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57547028 No.57547028 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57547035

smoll pp

>> No.57547060

If you live in Shartmerica you need a million dollars for a decent house. You need 2-3 million to retire as middle class... and you need 7-10 million if you want to retire before age 40 and not have to work ever again. Hundreds of thousands is not near enough to sustain into old age. Especially not if you have dependents

>> No.57547069

Pure greed. I was thinking i'd retire at 8 figures. Then when thinking about what I'd do with the money I immediately thought about investing it. Im a lost cause.

>> No.57547079

A house on average is half a million alone. Thousands in taxes and house insurance need to be paid yearly. Then there's maintenance. We're ignoring utilities, groceries, and healthcare. You need at least 1 million to have a home and live like the silent gen who scrounges in a tincan trailer on social security.

>> No.57547091

What is your folio like , anon?
t. Near 8 fig rn
Send from my IPhone

>> No.57547093

I never understood why poor don't paint or clean or make things neat.
They have nothing better to do. Maybe crime would go down if the places you lived didn't look like shitholes.

>> No.57547129
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>i'm going to go take a dump my diet is 70% mountain dew and 30% hot fries it turns my diarrhea into a beautiful brown paint that i spread all over the walls in the bathroom to make it beautiful and less depressing no money for paint brushes because i gambled it all away on inushiba token i want to die

>> No.57547178
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Because poor people have poor people shit to worry about, they're not thinking what colour the feature wall is gonna be

>> No.57547294
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Here's my thoughts as a 24 year old bachelor who has experienced the lower class thoroughly by working SEVERAL retail jobs.

It's economic and it's endemic. The required skills required to make an abode such as OPs pic nice and lovely simply cost too much.

Any furniture to hide the walls are likely way too expensive for the average consumer in a poor area. The skills required to properly fix the wall lining or to have a luxury like carpet installed are in the hands of unaffordable services.


In Mexico contractors and laborers have the knowledge to fix the damage of their areas but due to being unable to accrue wealth the same way an American can(wealth here is abstract so think Ideas, Education, Positive Upbringing, High level networking, money) is unable to affect the community in a positive way(using HIS knowledge) AND turn a profit at the same time.

Here's the craziest part about this shit.

The sheer WEALTH that this country has is necessary for Juan to be able realize his ambition. Yet, this wealth comes from the exploitation of Juan's motherland. This causes Mexicans everywhere to rush to the source of the wealth(a demon...) and by agreeing to serve it have their "energy" siphoned.

The siphoning of both the traitors and the plundered. This causes the to gain both aspects of that said "race" gaining many who came first and last.

Once assimilation is complete the chosen are to proceed to the next planting which once again, they must labor for the Harvest.

>> No.57547771

>when you can happily live life with 5 or 6 figs
no I can't because that means I have to work.

>> No.57547939

I don't even have 5 figs, if I had at least that I'd be happy, even 24k/year is more than enough to transform my life totally

>> No.57548016

How old are you now, and what's preventing you from doing this?

>> No.57548033

stfu tranny. no you don't. you sound like a celebrity housewife living off your divorced husband's alimony. kys

>> No.57548061

the economy and currency, I'm not American and our economy and financial polices blocks most of the opportunities, I can't do an online business and recieve transaction since most financial processors and blocked, I can't even make Stripe account to sell online or dropship or even receive Twitter revenues, the police started lately arresting ppl how have cash dollars that's not in the bank, the only outlet is crypto which take my to block one of not having enough starting capital due to currency exchange rates

>> No.57548085

If you're in South America, it's time to man up and cross the border into USA. I would rather die in the Darien Jungle than live a hopeless life.

>> No.57548120

The USA is more hopeless than SA. OP should move to Chile or Mexico or Paraguay depending on location.

>> No.57548191

Habibti, why are you covered? I am the only one here, get your little behind here and give me some suger

>> No.57549669

millions would you get multiple 18 year old wives

>> No.57549683

You need $1m post-tax minimum to live a bare bones life without waging

>> No.57549684

I dont want to work anymore. I just want freedom. If it will take millions of dollars so be it.

>> No.57549705

>9001 word essay excusing inability to delay gratification
It's an IQ issue, got it.

