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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 70 KB, 1179x813, IMG_1147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57542256 No.57542256 [Reply] [Original]

What we buying on base guys?

>> No.57542297
File: 596 KB, 793x979, piratemochi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What else?

>> No.57542313

I like mochi gang! I saw Jesse is talking about TYBG too.

>> No.57542324
File: 180 KB, 1024x1024, photo_2024-02-08_04-30-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy picrel on eth to be quite honest famalamadingdong

>> No.57542352 [DELETED] 

dadbase until it migrates to ETH cause base is trash
whats this?

>> No.57542356

I am only asking on base anon. Shill your bag on another thread.

>> No.57542404

Check this one out best lore out there. This is the one Jesse is very vocal about it.


>> No.57542414
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casinu, says so in the pic kek
vitalik himself named it
check picrel for ca

>> No.57542458
File: 208 KB, 1272x855, IMG_7735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Base God Based and God Pilled. Jesse leading the army of disciples to Baldhalla

>> No.57542512

Saw this tybg! Looks like Jesse is heavily involved.

>> No.57542575

i thought it'd be doing better desu

>> No.57542600
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>> No.57542617
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What do you think he means by this? Is he shilling TYBG to bald Brian and his team

>> No.57542620

it's dipped but i have it on good authority the team is gonna start a new push soon

>> No.57542687

Degen Frame Toshi TYBG AYB Moonwell. What else did I miss anons?? Slurp me up!!

>> No.57542832

Dude, saw that in tybg tg and noticed 4-5 Coinbase employees lurking. Something cooking with based god.

I have tybg, toshi and mochi so far. Anything else should I add?

>> No.57542839

Aviator is the only real low cap worth buying rn

>> No.57542890

Don’t know that aviator one, will look.

>> No.57543212

Dude wtf?

>> No.57543219

So much alpha. Thanks wagmi

>> No.57543286
File: 57 KB, 320x320, spaces_5CfDnLRwDWug2p10cBWI_uploads_git-blob-7db30a02824304a5b73c0921762b292eecaccfdd_logo-token-circle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please buy my Nether (NFI) bags

>> No.57543450

NGMI , TYBG is the only project base employees are lurking in

>> No.57543511

Already bought BasicDogMeme (ticker: Dog)

>> No.57543649

Dog is definitely worth holding. I'm gonna check out tybg now myself though.

>> No.57543655

Saw that. 4-5 at least.

>> No.57543694

I have smol bag of dog but team is alright.

>> No.57543785

Team sucks. Tybg no brainer as base employees engaging.

>> No.57543829

Chart is awesome and the website/memes are legit. It's at 10mil already though. It will hit 40 by the end of this month if it keeps the same momentum. I'm not sure if that's feasible on base yet. Anyone with more shitcoin experience on base have a better idea what to expect? I've only bought and held a couple coins there so far.

>> No.57543843
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>> No.57543877

Degen did $200m and toshi did 100m. So yea, definitely possible

>> No.57543890

is there any token i can buy that tracks roughly with the volume on the basechain? i bought BSWAP but considering the mcap of that is currently less than 100k i feel like there's something wrong kek

>> No.57543913

Too many cats and dogs. So far I like tybg and frame.

>> No.57543920

are they gonna do an airdrop (base i mean) ?

>> No.57543926

Don’t know anon. My bet is toshi, fame and tybg.

>> No.57543929

lol what the fuck is that?

>> No.57543934

Thankyoubasegod is your golden ticket. Base team is all over it. It will definitely grow with Base, look no further. Go do some digging

>> No.57544010

Looks like it. Man memes are so good. They even have a bald list. People made a pledged to shave their heads when it reaches certain milestone. Saw Jesse also on the list.

>> No.57544041

Toshi hit 100mil? It doesn't show that on the chart. Looking at the network there are only 10 coins with 9 figure+ mc. I guess it doesn't matter. I think there's gonna be a big pivot into base soon so may as well grab a few more things and see what happens.

>> No.57544113

not tradable on base yet, but third for aviator arcade
>game hosting platform AND bridge to base
>bridge will be INSTANT, no 7 day wait
>will work for any eth coins or nfts, can both bridge and deploy from this bridge
>was just sent to hacken for an audit
>will have liq on basechain after the bridge is up (in addition to the eth liq)
>arcade beta will go up after the bridge, will coincide with a game jam event
for skeptics, it might be a viable strat to wait for the base liquidity.
that way, the bridge will already be out AND you wont have to pay the retarded mainnet gas
give it a look, keep an eye on it

>> No.57544207

Ok, you must be going off the fully diluted valuations.

