to ATH in about another week. They seriously need to get their twitter back though.

>> No.57548477

Kek same
I sold 70% of my stack at the top (5.8mil mc) and i'm chilling sitting on free money.
I wanted to swing with my remaining stack at 6mil mc but i was fearing the Rope..
Well..there goes my $4.5k in unrealized profits ($1.5k worth at current marketcap)

>> No.57548489

Ooops should have sold this morning so I could swing this. Likely what is going to happen every time this pumps u top whales get bored and leave

>> No.57548490

Now is the time. 2 million MC is showing resistance.

>> No.57548510

Dip cancelled?

>> No.57548526

this all started when a single whale giga dumped $10,000. was that you? holy shit, it went read then green then red, then BOOM BIG RED CANDLE!

>> No.57548580

Why where they banned?

>> No.57548583

I should have done that. Smart whale. Tucker is for swinging until further notice. Every time it pumps, dump it and buy back in lower.

>> No.57548587


>> No.57548591

Not sure but they are appealing it. I'm sure it's a misunderstanding.

>> No.57548596

bullshit. stop thinking you can determine the narrative

>> No.57548611
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What did they mean by this?

>> No.57548633

How do you know they were banned? Are they still active on TG?

>> No.57548645

it could either be a sweet surprise or we're about to get our assholes bleached. i'm prepared to lose 4k of my initial investment if that's the case.

>> No.57548669

maybe another shitty nft collection

>> No.57548671

suspended not banned. Yes, they are still active on TG. They are not jeets and this is a legit coin.

>> No.57548719

That looks more like Treat Williams (RIP) than Tucker Carlson.

>> No.57548721

>Yes, they are still active on TG.
Ok. Cool. Still have a few $k in. Holding for election season

>> No.57548778

Fiver pajeets can only do so much for $5

>> No.57548784
File: 1.52 MB, 1920x1080, tuck1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look here, that green candle i was telling you about. im not making it up

>> No.57548785

If you were waiting to buy back in lower now is your last chance. Swingies are buying back in now

>> No.57548786

He interviewed PUTIN! He obviously HATES America!

>> No.57548803

gave me quite the audible chuckle.

>> No.57549009

Panic sellers roping atm
this shit will gigapump on elections season

>> No.57549119

This will giga pump tonight. It never even really pumped most of the last few days

>> No.57549138

It's over Pajeet. The coin served its purpose. For anyone coming to this thread, there is no reason to join this dead coin. It was only made for the interview, don't let them scam you. A new shitcoin will come soon.

>> No.57549145

Imagine owning a bag of any size of $Tucker, and selling it just because whales are selling, literally at the time most people are watching the interview. wtf are you nervous for? obiovusly Tucker was going to go way back up... it's not even election season yet

>> No.57549184

My Tuckers stays puckered

>> No.57549188

It was made over 4 months ago you retarded nigger. You 100% sold your bag at the low a few hours ago and are desperately trying to ensure you don't miss out.

Sold a seat to a million dollars for a few hundred didn't you?

>> No.57549231

Swing if you're comfortable risking the rope. But anyone who doesn't buy or stay in TRUMP or TUCKER is a turbo brainlet. We are at the beginning of the election season. Shit is gonna get wild.
Tucker Carlson is gonna continue to be at the center of politics for the next 10 months and beyond.

>> No.57549232

Such desperation. Just because you can't cash out now doesn't mean you can drag others into your bad decision. I give it a week before you start facing rangebans out of desperate threads. I'm just here being honest, if you anons have yet to buy, remember the rides over, don't fall for their lies.

>> No.57549255

Anon. What is the reason you are absolutely seething? Could it be
>Sold a seat to a million dollars for a few hundred didn't you?
Such typical brainlet crypto behaviour. Now you have to spend your time and energy screeching about a coin to soothe your regrets because you're a midwit faggot
How much does it hurt that it's over 0.0004 again. Please tell me. I want to taste your tears

>> No.57549291

Wtf this shit rugged fuck you guys

>> No.57549344


Buy this dip?

>> No.57549348

there are dozens of dog coins with larger marketcaps than TUCKER that do nothing and have no narrative
but like >>57549231 said Tucker will be getting tons of attention after this, plenty of people havent even had time to watch it yet
the coin was made by the same people as TRUMP, donates to veterans, $3 million is nothing, comfy hold since i didnt buy the top

>> No.57549354

Biden hands typed this.

>> No.57549368

the fuck did you expect from a coin named after cucker ? its always pnd
at least maga worth a shot

>> No.57549381

>Buy this dip?
Get your pajeet imitation shit out of this white man's thread

>> No.57549383

But I want to help wounded warriors and maybe help myself

>> No.57549404

Buddy you aren't here seething for free are you? You lost your stack at 2M MCAP! Because whales dumped and you got baited. Is tucker going to disappear? No, he isn't.

Nice stack buddy, thanks for selling it. And don't worry about bans, you just turn WiFi off and connect to 5G and make as much threads as you want.

