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57529960 No.57529960 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone still gamble at real casinos?

>> No.57530167

Why? All the odds on the table games and slot RTP is worse at irl casino's

>> No.57530291

I do , maybe once or twice a month if I have to do something and kill some time, it's actually fun if you go and understand =
1- odds are not in your favor/all games are rigged (even to make you win sometimes)
2-You won´t beat the house ever and you'll be accused of cheating if that unlikely scenario is bound to happen
3-You won't get a significant/life-changing amount of money if you win
tl;dr op is fag= Casino ain't charities

>> No.57530745

Yes, but I only take/allow myself to withdraw a certain amount. If I burn through it all, I'm done gambling. Last year I went to Vegas and turned $1k into over $4k then left with nothing lol. I did buy some nice dinners, expensive sunglasses etc with the cash, and they comped the room and spa treatments so, it was probably a wash or close to it. I used to go several times a year and was getting junket offers during the pandemic when the casinos were desperate. I just go to an off strip place for a few nights now. It's fun if you like gambling and are disciplined enough not to chase it.

>> No.57530754

It's full of retards and old people

>> No.57530779

No, because the "winners" are paid actors.

>> No.57530802


>> No.57530812

old people and niggers

>> No.57530845

While that might exist somewhere, I don't think they need to do that to drive business. There's no lack of demand for gambling inside a casino lol. What they do is turn up the payouts on machines on popular days, then crank them back down later in the evening. They'll also rotate the most inconsistent roulette dealers to the edge of the pits when they start getting busy, so the roulette tables get filled up with degens like me hitting straight numbers and creating excitement. They can simply create more winners at will. No need for actors.

They've got this shit down to a science. The Vegas strip places verly likely make more off the $6 bottles of water and $40 pints of liquor than they do off actual gambling lol.

>> No.57530871

Place near me still gives free alcohol if you’re playing the floor.

>> No.57530878

Why would I willfully hand the government even more of my money?

>> No.57530948

Ya, everywhere used to but most of the places local to me only give you booze if you're at a table or the high limits slots now (which I usually am), but I don't go to local places much anymore. Off strip Vegas is where it's at. You can sit down at a bar and play .25 VP and get free mid shelf liquor (top shelf? Depending where you're at I guess). I took a $500 beating my first day at Southpoint last year, went to a bar playing VP and had 4 double Jameson's in me before my wife found me. I was down $10 on vp and tipped the dude $2 each drink lol. Last time I asked for a Jameson at a Caesars property, the waitress asked if I was Platinum or whatever. Most everywhere got shittier on comps except the off strip Vegas places. They're cleaning up by getting us relatively low roller degens in there. Hell, I stopped at the host office before I left Southpoint handed her my card and she just said: sure, everything is comped. The charges will be reversed on your cc. You're points don't expire. See you again soon! The Caesars host would be a 15 min convo where they ask their boss and essentially negotiate about what they'll take off etc...its night and day difference the way the big corporations and the smaller places treat you now.

>> No.57530981
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if you were at ceasars you would have got a good deal the free drinks really help soften the blow to your wallet a lot of those low rollers are getting comped pretty hard so it's not so bad

>> No.57531092

I was a Caesars rewards member for years. I even got married at a Caesars property. I actually was platinum+ or whatever the fuck tier it is, several times. I didn't pay for a room at a Caesars property for years and like I said, they offered me several junkets to Vegas and AC during the pandemic. I'm posting for any anons that are interested: ceasars, Wynn, mgm, etc...all suck on comps now. They fucked up and let niggers from LA pollute the place during the lockdowns, reeled back on comps to make up for it, and remain tight on comps still. If you want good comps and better free booze, go to an off strip place. They'll treat you much, much better and they won't rape you on water, booze, smokes or food in their stores and restaurants either.

>> No.57531313
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Sir...you're replying to a bot

>> No.57531343

Asian tourists and chain smoking boomers

>> No.57531347

I suppose I was. What even is the point of those sorta posts though? I thought the bots here mainly tried to disrupt and shill? That one is just making poor conversation lol.

>> No.57531370
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lmao that's hilarious he thinks he's talking to a bot but it's really a huge chad like me the whole point is to have a good time and get chicks but yeah i guess you're right that dude sounds like he has a small cock i have a huge cock so i can't relate

>> No.57531387

you should watch the louis theroux doc on las vegas gamblers its pretty comfy

>> No.57531525

>What even is the point of those sorta posts though?
I don't even know what these cia glowing niggers are up to these days, sorry. Maybe some IA learning shit to copycat and study schizos so the psychopaths in power can keep making fun on us

>> No.57531589

look up persistent state slot machines or must hit by machines several ppl were making about 200 an hour farming these bonuses at a casino i know of, these games if there is enough density of them can be exploited by only playing them in a plus +EV state so you gotta know when they gay ass video screen shows this

>> No.57531611

also card counting in blackjack is the other good play casinos have a database called visual casino 12 or biometrica they put out alerts for card counters all day long funny that they help each other in an industry where they are competitors

>> No.57531724

>the winners are paid actors
Extreme low iq/high iq statement


Poker professionals are paid to play to keep the tables running at certain times. Comps are literally just payouts to the players to come and spend time at the tables. Many try to game the system and end up breaking even or at a slight loss. Jackpots are payouts statistically won more by the regs to keep them and everyone else coming back for more. Now go out there, gamble, and be sure to tell all your friends about your winning sessions(only).

