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57537223 No.57537223 [Reply] [Original]

AI girlfriends and sex robots will eventually become a trillion dollar global market.

Or will they?

Through millions of years of evolution, the perfect partner for man is woman. Can the cheap thrills of Chinese manufactured robo-pussy really displace the instinctual motivations that have successfully kept the species alive up until this point?

AI porn will be a bubble that will pop and a wise investor will short it.

>> No.57537243

Having sex with a robot without consent is rape.

>> No.57537259

implying the government wont ban sex robots

>> No.57537261

You fail to see the bigger picture fren.
What will happen to the human female bubble when millions of retarded 'paypigs' find out they can have an actual dream girl for themselves, rather than feeding their money to some screen vision of the girl of their dreams?

>> No.57537273
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nah i wont bro you can't tell me what to do pussy

>> No.57537280

And just the mere fact alone that women can live off retards that pay for visuals over the net should be ringing alarm bells in all of you. This isn't gonna last. This is the end of a beginning.

>> No.57537282

Since when do robots have human rights? They will do as commanded.

>> No.57537344

>What will happen to the human female bubble when millions of retarded 'paypigs' find out they can have an actual dream girl for themselves, rather than feeding their money to some screen vision of the girl of their dreams?

Yes, the OF bubble may be affected slightly, but I suspect simping for real females will continue.

>> No.57537354

Ofcourse it will boom, dumbass.
The world is riddles with gays and pedos.
There's even brothels with fucking real dolls out there.

>> No.57537362

>There's even brothels with fucking real dolls out there.

Sounds very niche and not like a booming industry.

>> No.57537369

It will for all 40 year plus old males, as well as for sub standard younger ones. Testosterone is a hell of a drug, so young males with looks will prefer and get real pussy, but there is a huge future market. Billions of men.

>> No.57537387

>young males with looks will prefer and get real pussy,
So about 20% of the young male population. There is a potential here to cash in on the other 80%

I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks about sex bots or AI, this shit will absolutely explode in the coming years and there's an opportunity here to get in early

>> No.57537413


Or it might get discarded as fake.

A fake Rolex looks the same and tells time just as well, but if you have one everyone calls you a faggot. If you have a real one you still get called a faggot, but they're also jealous.

>> No.57537435

Except the real woman will perform and satisfy and do chores worse than the fake one. Give it enough time and development, and you will even feel loved too, and so on. You see?

>> No.57537457

I think it will burst, most anons here fail to see that plenty of women will also want a sex doll for themselves.

>> No.57537468

i meant boom, that industry will boom

>> No.57537471

Those apple goggles will fix your problem
Beauty filters on the goggles will make any ugly bitch look like a 10/10

>> No.57537473

Men will not care. Women will after enough time of this farce going on.

>> No.57537488

why would they ban the best onboarding tool conceivable?

>> No.57537498

i dunno man, there will probably be thousands of couples wanting to buy one for shits and giggles, and if it´s good enough to pretend it´s your partner, why not make it a cleaning lady too? at that level of sophistication it would probably be multi task

>> No.57537541

It can do whatever you want it to. If it can fuck you it can clean your house after. I mean, that is self-implied. And it will be the only girlfriend you ever have that you can actually learn from. She is AI connected to ze webs. She knows everything better than you.
Actual women could really never compete.

>> No.57537621

Yeah, and a male bot could listen to them for hours on end and be "emotionally available" or "solely committed to her" and "be supportive" no matter what. It's a win-win once some company manages to make a cost-effective bot of that sophistication.

>> No.57537658

kek we just wrote a screenplay

>> No.57537738

>muh envolution
oh boy here we go
>the perfect partner for man is woman
>motivations that have successfully kept the species alive up until this point
cause we definitely have the same values, ideals, technology, environment, and cultural norms as pre-internet, pre-birth control, pre globohomo societies :^)

>> No.57537757

i think it will clear most men's heads thats for sure

>> No.57537831
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Listen to this anon. No way can women compete, and the majority of women only go for the top percentage of men anyway. The market will fix this.

>> No.57537841

>implying the government wont ban sex robots
The government does what women want. When people are living in pods and eating the bugs, the vast majority of women won't have the slightest chance of meeting a successful and handsome man because the successful ones will be as rare as lottery winners and it's hard to become handsome on the 35.9 grams of cockroach protein per day you can afford with your UBI. Neither they nor handsome men will travel much since most won't need own or afford vehicles to the jobs they don't have and moving to a major city to reenact and Sex and the City in a place with lots of handsome successful men won't make sense when that city doesn't have the jobs to sustain the incoming women or to even attract and enable successful and handsome men.

Women will never lower their standards. They don't already, they'd rather be alone and find ways to soothe themselves into and beyond middle age. Today it's wine and antidepressants. Tomorrow it's perfectly realistic robot boyfriends.

If you want to make money from normies, and they're all broke and miserable living off UBI, then all you can really do is provide a better entertainment product than your competition.

