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57541048 No.57541048 [Reply] [Original]

Worth 2b in mcap (research its tech, L1 POW with the security of Bitcoin and scalability of eth; they have running and thriving ecosystems), price would be around $30. Now it’s 2.4$, 5$ imminent

>> No.57541074

ALPH gives me ETH vibes

I've been in the crypto market early 2017, and no other coin has felt as bullish as ALPH now

>> No.57541079

PoS shitcoin.
Simple as.

>> No.57541090


you dont know nothing about ALPH

ALPH is a Swiss layer-1 quality crypto project

> shards PoW in a way nobody else did (single-step cross-shard tx's)
> stateful UTXO to get the best of both worlds (account model / utxo)
> PoLW to have some of the benefits of PoS (low energy consumption) but none of the downsides (being permissioned, difficulty designing sharding due to bottlenecks, lots of attack surface, very complex design, and all the security-related issues with fully internalizing cost)
> new DSL which is easy to use and still expressive (Turing complete) but tracks the main issues that arise when writing in typical SC languages. together with the UTXO model this makes the chain very secure for users ; nothing will happen without consent (like what we see with MetaMask where people's wallets get drained)
> very low node requirements despite scaling to quite a high TPS. you need a Raspberry pi
> support for UTXO commitments hence fastsync
> superb UI/UX
> developing ecosystem which has a great dex, NFTs, ... and lots of stuff in the making
> much lower capitalization than comparable chains, even than Kadena which has dumped ruthlessly

and soon

> gasless transactions
> lower block times

>> No.57541091

It's not PoS, you can mine it using your gpu

>> No.57541130

sharding is a meme and a scam

>> No.57541197


First you say it’s a PoS coin, it’s pow and then you call sharding a scam without a single argument. Explain faggot

>> No.57541212

low iq powtard. pos is superior

>> No.57541236

he's not done accumulating

>> No.57541266

sure. I looked at Alephium before and know I instantly discarded it. That could be for 2 reasons: it being PoS or relying on sharding. Forgot it was the latter.

Sharding is a scam because every shard is only as secure as the subset of miners on it, and since the shards have to be consistent with each other you basically divide the security of the network by the amount of shards.
This is why ETH abandoned sharding. Shitcoins like Kadena pretended to have solved this issue with merkle proofs so all miners still validate all shards, but merkle proofs are insufficient proof as it turns out (this is why kadena burned and crashed)

So since sharding fundamentally always sacrifices security for scaling it does nothing about the trillema and is therefore a meme and a scam to ensnare crypto noobs
Any other questions?

>> No.57541285

nah it centralizes in all kinds of way, most importantly allowing long range attacks which, again, are only "subverted" by some centralization making them impossible (Vitalik's infamous 'social consensus', ie just trust the ETH foundation to point you to the correct chain)
Also it incentivizes monopoly of the stake by accumulating majority of the coin which can be done way more insidiously and conclusively than trying to monopolize hashrate.

>> No.57541314
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Another shitcion for those who think they missed TAO.

>inb4 tech

It was being shilled as the "next TAO" or "next KAS" (like many others) on CT over a year ago when we all loaded up to dump on your asses.

It's just another smart contract platform. They're a dime a dozen, literally.

>> No.57541329

have a fistbump fellow TAO/KAS chad

>> No.57541407

Imagine, in an alternate universe:
>Bitcoin was proof of stake
>it was launched by the Nakamoto foundation with a 70% preallocation, 10% token presale for early investors and VCs
>Satoshi still controls the network because he gave himself most of the btc that's used for reaching PoS consensus
>never broke $5 because Satoshi and the Nakamoto foundation always dump back down to zero whenever there's any lrice movement

>> No.57541428

I see you've also read Deshe Shai's thread where he destroys Kadena

>> No.57541455

Thanks for this. God bless.

>> No.57541456

Check this ID, fren.

>> No.57541462

Wait did you just describe Chainlink to me?

>> No.57541473
File: 89 KB, 542x560, 6e0c17e8ba069a8e454f455069112fd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teleports behind you
>takes another massive dump
nothing personnel kid

>> No.57541811

and it will still go to $30 likely even $50
>but muh security
>i’m in it for the tech
nobody uses crypto you fucking newfag and nobody ever will. it’s going to pump and you’ll still complain about how you’re technically right and everyone who bought is stupid, but they’ll be cashing out and you’ll be holding a faggot coin like a nigger

>> No.57543756

>Deshe Shai'
Thank you for naming him.
> Shai is a Ph.D candidate in the Hebrew University