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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57532436 No.57532436 [Reply] [Original]

What are your work objectives for today?

>> No.57532460

I went to the bank to do a wire transfer. I had an 11am appointment and they kept me waiting for 20 mins so I left.
I have work tonight so my objective is to do as little as possible while not getting fired.
In the mean time I'll be going to the gym to hit chest and biceps, maybe do some flat bench maybe incline the 150s for reps, definitely avoid eye contact with women who shouldn't be there in the first place.

>> No.57532468

answered a couple of mails
tomorrow i'll have to stress the devs for a release, but i'm good for today, it's 5:42 pm here

>> No.57532501
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I have a HR meeting this afternoon for a position I applied to 2 months ago
I don't feel very confident, quite the opposite.....................

>> No.57532513

engage in the merchandising of narcotics, murder a fellow from the opposition, acquire loot from his grandmothers estate, then proceed to institute a sick burnout in front of some officers of the law while inserting my penis inside of this concubine's oral orifice.

>> No.57532529
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>> No.57532546

my six thousand dollar paycheck hits my bank account today. need to throw it in a CD because i haven't been saving enough recently.

i'm in healthcare, i have no work objectives other then to see all my patients and have all notes finished by the end of the day

>> No.57532568


>> No.57532575

I’m 26 btw

>> No.57532632

So you pay yourself out of your portfolio or?

>> No.57532663
File: 423 KB, 638x395, 13c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gonna do research and some analyze for my portfolio thorugh reddit and beoble, lmao. Lemme grow my fucking portfolio for 3000% this month. KEK.

>> No.57532710

No I just live off of my small amount of savings and I’ll have made it after this bullrun

>> No.57532712
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Posting more frogs then yesterday, the PPP ratio is shrinking

>> No.57532725

just keep dreaming.

>> No.57532726
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>> No.57532731

>do research
what research? like this isn't just doing whatever your heart desires?

>> No.57532751

Just cozy hold like 3 or 4 shitcoins and 3 or 4 EVM, stop being a daytrader fag

>> No.57532752

I'm trying to learn Ryu in Street Fighter 6, already got to Master with Chun Li.

>> No.57532755

hope you grow your portfolio -3000% this month.


>> No.57532779
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>red wallet

oh anom...

>> No.57532813

>"ETH is mooning"
>2.14% up

>> No.57532845

weird flex but ok

>> No.57534221

>>57532436 >>57532460 >>57532468 >>57532501 >>57532513 >>57532529 >>57532546 >>57532568 >>57532575 >>57532632 >>57532663 >>57532710 >>57532712 >>57532725 >>57532726 >>57532731 >>57532751 >>57532752 >>57532755 >>57532779 >>57532813 >>57532845

>> No.57534531

can't see your post mate