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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 281 KB, 1024x576, canadian-annual-population-growth-vs-new-residential-units-v0-6xdcpvlvs6hc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57537355 No.57537355 [Reply] [Original]

Leaf bros....

>> No.57537392

Day of the rake would be too laborious at this point, we'll have to just let them decompose naturally on the ground.

>> No.57537486
File: 1.03 MB, 1182x1010, saar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sar I will be rich in Poonjab in 4 years with all this uber eats cash while u stinky Canadian borns will pay for my grammas back surjery. Dreaming!

>> No.57537535


>> No.57538360
File: 177 KB, 1080x1017, 1707354031156889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either this is the top, or they'll lift the amount of residents permitted per room

>> No.57538819
File: 144 KB, 1080x1391, 1685045267121045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna be making 100k a yr soon and still can't afford a house :DD
what the fuck... build more houses and stop importing so many people Castreauuuuuu.
any of you nerds think PP would make anything better? i feel like all the major parties are the same

>> No.57538836

PP might be a bit better but the damage is done, get out while you can

>> No.57538862

>Muh Libruls

As if the Blue Tie is any better than the Red Tie.

>> No.57538883
File: 47 KB, 540x540, IMG_3750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just live on the road, bud.

>> No.57538896

PP won’t do fucking shit. Stop deluding yourself. He is going to make things worse if anything by recognizing foreign credentials with his faggy blue cert bullshit.
Blue Tie Trudeau

>> No.57538900

No don’t you understand Canada is great and healthy and prosperous and everything that you see is just a figment of your imagination the technicals are fine so your life is fine stop complaining and pay 4% more for CPP it’s completely safe and sustainable that’s why you must pay more

>> No.57538926
File: 19 KB, 236x357, 87a0d9d99aaffa99bfa3cba1e16f6aa1--ww-pictures-monochrome-photography.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aiming to buy a multi unit building next year and bring a few more White families under my wing, sitting on $250k and growing.

>> No.57538940

Entire country is just a retirement home for boomers staffed by jeets. This exit scam will go down in history
Fuck boomers

>> No.57538969

PP is just that...pee pee. As in pee pee ca ca doo doo

If they don't frame it as halting immigration its liberal light.

Only mad max and the ppc want to halt immigration to a trickle.

>> No.57539056

Get back to work whitoid
Fuck you we own you now
C*n*d* is for dogs and poors

>> No.57539136

No he's repeatedly said that he wants to make it even easier by removing "gatekeepers"

>> No.57539158
File: 93 KB, 400x267, worst-case-ontario-its-getting-two-birds-stoned-at-once.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't been keeping up but last i checked he was pro grybdogurrency which is a win in my books. hopefully he would influence the provincial powers (ie. the fuckin OSC) to stop raping investors at every turn
God save us if foreign creds are recognized.
pee pee poo poo
issue with the ppc is that they're gonna suck massive big business cock until their nuts are bone-dry with tax cuts (proposed 15%-10% for corps). This will not bode well for the fed services that are paid for with taxes. Also, they'd create some friction between us and many other developed countries that are worth a shit through climate change denial, UN withdrawal (even if they are shit), They also support leaving it to provinces to decide on the implementation of privatization or hybridization reform for healthcare. Bad idea.
it's looking pretty grim no matter who you vote for

>> No.57539218

white hands typed this

>> No.57539236

You’re correct

>> No.57539252

Canada going from a white, safer America into an Indian hellhole with lower wages and a massively higher cost of living in just 2 decades has been so insane to watch. I live like 20 minutes from Detroit so I have always visited Canada semi regularly. In dumpy Michigan a house is 100k, go across the bridge and it's 400k for a place just as shitty. I can't even name a more pozzed country at this point.

>> No.57539297

trailer homes are 150-200k in windsor lol

>> No.57539320
File: 1.66 MB, 1024x1024, HJrwrpJLU4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol bro are you retarded trailer homes aren't even that much in the big city where i live (nyc) i have my apartment in central park and i drive a bugatti to my job where i make 7 figures and take a private jet to my condo in dubai maybe if you buy some more crypto you will stop being poor

>> No.57539328

>God save us if foreign creds are recognized
That is quite literally Pierre’s main policy. He wants a blue cert test for people in the medical professions to “fix the shortages”.

>> No.57539339

is that spike real? is that the flood of indians being imported on mass?

>> No.57539348

Where do we emigrate canuck bros? is the US really much better, cause they're getting flooded too.

>> No.57539390

US is fucking leagues better. Unlike Canada, it actually has a real fucking economy that isn’t based on playing musical chairs with houses. There are a ton of industries to work in. The pay scale is way better. The healthcare is miles better. Ya, you pay. You also get fucking service. On every metric it is better. Don’t fall for the Canadian government anti brain drain fear propaganda.
>t. Leaf who lives in USA

>> No.57539494

feels bad man. on the plus side, we get all that disgusting indian food!

>> No.57539531

good job anon, $250k is enough to house a small family of ducklings

>> No.57539600
File: 71 KB, 1229x735, jude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that little peckerwood looked for about 10 minutes when he ever so faintly pushed back at the mandates
then it wore off and I came back to my senses
he's a Harper acolyte

>> No.57539614

Failed nation tbqh

>> No.57539639

are you guys all just losers or what? real estate in canada is hella expensive but arent you making money? isnt that why we are on this board? youre telling me that paying $3 million for a house in a nice neighborhood is unrealistic for you?
bros …. Canada is pretty awesome with lots of opportunity. its like all you guys can think of is finding a job to get paid well when you should be paying yourselves.

>> No.57539665

As a former leaf I hope to someday be able to point on the map where to bomb with nukes when they need a tactical plan. Westmount would be my first choice.

>> No.57539731

>arent you making money
despite this country's best efforts, yes
>isnt that why we are on this board
no, this board is counter-productive to that goal, everything shilled here sucks or is a scam. i'm only here for entertainment and complaining
>youre telling me that paying $3 million for a house in a nice neighborhood is unrealistic for you
unrealistic? no
waste of money compared to what $3m get you in any other countries? yes
>Canada is pretty awesome
everything in this country by every metric has become more shitty with every passing year for at least the past 2 decades
anything "awesome" in this country is just the result of a bygone era. like a rock tossed in a pond, its effects are still rippling but diminishing and will continue to decline so long as the people in power continue to be in power

>> No.57539865


>> No.57540036

How did you get out of this shithole

>> No.57540152

can someone with > double digit IQ explain why canada is importing so many jeets?

half of my colleagues in dubai moved to canada, most of them on student visas