>> No.57531769

I run a low stakes martingale ($5) on a baccarat machine near my house all the time. I leave once in $50-$100 up. It’s becoming a stable source of side income for me and I enjoy the adrenaline rush , verification not required

>> No.57531801

I'm not familiar with that one, but, most of the advantage players look for stuff like weak dealers and other loopholes at smaller places now. I'm not sure counting cards at BJ is very popular anymore. Everywhere decreased payouts and uses 6 deck shoes. It's not like you can find a single deck 2:1 BJ table where your half-ass rainman routine would actually be profitable in the longrun lol. BJ is still the most popular table game for casinos because even if someone plays perfect strategy it's still like an 8% house edge (or more depending on the payouts).

The full pay VP machines have pretty much all been dialed back since some big stories about retired people playing VP for a living got popular 15 years ago. JoB machines on the last Vegas strip are by far the worst. The best you'll find is like 8/5, if you're lucky lol.

>> No.57531834

*Not familiar with the persistent state slots you mentioned.
I don't really consider poker as gambling in the same vein as casino games. That's PvP not player v house.

>> No.57531838

Mikki is making a lot card counting and some casinos still let him play cuz he’s popularizing BJ

>> No.57531854

I got a blowjob from an old lady in a texas casino when I was 19

>> No.57531860

I went to vegas a few months back. Thought it was going to be a raging time. The casinos were mostly empty and dead. It was full of fat old people and silence. It was awful.

>> No.57531892

It's fun with a few friends or on vacation, but it takes a special kind of degen to go to casinos alone and regularly.

>> No.57531912

Sounds weird but...binions used to "let" people win massive craps prizes to boost their traffic. I know card counting still mathematically works with 6 decks, etc...but the decrease in payouts now makes it seem like such a tiny edge that it's not really worth the hassle unless you absolutely go balls out on the right hands. From what I can gather, advantage players have mostly moved on to other games.

>> No.57531946

There are unwinnable poker tables due to how hard some casinos rake the game. It's most assuredly you vs the room (players and house included) with poker. It doesn't alter my point that casinos outright pay players to be there, to win jackpots, and to ship it all back to the house and then some.

>> No.57532027

Oh I'm sure, and I've seen some cash games with crazy rakes that had me scratching my head like, who the fuck thinks the shitty coin in match would even make this worthwhile? Lol. I know local pros get paid to sit in sometimes, but I honestly don't know what/how much of any winnings they might have to give back. It's not like anyone is discussing those sorta deals publicly lol.

I was at the Rio once about 10 years ago and they were so desperate for players on some little daily tourney that they were announcing free $110 buy ins to the first 5 people to go to the poker room. Imagine buying into that game and that announcement comes on? Idk if I'd be happy or pissed off lol.

>> No.57532049
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I go into the casino section of the bar to drink for free while I wait for my carry out fried chicken to be ready. I put in 20 bucks and cash out as soon as I get in the booonooos.

>> No.57532134

based and gilf-pilled

>> No.57532140

i forgot with the persistent state slot machines they were comping the person 5k freeplay a month they also had another person to partner with and they would share wins/losses, also casinos make all their money on slots table games are like 9percent of net. so many horrific bj players that even a few card counters doesnt matter 6deck shoes with 1 deck cut off can be very profitable can still lose card counting tho

>> No.57532213

>It's not like anyone is discussing those sorta deals publicly lol
Casinos run promotions and rakebacks to players that meet certain hours played requirements. Some are better, some are worse. When a local casino first opened up, they offered $3/hour rakeback just for sitting at the 1/3nl table. Another form of rakeback is promos that grant players entries into drawings. You get a ticket for every hour you play over 80 hours/mo and then they do 10-20 drawings for cash at the end of the month. You get double time accrued in the dead hours. Not as good as knowing what you're going to get, but it's a similar idea. The regs get paid to play.

>> No.57532248

I hate gambling, but once stayed in a hotel in Lima which had a casino in and myself and travel buddy got shitfaced on free gin around the tables. The characters in that place were hilarious. It was like a Canonball Run movie. Good times

>> No.57532295

chink and viet AP groups monopolize these plays and will try to cause trouble for you if they see you competing with them.

>> No.57532347

Imagine letting some drifter bugmen keep you from playing slots in America.

>> No.57532385

Ya, I'm not really a poker player but I'm familiar with those programs as I've heard folks talking about them. I thought you were moreso discussing casinos that essentially give free buyins to local pros just to sit at cash games and divide up any winnings later. (though I guess those programs are the legalish way to accomplish the same thing).

