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57538244 No.57538244[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

imagine missing out

>> No.57538251


>> No.57538279

Chekt you mean the 10k you can win, Who's paying for it anyway?

>> No.57538289

>a dogcoin that's a stablecoin

>> No.57538302
File: 95 KB, 511x671, 1581054087186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I WILL win the LUCKY prize money and there's nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.57538303

honestly it is incredible. some would even say it's Lucky

>> No.57538307

T-minus 3 2 1 till Jannies be trannies.

>> No.57538318

btw this is now a 500k market cap waiting thread

>> No.57538319

It's called the accumulation phase anon, every body is going to want to win the prize money, first prize is 5k.

>> No.57538336

Why are all these dogshit coins allowed to be shilled on here?

>> No.57538343

>original said 10k
>now it's 5k
>next is 2.5k
>send date 0k

>> No.57538361

They changed it so 3 holders can win, 5k first prize, 3k second and 2k third, gives more holders a chance to win something. It's actually pretty based.

>> No.57538365
File: 332 KB, 744x713, qUFT1pL2K8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL The thread narrative is exactly like the screenshot - Obligatory warning post:
Notice regarding lucky
If you see a lucky thread notice how many 1 posts by the ID are on the thread
>Why is that?
Because LUCKY is constantly pushed into you retards day and night by a group of trannygram faggots.
>What can I do about this?
Glad you asked. You can hit the "report" button and choose any of the following since they all apply
1) Advertising/Spam
2) Calls for 'raids' (This is my favorite because they constantly do this gay shit)
YOU can make a difference in the quality of this board. ONLY you can make a difference too, so do your duty and always report these threads so the jannie trannies are notified VIA tranny mail ASAP.
>Want to go the extra mile?
Report every post encouraging anyone to buy lucky on the thread. Especially the 1 post by the IDs. Eventually jannies will IP range ban them and the 3-4 people posting constantly on their phone will not be able to any longer unless taking further steps to mitigate the ban evasion.
>What is phone posting?
Glad you asked as well! Phone posting is when a 4chan user will turn off their wifi at home, connect to their 4/5G and then post on 4chan. They will then use AIRPLANE mode to disconnect from the network and then reconnect under a new ID.
Please check any other active general on the board like stockmarketgeneral or anything and tell me how many 1PBTI are on there compared to these shill threads.
>How is it obvious?
Why are you asking this?
That is my ted talk ,thanks for listening

>> No.57538368

advice was taken from a post in the last thread and there will be 3 prize winners for a total of 10k instead of only 1 prize winner

>> No.57538380

Imagine being this mad. You're still not too late to land a 100x in Lucky once we take off big time outside of the board, not that you deserve it but the opportunity is still present

>> No.57538405

imagine being so new in crypto and so 4th worlder you think 1 post in a thread is fud. tons of threads get 1 post in them. its not fud and you have subhumanoid IQ for constantly spamming this not fud. I seriously legit wonder what 4th world country your dumb ass sits in thinking this fud works. maybe on your fellow people of your 4th world nation but people here see thru it and laugh.
le 1 post is bad fud = lol, lmao

>> No.57538417

What’s the TG I’ll come in

>> No.57538431
File: 193 KB, 1080x810, Screenshot_2024-02-07-16-35-19-926_com.brave.browser-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's the retarded scammer who lost 7k
Did you not get BTFO enough already with your shitty PepeMMO game? You should have realized by now that you'll only lose money if you stand in LUCKY's way. Your Indian PnD group has been shitting up this board for far too long. Wonder when your buddies will realize how much of a loser you are because they keep losing money listening to you, kek

>> No.57538437