>> No.57549715
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kek you're a total basedboy only beta males worry about iq i only care about pussy

>> No.57550665

Not true you're just saying that lol

>> No.57550760

Mom is dead tired from working, dad is unemployed drunk that would fuck up making a sandwich, let alone fix anything

I love my parents, though. Dad does not drink anymore, but still does everything half assed. They are retired and have similar salaries but that's because my mom worked in shittiest paid industry and dad is a war vet. Mom still works secretly, fixing dresses for old ladies from the neighbourhood and charges way lower she should

>> No.57550769

And I make in one month as much as mom did in 11 months. She sucks at career building

>> No.57550782
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>> No.57551627

Most people don' t have the motivation because it's been beat out of them from a VERY young age, we're talking right when they start school. people are trained to be one track in society. if you come from a family that is disagreeable to the herd mentality of how society trains you in life you'll probably be more motivated (unless you have depression or mental illness which is a whole different problem). also a lot of the cleaning comes from the mother, a mother who teaches their children to clean and have a nice place, it passes down. people who have dirty houses most likely never knew a living where they lived in cleanliness. kind of like how people who were abused as children go seek out abusers when they're adults. I am sure they probably operate on the "everyone else around me has a dirty house and it'll just get dirty again so what's the point"
the "What's the point" mentality, deadly to anyone wanting to better their lot.

>> No.57551639


>> No.57551713

>The required skills required to make an abode such as OPs pic nice and lovely simply cost too much.
Anon, fuck off. They live like animals. They eat off the floor. You can build a cheap table for a couple of dollars - in the UK we literally have 13 year olds do this in woodworking classes. To paint the walls, grow some plants, and clean the place up really isn't a difficult or expensive task.
>furniture way too expensive
Back when i was poor i'd go on craigslist and get furniture for free from middle class people moving house that just needed to get rid of some sofas or cabinets. These days that market's even bigger. What is gumtree? What is freecycle? What is preloved?
Poverty is no excuse for living like shit. In fact, I'd argue the main reason they live in poverty is because they live like shit.

Oh and let's not forget they were motivated enough to get a propaganda box for their dining room, but i don't see many books lying around. Self-inflicted misery; they make their own hell.

>> No.57552749

>their own hell
>happy stay at home wife and multiple kids running around while hardworking man provides
enjoy ur liberated roastie

>> No.57552895

Even in third world shithole here in SEA, a decent house costs like $1 million.

>> No.57552967

>They eat off the floor.
That's just the cultural norm in arab countries. They mostly don't use furniture because wood was historically rare and precious, plus it's hard to pack when you move your camp.
>To paint the walls
The walls are painted.
>grow some plants, and clean the place up
It's decorated and reasonably clean. I imagine the lack of houseplants again is cultural. Desert dwellers aren't going to waste water on such a thing.

>> No.57553452

Yeah he thinks they are in poverty but I doubt poor people can afford to eat that much variety of food everyday. Just the mindset of a culturally sparse shut in retard

>> No.57554112
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OP, I'm aiming to ditch the 9-5 grind once I hit millions in crypto. Hoping my alts like DUA, XLM, BLXM, ETH, TIA, and a bunch of others explode during the next bull run so I can live life on my terms.

>> No.57554148

Kek it’s like talking to a third grader. You have much to learn. Managing wealth is stressful. Not just martinis on a beach. Faggot

>> No.57554268

I hear you, anon but being broke is way more stressful. Crypto's been a game-changer for me too. Holding altcoins with solid fundamentals which I mentioned above is the name of the game.

>> No.57554279


>> No.57554323

Good luck retiring with your sub million working to death.
If you retired at 60 with 800k and you lived off 100k/ year you’ll run out by 68. Even if you stick to the typical only withdraw 4% that’s only 32k that’ll last you till your 85 but that would barely cover you living expense not including all your health expenses.

>> No.57554386

Why would you feel the need to live off 100k a year when you only have 800k?

>> No.57555242

I’m just using it as an example. The point being if you want to live a somewhat decent life to cover you all the way through your 80s and likely 90s you’re going to need a good amount.
Even if you did 60k a year would only last you till you’re 73. Then what? Not a lot of places you can work to get income at that age

>> No.57555516

>once I hit millions in crypto
>posts a bunch of literal shitcoins
Kek, lmao even

>> No.57555534

There are many places where you can live a comfy life with 10-15k/year. I feel sorry for americucks.

>> No.57556422

The global market is the great equalizer for opportunity. Anyone can learn to code or any other remote online service anywhere and get paid for it as long as they have access to a computer.

>> No.57556525
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To build temples and honor the deathless Gods.

>> No.57557082

I call bullshit