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57538479 No.57538479 [Reply] [Original]

>newly build homes listed for 20 average yearly wages and it's not even in a city.
>used homes either complete crapholes or not any cheaper
>supply remains low
Zoomers about to realise they have to either hit a lottery or emrace crypto as their only viable solution to get a decent home or embrace eternal serfdom that is renting

>> No.57538498

>gamble our way to homeownership

I've felt this way about nearly everything these days. Working hard for the next 30 years won't even guarantee me a decent home of my own, let alone retirement. I'm going to basically have to gamble everything

>> No.57538535

Why do zoomers even need a house? The upkeep and extra costs would probably turn most of them off anyway. I just paid $550 to have trees pruned and trimmed around my house.
It would be much more "fun" for zoomers to enjoy the hustle and bustle of city life in their 300 sq ft studio apartments. Leave the boring, suburban big house life to us older folks.

>> No.57538555

Try and buy the crappiest shitiest place you can find in a reasonable area. You will have less competition because people like pretty things. It is easy to landscape the garden or paint a house.

>> No.57538575

>Le Epic Boomer Posting
Problem is those 300 studios cost 2k a month

>> No.57538589

just buy a shit shack when you're 60, should only be about 1,000,000 for one by then

>> No.57538609

Then get a roommate(s)

>> No.57540184

I wish whites would move back to cities in smaller neighborhoods like where I'm at in philly.

>> No.57540915

If troll: good job

If serious: eternal hell fire

>> No.57540951

Consideing 1) you need to do it once every 5-10 years and 2) you can do it yourself ( it's fun too ), i recommend you vaccinate against COVID-19.
I hope you vaccinate against COVID-19.
I pray you vaccinate against COVID-19.

>> No.57542824

I'm trolling and I'm deadass serious. Poorfag

>> No.57543283
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I'm not gambling for homeownership, I'm gambling for freedom.

It's crazy to me that I'm already in a position that is far superior to the vast majority of my peers but it's still completely meaningless as far as I'm concerned. I have no idea how people can just embrace waging. They actually say shit to me like they don't mind working because they don't know what else to do with their time. Every single fucking second that I'm not waging is infinitely precious to me.

>> No.57543295

My nigga you are on 4chan your time cant be that precious

>> No.57543561
File: 144 KB, 1080x1080, real state pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tied to the same neighborhood for life that can become shit in x years
>be able to rent anywhere in the world and pay taxes anywhere you like
oh wait burgers cant do that

>> No.57544008 [DELETED] 

why would you want to buy a home? the neighborhood won't be white sooner or later.

>> No.57544045
File: 235 KB, 1079x1453, F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a little bitch and get a job to stack cash while you wait for the best buying opportunity in 2026/7

>> No.57544066

ive found that if i buy stocks for like 20 years i can eventually retire on like 60k/yr, my current cost of living is under 3k/mo but i make a good bit more than that so it all goes into stonks. We'll say 60k/yr in 20 yrs is equivalent to 30k/yr now, that's still enough for me to be comfortable.

>> No.57544301

Every second I use shitposting on 4chan instead of waging is a precious second

>> No.57544497

>Try and buy the crappiest shitiest place
HGVT has created at least One Million "Fearless Flippers" on their quest to breathe new life into old homes.

It is all fucked for about 10 years. The main issue is most current homeowners bought long before COVID at reasonable prices and then got the opportunity to refinance at 3%. So that 3 bed 2 baths someone bought in 2015 for $250k. If they refinanced at 3% and took out another loan during COVID at $250k (meaning they got a HELOC loan). They would have a monthly mortgage payment of $1,054.01. Maybe another $200 for taxes and insurance. Oh, don't forget they got some extra money to put a down payment on a $100k lifted truck.

This gets fixed only with time. We need to wait for more homes to be built and for normal life events (death, divorce or retiring to Costa Rica) to free up homes. No one in the right mind is giving up that 3% rate.