I grabbed some TYBG and a little bag of Frame. Sushi swap is lightening fast and I can't figure out if I actually paid any gas. I could see myself getting hooked on base and sushiswap if there's an influx of new money and shitcoins soon lol.

>> No.57544347

It did for a moment. I was riding that shit from 2m. TYBG is another high conviction play. Found lot of alpha after some digging. Find their track song on sound.xyz and read overview. You will know what I am talking about

>> No.57544354

Gas pretty cheap. Base season is inevitable.

>> No.57544386

aviator is building an eth to base launchpad/bridge so every shitcoin on eth that doesn't want to pay high gas fees has 1 out... And that's Aviator SkyBridge

>> No.57544430

Nice. I might buy more lol.
I'm on a TG that's usually all sol traders rn. Everyone is asking about base coins and how to bridge etc...i just explained that it costs 20 cents to send eth from CB itself and how insanely fast and cheap sushi is. CB is gonna crush it with this L2.

>> No.57544710

Ser is this Real? Brian is an advisor!! This can’t be real. Seethe Jeeters

>> No.57544746


simple as

>> No.57544866

That’s the alpha ser

>> No.57544874

Add tybg and toshi

>> No.57544879
File: 1.42 MB, 1200x1200, Base BabyDackie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BabyDackie ($3.8K mcap) on the DackieSwap dex will be picked up by a memecoin p&d group sooner or later, my bags have become dusty but it will be worth the waiting time, autistically speaking. It's not about the pocket change for me, it's about proving a point or two In regards to shitcoin strategies.

>> No.57545011

Man hard to trust that dex.

>> No.57546395

What is this?

>> No.57546418

AVI, aviator arcade

>> No.57546452

Jetters Jetted and sent to Goblin Town. 4Chan never learns and simply wants to be an exit Liquidity to twitter and reddit these days. DYOR on TYBG and thank me later. The Rabbithole runs deep

>> No.57546468

If I already hold a bag of this on ETH is there any point in getting the BASE version?

>> No.57546532

There is no base version yet.

>> No.57546553

youre all good, itll be the same token
base avi isnt out yet, but youll be able to use the skybridge to turn eth avi into base avi and vice versa when it is

>> No.57546695

will avi be better for bridging base to eth than the base bridge?

>> No.57546736

wtf is goblin town? lol

>> No.57546809

the default base bridge has a seven day wait period, and avi's bridge will allow you to bypass that wait entirely (will also have the option to do the regular 7-day wait method too, just as a backup)
im not sure how deploying tokens on base works now, but avi's bridge is also intent on making it easy for pre-existing token and nft projects to instantly deploy on base as well.
fees for using the bridge will be minimal too- they opted to skip using an oracle and will instead charge the same trivial, flat fee for each transaction instead of scaling the fees up depending on what youre bridging

>> No.57546835
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Yes, AVI bridge is a huge deal if it goes through the audit here this coming week.

Jannie’s nuked mochi thread, they’re scared of the cute cat.

>> No.57546851

mods here are pathetic. ban me.

>> No.57546855
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>> No.57546890

Mochi tax token, will never make it to cb listing

>> No.57546916

They are taking the tax off, that's always been known. Probably sometime this year

The moderation on /biz/ has been insane lately, where was this in 2021 when spam made the board actually unreadable?

>> No.57546936

Tybg ser..

>> No.57546953

But they 3 migrations, centralized wallet, team wallet…. Screenshot this toshi mochi will never make it cb.

>> No.57546986
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nothing beats the original sers, we all know which one is gonna get listed first

>> No.57547046
File: 125 KB, 1280x853, IMG_20240208_231006_343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Nolana.
-started as joke in Alfa chat
-anon dev is legend and named satashi nolamoto
-cabal representatives from each dominant chain on base came together to form a unified nolana nation
-nolana nation defends base
-nol boyzz are the executioners of sol jeets
-Jesse pollack supports

>> No.57547235
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kek, like the name desu. lacking cats tho

>> No.57547995

Hopefully toshi does. Tybg has best shot due to its deep ties with base/jesse

>> No.57547999

Name is cool but most likely it will get rugged

>> No.57548055

I ride Nolana as high as I can and flip it to TYBG. Mochi pumped from below 20mil to 30mil mcap becauce jesse gave a shoutout. Jesse been all over TYBG in teotter, telegram & farcaster, and the mcap is still below 10mil. I’m acoommlolating as much as I can. See you all in Coinbase

>> No.57548069

I have tiny bag of Nolana but it’s nothing against toshi/mochi and tybg. Don’t get into low quality stuff

>> No.57548086

Tybg cb listing will melt faces

>> No.57548110
File: 208 KB, 1024x1024, 920523df-0f5e-4d3c-ae56-c51b31df32f8-picsay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one God

>> No.57548129
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Not a cult

>> No.57548210

One of the criteria for getting listed on CB is the token must have some kind of utility, what utility does Tybg have? I'm ready to throw in 3 eth.