>> No.57549431

Must have been a really shitty interview to rug so bad you fuckers owne me money

>> No.57549446

Interview was kino but yeah it’s obvious the coin will rug once the interview is out.
Sell the news retards.

>> No.57549454

interview was absolutely amazing. $Tucker will go x3-4 in a week. By Feb. 13th, you'll be priced out

>> No.57549468

>white man's thread

Then why did y'all jeet it. You're not white

>> No.57549493

They're already priced out. Some people selling at a foolishly low level.

>> No.57549544
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Watching my AVI stack swell while Tuckcucks seethe

>> No.57549599
File: 360 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20240208-220830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

424M whale here
Still not selling

>> No.57549677

150m faggot here. I’ll suck your cock for Tuckers.

>> No.57549692

What did these retards do to get their twitter suspended

>> No.57549725

I've seen it happen with other coins and it's almost always done by bears who recognize value but want to ensure a swing.

You get only around 20 twitter accounts to mass report for hate and it gets auto suspended pending investigation. That's what happened here and the same thing happened with HOKK like two weeks ago.

It's biz doing it, this coin never got out of biz really but it is now.

>> No.57549770

I got in when I saw the thread on biz and even at the lowest point today was still up almost 50%. Because this isn't a jeet coin and because trump went to 100m, I will NOT sell

>> No.57549956

Devs posted about the twitter being removed and are going to remake another one just incase. If the main one gets reopened they'll go back to using that.

I think when the dev posted the American passport, Indians got extremely enraged

>> No.57549977

I'm in it until Elections are over. X account probably got suspended by lefty redditors.

>> No.57549979

New twitter @tuckermemecoin , proof on the telegram

>> No.57549997

They said it might've been because they didn't put memecoin in it but the real reason for suspension was Hate which is obviously bs

>> No.57550011

Whales still selling but it will be necessary for the price going forward

>> No.57550034

Now that the news is over it will be steady, sometimes slow gains but lots won't sell at a loss. Those whales will end up burned the most because this is as high potential of a memecoin as you can possibly get.

Every memecoin goes through this at the start. Whales decimating the price, shrimp sometimes sell with them. They're almost always swinging their bags anyway. I did the same thing over the past 2 days but didn't dare swing trade before it came out. Guess that was the ultimate swing but priced out now.

>> No.57550060

it's still falling, fuck that, I am selling while I still can!

>> No.57550065
File: 1.86 MB, 4052x2894, a05af506d47eea40fd2c03e1175bbd9644792812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's still falling, fuck that, I am selling while I still can!

>> No.57550088

Translation: You already sold and you already got priced put. This is the swingiest trade of the month, these whales are seething because this community isn't stopping.

Bonus points if you did your due diligence to work out it's a high security score coin (100/100 safety) and that the Devs are real, attentive, American and not stopping and not fucking selling.

Refer to the coin $TRUMP, and refer to the fact we are in 2024 election year, and refer to the fact tucker is a highly relevant conservative hero. That's when you'll get it.

>> No.57550100
File: 6 KB, 194x260, images (1) (22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding my TUCKERS gently

>> No.57550201

>I think when the dev posted the American passport, Indians got extremely enraged

QRD on the passport stuff?

>> No.57550228
File: 1.16 MB, 1179x1950, goodluck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

translation: I think this got the same treatment that LINU got and I think with gas fees being high and the price rapidly decliing, the pnd mafia is going to let this drop below 1 mil mc. Nobody outside of biz talks about this coin. I think we got played.

>> No.57550252

if you want more information on how fucked up the whole situation is, go to the linu tg, and look at all of the evidence they collected. it extends beyond linu.

>> No.57550285
File: 891 KB, 798x786, tucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that were true Devs would've dumped wallets. LINU failed because dogcoins have no relevancy whatsoever.

>> No.57550358

Whachu talkin bout LINU for faggit?

>> No.57550377

Doge shit isn't as relevant as tucker

>> No.57550404

It's gay and faggy

>> No.57550537

Looks like the Tuck finally got cucked

>> No.57550544

Kinda looks like the bottom's in and rising actually, Rupdeep

>> No.57550589
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the real problem is the amount of liquidity
only 6.1% more sell volume than buy, and the price tanks 45%
but it does look like the bottom is in

>> No.57550599

The next Tucker hype train has already begun.
>Tucker is gonna be VP!

>> No.57550664

>Tucker is gonna be VP

Only the dumbest idiots think this. Tucker doesn't even like drumpf. He just sees him as the less shitty pic

>> No.57550670

Tucker stays puckered not unlike my asshole

>> No.57550696

Oh dear. Blue hair
Tits or gtfo

>> No.57550707


>> No.57550736

Seriously the stupidest take thinking cucker would ever except a second fiddle position. Guess we know what kind of rejects are making this threads and shilling thins shit.
Very indian

>> No.57550773


>> No.57550793


>> No.57550824

This Tucker 4Ayj9gkTryenPR2iurG7cXRRbXPpAt6xePR3jCaF5Ja3
is up %55,000%
Time to switch tuckers?