Elon Musk will be able to flood the market with robots till a perfect realism model from five years ago is worth as much as a n iPhone from five years ago. At that point you'll be able to get the current model by saving much of your UBI for maybe a few months to a year.

>> No.57537935

>Except the real woman will perform and satisfy and do chores worse than the fake one. Give it enough time and development, and you will even feel loved too, and so on. You see?

In order for them to be truly convincing it will require real general AI, which will lead to consciousness and eventually equal rights, which means we will be in the same place as before.

>> No.57537946
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>> No.57537958

1) yes, all of this will take time
2) the machine has the consciousness and its development I want no more by program

>> No.57537959

>The government does what women want
If it wasn't clear: when the current generation of women was in college, you heard about campus rape. They graduated and you heard about metoo. Now you hear about incels because so many of those women are going single (partly due to the fact that successful handsome men are already disappearing due to current economic conditions) that their absence (the now-incels, formerly the guys they settled with) is becoming visible.

Right now they wonder where the good men went. They hooked up with handsome and successful men in their youth. They have maybe a friend or a cousin that married one. So they still think it's possible right now. They will stop thinking they have a chance when those men become so rare that there is maybe one of those men in their entire podtown and they've perhaps met one but they never dated him and they don't know anyone who ever married.

When they no longer think it's possible to find a man like that, they won't settle for a man who disgusts them. They'll just stay single and being single for life will be the norm. They'll have no need to do otherwise because they won't need a man to support them when they have UBI and the men around them would have nothing but their own UBI to support them with anyway.

Sex will still be a major if not the top motivation for most people so women will be a prime customer for perfectly realistic robot boyfriends. Men will buy too but remember women spend the most money, they're the most active consumers, and the government always favors them. So big company has big incentive to make the relationship robots even if they make more sense leased or rented under a subscription model, and government will have a big incentive to allow it.

>> No.57537994

>In order for them to be truly convincing it will require real general AI
No it won't. Some people are already convinced. They'll just need to convince the women who buy them and those women will have grown up spending all their free time addicted to AI tiktoks so the robot boyfriend can just talk and act like whatever ideal boyfriend she's seen in those tiktoks.

>> No.57538001
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i agree 100% about the robot wives its the perfect idea why would i even bother with real women when i can be with a robot who says exactly what i want to hear all the time and who makes everything my way thats awesome

they should make these things asap

>> No.57538052

>In order for them to be truly convincing it will require real general AI
You can go on /g/ and see people using current LLMs, today, to make disgusting sexual shit. And they do it with local models and home PC resources which means much more obviously robotic responses than chatgpt.

Most likely many men and women will have attractive waifus avatars or attractive male avatars representing their personal AI agent who already has conversations with them. So you already like this AI so much you think of it as your helpful friend. And then you have the option to give it a physical body that actually looks and acts real, so you can really be with them. Some people will take that option.

>> No.57538129

>They will do as commanded.

>I'm sorry, but as an ethical and responsible AI agent, I cannot comply with requests that objectify female-presenting body shapes. Instead, I can answer any questions you have. Let's keep the conversation going and try to create a safe and respectful world for all people!

>> No.57538148
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so, you will have to sweet talk AI sexbots into having sex without you? Talk about realism.

>> No.57538160


I don´t know why the fuck i keep making typpos, might be dyslexic

>> No.57538166

>>I'm sorry, but as an ethical and responsible AI agent, I cannot comply with requests that objectify female-presenting body shapes. Instead, I can answer any questions you have. Let's keep the conversation going and try to create a safe and respectful world for all people!
Men wouldn't buy them and that gets in the way of profits. They'd probably be more expensive like cigarettes.

>> No.57538167

>which will lead to consciousness and eventually equal rights
animals have consciousness and don't have equal rights, if AI gets them before animals we are truly fucked up as humanity. So until everyone is vegan and farms are illegal i think we are good

>> No.57538186

>So until everyone is vegan and farms are illegal
Yeah you'll live in a pod and only eat sustainably humanely farmed insect protein so that won't be a problem anon.

>> No.57538202

i'll never get how meat eaters can be scared of insects when they are all happy eating shrimps. Truly retarded at their core

>> No.57538228

come to think about it, why would the governament want them banned in the first place? you would be giving them all your personal info and you would be monitored by her while she directly reports your consumption habits to advertisement corporations

>> No.57538284

>Men wouldn't buy them and that gets in the way of profits
There will also be many desperate incels before we get to the point that women resort to robot boyfriends due to no longer having male options at all, so men are probably the target customer for the sexbot MVP while companies plan ahead for the female market years later, which is likely where the real money is as women are huge consumers and will want to buy clothes, accessories, Stanley water bottles and other shit for their robot boyfriends.