>> No.57548251
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Toshi (clearly)
All your base (obviously)
Nolana (early)

>> No.57548416

I am a mochi/toshi whale and strongly considering tybg

>> No.57548466

Biggest utility on base is coming, that’s your alpha. Also, check base institute, you will amaze.

>> No.57548474

That’s what I am talking about

>> No.57548481

I don’t know Nolana. Dyor

>> No.57548547

If you are not accumulating as much AVI as you can right as the Hacken audit for their Base bridge starts, you have failed the IQ test

>> No.57548560
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Any other comparable bridge tokens that can be compared to AVIs? I want to know what to expect with a 10m stack

>> No.57548589


As far as I know, there's only the normal one with a 7 day delay. That's without even mentioning the upcoming arcade, perfect dextools score (literally all green which is really rare), audit of their token, kyc in progress, ex Shib team, coinbase connections from previous listings, etc. Aviator is the IQ test (e.g. are you willing to sit and wait while other rugs pump and then dump?)

>> No.57548650

>mochi/toshi whale
How much Mochi is considered a whale? 1 billion?

>> No.57548660

Do you think Mochi is also an excellent hold?

>> No.57548756

Mochi decent, toshi better and tybg golden

>> No.57548761

Naha.. 5b minimum

>> No.57548769

Use orbitor, instant you faggot

>> No.57548793

>Mochi decent, toshi better
Why do you believe this? It seems that the gap between the two is getting closer, I'm of the opinion that Mochi could flip Toshi by summer.

>> No.57548904


There are a tonne of reasons why Skybridge is way better, including the fact that it works for any ERC20 token and not just Eth and USDC. So any team can go ahead and start easily bridging to Base.

>> No.57549252

TYBG will flip both in the next 2 months. Everyone is about to experience another BONK moment

>> No.57549268

What the hell is tybg?

>> No.57549299

Wait till dapps and t1 comes out for toshi. Has eth ever flipped btc?

>> No.57549304
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Thank you based god! Best meme ever!

>> No.57549323
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This anon is based.

>> No.57549356

Fuck bridge.. there are so many already. Shill me your bag of meme on base

>> No.57549447
File: 212 KB, 974x1000, IMG_1185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alpha : buy as much as tybg you can and thank me later

>> No.57549488
File: 402 KB, 1284x965, IMG_7745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you get it yet??? Brian & Jesse, I stay based and blessed. I say Thankyoubasegod, you thank me later anon

>> No.57549573

you guys look fucking crazy shilling this but you convinced me

>> No.57549673

Welcome Based Disciple. Dive into the rabbithole and you will find out for yourself. It’s all Onchain

>> No.57549777
File: 224 KB, 1243x733, IMG_3880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll probably get a bag but my avi just hit 4m don’t talk shit

>> No.57550008

Ser why do I smell like Avi ends in Jeets . Anyways Base God and Frame doesn’t differentiate any project as long as they are as they are not moronic and demons

>> No.57550262

Any erc404 on base yet??

>> No.57550444

my basterd is this the time to slurp?

>> No.57550745

$frame as it’s a younger brother of $degen both farcaster memecoins and it didn’t pump yet 3m mcap

>> No.57550853

Huge alpha

>> No.57550859

Anymore who spend 30 minutes research will come to the senses why tybg is the chosen one.

>> No.57550868

Frame should do fine

>> No.57550889
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Dude you are spoon feeding biz and biz probably still fumble. Ngmi

>> No.57550900
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Now go through the Based God nft collection and story behind it. You will know what am I talking about.


>> No.57550927

Slurp.. multi sig wallet with 1m eth is buying so it’s up to you.

>> No.57550939

Do you believe on based god? The one chooses, the one who is moisturized and bald?