>> No.57544525
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oh no bro im too busy trying to buy my own lifted truck bro dont you also get like a $100k tax break if you buy a home maybe thats the only way we can escape our moms basement and finally get chicks bro we could sell our house after 10 years or sell out to hgvt for a 200% return what could possibly go wrong and just think of the money we'd have for all that blow we could do every night we could probably even afford to go for a ride in a real helicopter

>> No.57544529

>Got to the bank in 1965
>I would like to take a loan for $31k
>Can you provide us with the address of the house you are buying?
>No I'm buying stocks

>> No.57544532
File: 69 KB, 1106x1012, 1629508616332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to inherit my mother's house

>> No.57544583

>bro dont you also get like a $100k tax break if you buy a home maybe
First, you need to make money to get the tax break
Second, you do get to write off the interest you pay on a mortgage.
>sell our house after 10 years or sell out to hgvt for a 200%
with the way immigration is going... this could also happen.... I hope it doesn't, and the US has normal growth, and the housing supply can catch up.
>we could probably even afford to go for a ride in a real helicopter
Just be communism in argentina

>> No.57544781

don't waste your time with realties, waste it with fake internet money, like casinu inu

>> No.57545181

I think the notion of what 'affording' a home is is changing. I think younger generations are going to have to come to accept living their entire lives chained to a mountain of debt as well as thin margins of cash flow to operate within

>> No.57545263

>would’ve made far more money
Lol, people who invest for a living sometimes become so money hungry they see everything as a potential gain. Money is not supposed to be an end in itself but a means to an end. My father-in-law is the same way. A millionaire from stocks but won’t buy a house and won’t even spend any money on refurbishing his shithole flat. Drives a crappy age old car, eats cheap food, won’t go out anywhere too expensive with his family. What’s the point in holing up and watching line go up like an obsessive retard.

>> No.57545285

>just live in a studio apartment your whole life bro

>> No.57545828

Calls others poorfag, yet complains about 550 dollar expense. Curious!

>> No.57545854

it is gambling and luckily I won, but I wouldn't wish it upon anyone... high risk high reward. Knuckle up or take the boomer pill and keep contribooting to that 401k...

>> No.57546355

You fucking morons will wake up to reality soon enough when you lose it all gambling shitcoins and rents due. Settle down shake the right hands work overtime and pay down a mortgage. Stop thinking you can escape the grind through gambling

>> No.57546606

No complaints from me. I was simply illustrating the random expenses of homeownership that zoomies might not be able to take on.

>> No.57546856

Can you kys?

>> No.57546866

Maybe consider the fact that you have down syndrome for even asking that retarded low I question

>> No.57546872

You need to consider roping. And I mean heavily. Also post body. I can smell the so'y off your bitch ass

>> No.57546947
File: 98 KB, 1136x568, 644a6acab81bcf0018374ce6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a whole lot of cope and seethe in this poorfag screeching. You mad mad lmao
I don't make the rules so don't cry to me, boy.

>> No.57546962

Your logic is down syndrome tier for even suggesting no home is a good path
>why would anyone even want a home?

>> No.57546983

It's obviously sarcasm and trolling. Are you autistic??
Nonetheless, my point stands that most zoomers should accept the fact that they'll never own a house. At best, they might be able to rent a house from people like me.

>> No.57546993

>It's obviously sarcasm and trolling
Aka "I was only pretending to be retarded"

>> No.57547009

And you're definitely not pretending to be a seething poorfag cope lmao

>> No.57547037

You're projecting. I'm just pointing out how retarded your are as a person

>> No.57547044

I figured out crypto is the only chance out of hell 10 years ago.

I'm still in hell though

>> No.57547053


>> No.57547056

You need arbor work done like fucking twice in your life, asshole.

>> No.57547081
File: 1.46 MB, 1024x1024, Gl8KKOWZzq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol look at this loser thinking he can tell me what to do i do whatever the hell i want i'm a billionaire and you're a cuck working 9-5 you will never be anything in life and all your dreams will be unfulfilled i bet you can't even make your gf cum she always wants me instead

>> No.57547446

Ai was a mistake

>> No.57547950

seeing an ai trained on "bizspeak" is both funny and sad. it needs new images, the pepe intern is getting old

>> No.57548464

I’m knuckling up myself anon, do you have any tips on trading meme coins this run, or trading in general?

>> No.57549786 [DELETED] 

More like
>Do zoomers really need a house if they're not having sex or kids.
Although I do want to stop having to work my goon sessions around them.

>> No.57549791

More like
>Do zoomers really need a house if they're not having sex or kids.
Although I do want to stop having to work my goon sessions around my parents.

>> No.57549816

Lmao the OP title explains why you should be all in on crypto

who cares if it goes to 0 it's our only chance