>> No.57550829

Only the real tucker is the right tucker tranny

>> No.57550832

>would not be accepting with the second fiddling sir
You do not watch Tucker interviews. He literally risks his life, his legacy and everything he has made for his country. Stick to Indian politics

>> No.57550840
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>up %55,000%
>Time to switch tuckers?
Wow. Yeah! Buy a coin 55,000% up instead of a coin that's just bottomed out!

>> No.57550847

>make coin valued at nothing
>add some liquidity
>majorly up! please buy sirs!

>> No.57550861

All these TUCKER jeet clones just makes me more sure of TUCKER OG ETH. Jeets are spinning them out like crazy.

>> No.57550863

Tucker is not a politician and is not career changing to be a blimpf puppet

>> No.57550890

Jeets pretending to know tucker on their shitcoin clones

>> No.57550959

Why the fuck that whale bot dumping, it's not even worth it at these levels. It's basically never going to go lower than before because at least some of the holders know that it's a bullish speculative 2024 political coin so it probably won't dump more and will only build from here.

>> No.57550980
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>> No.57551058


>> No.57551068

To be fair, the community of TUCKER is pretty strong. Ig it's because politics creates in and out groups

>> No.57551073


>> No.57551111

My buy order of 50 million for 0.5 ETH went through. Now what?

>> No.57551127

It's down -90%

>> No.57551128

>It's basically never going to go lower than before because at least some of the holders know that it's a bullish speculative 2024 political coin so it probably won't dump more and will only build from here.

Plenty of people wanting to buy in again, many of those the same whales that sold yesterday thinking it'd go sub 1M lmao.
Again, not selling until september-october.

>> No.57551132

Trade them to >>57549677
For a good time

>> No.57551144
File: 246 KB, 1350x1800, 1644730878823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My buy order of 50 million for 0.5 ETH went through. Now what?
Have ypu considered edging to tranny porn for the rest of the evening?

>> No.57551169

Is that an actual tranny? If so, I might.

>> No.57551211
File: 1.50 MB, 1290x757, mr wixa im interview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tuckerbros I thought it was over BUT we are back, we can still make it next pump to 10M hell yeah

>> No.57551236

As expected, mainstream media in my country are in full damage control and instead of Tucker interview publish articles about how it's necessary to give weapons to Ukraine, so they can win the war (as if that's even a possibility) etc. Makes me sick.

>> No.57551242

That's a filipina tranny qt but most filipina trannies are ugly compared to Thai ladyboys
>t. expat tranny gobbler

>> No.57551254
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anyone have a link to watch this for non-subscribers?

>> No.57551258

I'll give you life-changing advice. You won't like it, but maybe slowly it will filter through and make your life better. You are very stupid. Maybe you're young and inexperienced, or maybe you're scared. But you are an absolute drooling moron. Work on that.

>> No.57551275

This. Only you.

>> No.57551292

Lmao, instead of lecturing me, go fight the frontline as mercenary you smug fag. If you are not ready to do that, then shut the fuck up.

>> No.57551314
File: 172 KB, 1776x878, dumps are only temporary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reversal is programmed in. We will set a new floor at 0.00005.

>> No.57551393
File: 452 KB, 720x494, prigoschin its over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG I was wrong it's over again tuckerbros I will never recover from this pls hold my hand

>> No.57551515

Back over $0.0004. Will be back to ATH within 24hrs
10m eow. Seen this before. Screenshot it

>> No.57551530

>Whale buys for $8694
>Salls a few minutes later for a $200 profit

I genuinely don't understand these people.

>> No.57551649

those are bots bro

>> No.57551656

They weren't bots. Check the transactions.

>> No.57551714


volume kinda going off right now, can't believe this is actually recovering

>> No.57551756

>volume kinda going off right now, can't believe this is actually recovering
It's been stuck only on biz for ages but now Tucker is trending around the world.
I think most people anticipated the sell off, after the infamous Elon SNL DOGE crash. The election season has all year and TRUMP also has dumps, crabs and pumps.
Plus huge announcement on Monday
Obviously never rugged so trust in team is good now

>> No.57551821


>> No.57551853

This is the dumbest narrative I’ve possibly ever seen. Just think about this logically. Tucker JUST created TCN, which is the fastest growing by volume and profit margins, of a media outlet in the history of mankind. It’s not even close. And he’d have to renounce that all when he becomes vp? Yeah, real smart move. And obviously trumps vp pick is going to be a politician. Most likely a woman like Elise Stefanik or Kristi Noem to try to bring in the independent swing and suburban woman vote, which he still polls really badly with.

>> No.57551901

It’s the easiest way to make small but safe profit when you’re a whale. Buy into an uptick, wait for other buys, and since your buy was so huge you’ll likely get 200$ after gas out of it. Whales manipulate small shitcoins like this all the time

>> No.57551930

dump this shit before it rugs and jump and on Supra upcoming TGE.

>> No.57552033

cuck faggot

>> No.57552369

Only a tremor. This thing is only going up from here boys!

>> No.57552428

I dunno about safe. A big buy can just as easily trigger sells.