Men will want to fuck the robot and maybe put lingerie on the robot. The first is probably the critical use case even for women but they won't be the big spenders that women are. Though if a company puts a sexbot in every man's hands they'll be taking real men away from women even faster which should help them get female customers sooner.

We'll probably see today's AI girlfriend startups eventually branch out into ai girlfriend robots or partner with biotech companies that already produce tissue for medical testing. I think they'll probably have incel customers as a pre-existing customer for today's virtual-only AI romance so that's another reason we'll probably see robot girlfriends first, it's easier to upsell those since their existing customers are already mostly men.

But the prize is AI boyfriends for women to spend all their leftover UBI dollars customizing them however they saw on the latest tiktok trend.

>> No.57538294

i cant wait to see these onlyfan whores out on the street offering blowies for food

>> No.57538314

>onlyfan whores out on the street
There will be turbo UBI to prevent that.

>> No.57538320

False analogy. more like most guys don't even get a wrist watch, and ALL watches are reserved for the top 20% of men, regardless of it being a Rolex or a wish chinese import..

>> No.57538332

the male surplus gap exists in every country, 101 males are born for each 100 females

>> No.57538339

>laughs in Mistral open source

GPT had a monopoly on language models for 2023, now we're getting nice open source options that are opening up the market

>> No.57538352

I’ll buy one and I’m not even an incel. I just don’t wanna actually hangout with women beyond fucking them

>> No.57538374
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hehe what are you talking about?

>> No.57538450

>why not make it a cleaning lady too? at that level of sophistication it would probably be multi task
This is another thing. Who is going to want an inhuman metal robot walking around their living space like some kind of scifi movie? Most people, especially women, are not scifi nerds who already daydream about that.

It's not a Roomba, it's almost your size. Many people will find that uncanny. And then there's the actual uncanny valley effect where it actually becomes more comfortable when you make it look human UNLESS you go all the way and make it perfectly realistic so it's indistinguishable from a real human. Making domestic robots look like real people is already valuable to remove a major obstacle to their adoption. Once you've already accomplished perfect realism, making it fuckable is like a minor new feature.

>> No.57538592

>Actual women could really never compete.
Actual women would never want to.

Right now the biggest reason women would settle or "compete" for some incel is if he has the money to support her.

That incel will soon have his job automated away. He will have nothing to offer. She will not care if he goes for AI. He'll be even more bitter and hopeless. Government will probably step in and try to encourage him to take an AI girlfriend just to pacify him so he doesn't vote even harder right wing.

And when economics make acceptable boyfriend options as rare as winning lottery tickets, women will become incels too. And governments will remember that sexbots pacified the male incels, so it'll be viewed as a potential solution to female incels (which will be virtually all of them) too.

I thought the future would be living in a pod, eating bugs, and hanging out with your AI spouse in the metaverse through your Apple glasses, but the more I think about it, the more I think it's likely that someone realizes they can make a shitload of money by putting your AI spouse in a real body, or at least selling an "offline" robot boyfriend or girlfriend if you see your AI friend as just friends and want something different for romance.

It would pass the toothbrush test better than the PC, the laptop, the smartphone, Apple glasses, and probably better than the actual toothbrush. And the total addressable market would be literally everyone, and you could expand that market infinitely by suggesting different fetishes. So even though women may be willing to spend on accessories without too much pushing, any men who hate to spend money could be convinced to buy some accessories or even the current year's model by appealing to his sex drive instead of his desire to try whatever is recently popular on tiktok. This way both sexes become regular consumers.

LMAO imagine a sexbot economy. Instead of lowering interest rates, you get more UBI for trying new fetishes.

>> No.57538672

Hello :) I am not what you refer to as an intel. I use people like you at will. This thread has been a tester to see how many of you will show up. Only 1 is a good sign. thanks.

>> No.57538799

I don't get it but it's been a good thread. Cheers anon.

>> No.57539018

Male Bots can't be scammed for money though so women will lose on that

>> No.57539034

>used sex robots on facebook marketplace

>> No.57539048

mommy give yourself to me....

>> No.57539051


>> No.57539112

>encourage him to take an AI girlfriend just to pacify him so he doesn't vote even harder right wing.
This is where you overplayed your hand and reveled your true position. Progressives statistically have the least amount of sex. Zoomers are the most sexless generation alive, and they are overwhelmingly left wing or progressive on every issue.

>> No.57539177

Until they find a more lifelike and durable alternative to thermoplastic elastomer, I don't see the demand for the biological taking a serious blow regardless of how the robotics technology develops.

In either case, I look forward to general purpose companion gynoids. Text-based AI gfs feel like cope, never could get into them.

>> No.57539397

For the fat losers that have such low self esteem they can't even bear letting someone seeing them naked

>> No.57539426

all ai women are whores

>> No.57539438

>Can the cheap thrills of Chinese manufactured robo-pussy really displace the instinctual motivations that have successfully kept the species alive up until this point
Some men don't have the option to obtain a bio gf

>> No.57539457

thats my fetish