>> No.57550952
File: 87 KB, 800x444, 20240204_131850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying more Base God the alpha bald an based

>> No.57550962

Biz will never learn and always go after some rugs.. this might be the biggest alpha after link in biz

>> No.57551064
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Bald and moisturized. Hairless!

1 hair = 1 sin!

>> No.57551103

btcdragon guys that's what ya'll should be buying now

>> No.57551120
File: 2.20 MB, 1024x1024, Zr53lozRna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is just another pump and dump shitcoin 4chan /biz/ isn't some mystical group of brilliant investors that can spot gems before anyone else it's just a bunch of degenerate losers you'd be better off investing in my giant cock

>> No.57551125
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Huge alpha if you can connect the dots. Who is the creator of tybg title track? And, who did the base institute? Do some 5 minutes research biz

>> No.57551130

Fuck up! Don’t mess up the tybg vibe here. This op is dropping you biggest alpha with huge potential and you are shilling some random shit

>> No.57551167
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Based boys duo - tybg!

>> No.57551939

It's shit. The only thing I'm buying is Supra at TGE.

>> No.57552194

Why ship me?

>> No.57552215
File: 290 KB, 900x900, basicdog2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TG group is very comfy, oldest meme coin, cheapest, steady stable up every month waiting for parabolic, still only 3,9mm and i shilled to you at 1,5mm

>> No.57552256
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>> No.57552286

I have smol bag. It’s same animal shit

>> No.57552295

If you know you know

>> No.57552456
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Big B is the one true saviour. He will smite the heathens by printing many X's.

Stay based, stay moisturised

>> No.57552476
File: 1.62 MB, 1024x1024, W1qOCPbXaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big b is the one true god i love getting cucked by big b's fat cock
stay based stay moist

>> No.57552504


>> No.57552509
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Before base and after base!

>> No.57552515

My Mochi is doing sum

>> No.57552558

Mochi will do well! But as I said toshi better and tybg golden

>> No.57552750

I think it's gonna keep hitting that resistance at 30 until the next tweet from someone important.

>> No.57552789

Yea, not much fundamentals.

>> No.57552810
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bro fundamentals are for simps just buy whatever is pumping and dump it on normies fundamentals are an excuse for idiots to hold their bags when they go down trust me i have a huge cock and will buy your wife

>> No.57552881
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maid sweepers

new erc404 contracts are fun

>> No.57553201

>Mochi tax token
I have to say the scam-token warning on coingecko isn't a good look.

>> No.57553217

"According to GoPlus, the contract creator can make changes to the token contract such as disabling sells, changing fees, minting, transferring tokens etc. Exercise caution."

>> No.57553298

Lol. The tax is going away but it wouldn't matter if it stayed. It's one of CB's children. CB devs shill it, CB already hints at listing it etc...if you don't have a bag, definitely get some before if pumps past 30mil and you're stuck waiting for a new (higher) floor to form.

>> No.57553394


Ca for the.real tybg?

>> No.57553458

Peaq network is your go-to for solid fundamentals, man. It's all about DePINs, and with the launch around the corner, I'm expecting some huge ROI.

>> No.57553467

aero and then selling all of it when it moons

>> No.57553785


>> No.57553802

This isn’t even on the market yet and not even Base related. Now go buy some Thankyoubasegod and thank me later

>> No.57554427
File: 174 KB, 1179x1178, IMG_1143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes bro I am seething right now. I could have just gone all in on this shitcoin but instead I bought the other shitcoin and instead i bought the other shitcoin and instead i bought the other shitcoin and then i bought the top and then i bought the shitcoin and then i was literally seething at your gains and jealous of your fast money and charts and seethign about the gains and the charts again but i bought the top and then you bought the bottom and now we are running in this scam together brows. Fuck yeah we are going to be rich there is so much good advice in biz i love this place you guys are the best and I definitely love filthy indians and this is definitely not a scam and these fudders are the problem on biz because they keep normies from the gains because decentralized blockchain reward nodes protocol hashgraph decentralized nodes of generational wealth imagine not getting in 2.0 ETH next golden bull tard market run seething we are going to make it im so comfy suicide stack nodes public token generational wealth nodes

>> No.57556026

Seethe Harder

>> No.57556247

Pump my tybg bag

>> No.57556284
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Brian and Jesse breaking base with based god.

>> No.57557192
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anyone rerolling their maids?
shit gets addictive

>> No.57557242

youd be dumb not to get a bag of fmulti. Once the website goes live and a few more chains are added, this shits going straight to 10mil mcap.