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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57542797 No.57542797 [Reply] [Original]

The entire market is mooning and we are locked in our cage. How do we cope xisters?

>> No.57542805

Chainlink is face melting gigamooning from $4 check the chart

>> No.57543358

have sex

>> No.57543367

Linkies Won

Fuddies lost

>> No.57543391

>How do we cope xisters?
with my passive PNL column
oh and I have 50 ETH lmao

>> No.57543398

LINKfags really thought this was their time kek

>> No.57543420

linkies are mooning like absolute gigachads despite zero retail attention, how is it not their time?

>> No.57543452
File: 41 KB, 464x347, 1695916631080956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57543619

My link bag has lagged far behind my other alts since we started recovering back in October

>> No.57543645

Considering I bought most my stack over summer for $6-7 bucks a Link I’m not doing too badly. Can you say the same fudcucks?

>> No.57543713

can you tell us these alts so we can compare the charts to verify if you are right or not?

>> No.57543731


>> No.57543752

ok, that's wrong. got any others?

>> No.57543778

Oh so you’re retarded got it

>> No.57543800

so you have no more alts to share? i thought you had many examples of alts that mooned far more than link had since october? avax isn't a good example so I thought you'd have more? guess not

>> No.57544080

b-but i'm saving myself for sergey sama

>> No.57544111
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i'll be sad and miss him forever in the depths of my heart he was my true soulmate