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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57542403 No.57542403 [Reply] [Original]

Give n the token is down 65%, you would think they'd tell employees to not throw it in people's faces. Weird...

>> No.57542411

I'm trying to think of a single successful tech startup that hired 600 people before they had revenue and working products. Completely blanking here...

>> No.57542421

Also can't think of one that had to hire volunteers to help police sentiment. Feels a little Orwellian, gives me the creeps

>> No.57542436


>> No.57542442

chainlink has no product
it doesn't work
it just parses some data that was generated elsewhere
but whatever, buy the token scam so you can get rugged

>> No.57542454

amazon always had a product
sell things online
back in the day, boomers were really retarded and just could not operate a computer

>> No.57542457

try havin' sex

>> No.57542460

>t. suicidal porn addict Adem Kayser from The Success Factory in the Netherlands advertising / begging for attention for his shitter account on here (again)

>> No.57542488

aaahh so chainlink is now moving away from autism, and it is about shaming now
I guess we are getting closer to the end

>> No.57542505

By year 5, Amazon had close to $3B in revenues. So like $10B nowadays adjusted for inflation. You realize they were a public company don't you dog? You can google this stuff in seconds

>> No.57542515

If you want to take out the frustrations on me that's your prerogative, whatever makes you feel better little boy

>> No.57542524

Imagine being that porn addicted pathetic loser. Hes just mad hes too stupid to actually get a job at chainlink.

>> No.57542532
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Correct. This is the end stage of an altcoin cult, where those early in the pyramid scheme become enraged when they can no longer fool new members. Pretty funny how they all follow the same pattern

>> No.57542533

But they've had revenue and working products for years now, what do you mean? They are not breaking even, but that's true for most startups and scaleups, that's how the retarded IT startup landscape works - you scale by living from funding round to funding round until you're forced to find profitability

>> No.57542548

>rushes in to defend mid hr chick he regularly donates to
>tips fedora

>> No.57542560
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>> No.57542562

>Give n the token
No I think I’m going to keep the token for myself

>> No.57542568

no... they don't. They have a test version of something that makes a thousand bucks a day. Source for revenue?

>that's how the retarded IT startup landscape works
for the ones that go bankrupt yes. My question was to name one where they hired 500+ people before even having any revenue.

>> No.57542571

i can’t believe adem hasn’t killed himself yet

>> No.57542606
File: 190 KB, 578x792, 8 095451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.57542641
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You pay for this guys' salary hahhahahahaha

>> No.57542688

apparently he became quite upset when a few people started messaging some of his friends and family about his retardedly cringe porn addiction
he usually makes these threads when he's upset and wants to feel in control, but he always devolves into third world screeching shortly after being reminded that his identity as a "crypto holder" is out in the open for any thug with a good pair of pliers to see now

>> No.57542742

>Dude has straight hair
>He MuSt Be A tRaNnY!
>pRoOf CHaInLoNk iS dOoMeD
Godamn I don't even know why I come here anymore. Any alternative to /biz/ ?

>> No.57542743

watch how Adem doxxing posters go quiet once you drop these two names
Zachary Rhynes
Tim Bryant

>> No.57542744

>no... they don't. They have a test version of something that makes a thousand bucks a day
Ah okay so you're just making a bad faith argument and not trying to have a serious discussion, got it.
But just for the sake of discussion let's assume you're actually just ignorant, so let me help you there - from VRF and Keepers/Automation alone they've had ARR of tens of millions of dollars.

>> No.57542759
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 1673444909110643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the visual demonstration also shuts them up
isn't that quite interesting

>> No.57542764

have sex

>> No.57542827

and you now realize that even though doxxing has been banned on 4chan for years, and especially on /biz/ of all boards, for some inexplicable reason the Adem Kayser doxxing posts are continuously allowed to exist!
hmm, really activates my almonds

>> No.57542836

have sexual intercourse

>> No.57542845

sup Timmy, you should take your own advice here

>> No.57542871

Chainlink labs has revenue, at least 2k/day

>> No.57542888

engage in sex

>> No.57543213

I don’t know either of those fuckers but if I ever go to the Netherlands I’m going straight to Adems place to take him out for ice cream.

>> No.57543299

What's this?

>> No.57543339
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It's nothing. Ignore it.

>> No.57543952
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Based Thomas owns you linkies

>> No.57544004
File: 26 KB, 500x281, D_DsJXEXUAA3oMT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin Superconference comenses and it's Sergey's time to come on stage. "And now we welcome Sergey Nazarov to talk about smart contracts beyond tokenization". A minute comes by and nothing happens. Eventually 10 men start slowing walking from the backstage holding an extremely bulky water tank, one would think be reserved for a large water animal. They place it on the ground and after few seconds the lights in the water tank turn on to reveal 2000 kg Sergey Nazarov, who appears to be levitating in the water tank.

>He is so large it seems that the surrounding fish have created a symbiotic ecosystem around his body and he cannot leave without dying. Rory quickly runs on stage and throws a big mac into the water tank while Sergey's body absorves the big mac and consumes it, still soaked in water and fish shit. Few minutes pass with absolute silence in the room until Sergey finally speaks couple words with an extremely slow, deep and tiring voice: "Hyperledger use chainlink, Microsoft use chainlink, Facebook use chainlink, ethereum use chainlink, mainnet now".

>Everyone in the room starts clapping, cheering and throwing shit at each other and chainlink immidiately skyrockets to $1,000,000 and achieves price singularity. /biz/ then goes on to make 50 additional chainlink threads per day, mostly filled with pictures of the first chainlink city on Mars and private islands of LINK owners, while all the nolinkies proceed to kill themselves at the same time. Sergey receives a noble prize for the most innovative invention of the past 1000 years, President Trump outlaws any other oracle providers beside ChainLink and within years the entire world economy is powered by LINK, which now keeps steady at $1,000,000,000 as the only usable cryptocurrency.

>> No.57544453

Hey guys - what about the chart?

>> No.57544471

That's right link chart is the face melting gigamoon chart
first stop: $4
you are here: $18
next stop: On top of the moon with our faces melted

>> No.57544506

the chart is excellent

>> No.57544524

Porn addict

>> No.57544652
File: 4 KB, 250x171, this_pepe_is_haunted_now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

addict? NPR told me that porn addiction isn't real and it's fine to masturbate and watch porn in moderation.

>> No.57544658

to the advocates - have you ever thought about unionizing and asking for at least a regular wage. You're here working 24/7 anyways.

I know you're spineless cusk afraid of conflict but hey, just a thought. If they can afford people sitting on the beach taunting you, surely they can throw you a bone

>> No.57544667


>> No.57544722

Do they actually have 500 employees what the fuck are all those people doing?

>> No.57544940

You are also here 24/7 in every link thread saying the same shit day in day out. Simultaneously posting nick cage gifs on twitter and then cross posting your tweets. It’s time to stop Adem