I used to play holdem with friends/locally years ago when it was really popular, started getting invited to "dealer choice" games and noped the fuck out of that scene lol. I think I've only ever played in an actual poker room 2xs and once I was shit faced and tried tipping the dealer with something like half my stack when I was leaving. I know this because the girl came over and helped me to tip and keep the rest of my $100 or whatever then walked me over to my angry wife lol.

>> No.57532433

its just a factual statement. you're not gonna show up somewhere and make $200/hr from slot AP, unless you discover a new play unknown to others.

>> No.57532541

>tipping the dealer
Why? What kind of stupid shit is that? If I see someone tipping a dealer, I'd pull a knife and accuse both of you of cheating against me. What´s even the point? He´s just doing his job and he´s been already paid for that, also let's say you play two hands you win one, you lose one, you tip him when you win but you don't when you lose???? What do you expect? The dealer dealing more favorable shit in your favour? Is just randomness, luck, whatever you want to call it. you can't tip someone for randomness, also the dealer gets tipped every turn , seems like he's the only one with half a brain cell around there who's making money there

>> No.57532704

Eh, like I said, I don't play poker really, but I tip dealers at every table game I play. I'm pretty sure that poker dealers only get a fraction of the rake and that people tip them as well. IDK why that would irritate you, but I gamble at casinos for fun. It's not a source of income for me and grinding out perfect strategy at VP or playing antes every hand waiting for fish to show up actually sounds incredibly boring. I would rather trade Solana coins on my phone lol.

>> No.57532729

Gamblers get mad at the stupidest shit. I took my ex to the $5 blackjack table where she obviously had no idea how to play and was hitting on 17 and what not and this dude freaked out for “stealing his car”. I told him to relax and we were playing for $5 and if I want to hit on 20 I’m going to hit on 20.

>> No.57532765

Duly noted
>IDK why that would irritate you
Because i'm a angry schizoid who hadn´t had sex in a while posting frogs in a Peruvian poncho manufactoring forum most of my free hours, that's why

>> No.57532795

Some are more anal than others. I stopped playing craps because I can't stand most craps players. They have so many superstitions and weird unspoken rules that I feel like I insult them by just taking pas line and odds bets lol. I stick to roulette, preferably with nerdy Asian dealers who hit the same numbers/area, spread chips everywhere, and tip well. I'm also a high limit slot junkie and seem to hit quite often. It's just for fun. I have no expectations of leaving with more money than I walked in with, it's just a bonus if I do.

>> No.57532810

Wait until people lose a ton of money repeatedly, then have a bank with units to slowly collect it all.

>> No.57532996

It depends on the casino, but most poker dealers make less than minimum wage similar to waiters($2/hr). They deal about 15-30 hands every hour, and net about $30/hr in tips. It's a hard job that requires constantly paying attention. I'm not sure why you would get mad at the players reserving the right to tip dealers that are good at their craft and stuff one's that suck ass.

>> No.57533001

Speaking of flipping solcoins: tucker on sol is pumping hard, still under 200k if any fellow degens are reading . I got in at 150, but I'm thinking it's an easy 700k in the next few hours.

>> No.57533006


>> No.57533021

would rather just go to a casino than throw money away on your jeet dogshit meme

>> No.57533050

Scratch that, I had a 15min chart up and must've looked during a dip. It's closer to 300k now. Set your slippage high if you're not using a bot lol.

>> No.57533081

It's not mine fren, but eth tucker is pretty hot rn. I'm glad I caught this one earlier and figured I'd share it with some fellow gamblers is all. There are no free drinks at the Solana casino, but you can smoke if you like.

>> No.57533150

the boomer lifestyle

>> No.57533266

You wanna see really weird shit, there are whole conversations on /b/ that have been repeated by bots, an entire thread replayed, nonsensical stuff for no reason. On another site I'd say it is to season your account, make it look like more than a one track shill, but that's not even relevant here beyond maybe masking their actions to 4chan admins. Who knows what is behind the logic of bots. I think a lot of it here is to just overall lower the quality of discourse.

>> No.57533324
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>all these lucklet loser
I walk in with 200 and leave with over 1000 regularly.
Get good at picking the right slots and roulette spins retards.
>likely some complete retard /biz/ posters leave the slot filled up
>hit an easy $800 win and dip

>> No.57533335

I've seen that on pol years ago too. The exact same thread and responses will show up a few months later. It's never anything of substance either. I suppose it's probably just training chat models. Idk what else it could be.

>> No.57533349

how could the dealer have any effect on roulette?

>> No.57533371
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picrel ironically used, sorry for being an angry fag it's been ages since I had sex and thanks for the info provided. i'm not even lying, maybe I had sex once last year, fuck, sometimes I wish I could drop my tin hat off and stop being such a paranoid fag, every girl that approaches me I immediatly think it's a cia agent or a scammer. I need meds, i guess also /thread

>> No.57533388 [DELETED] 

I sometimes play roulette online in the weekends and like to fantasize that I can predict the number it falls on. So I place 20 cent bets on 3 number and I made $200 this past month.

>> No.57534082
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oh my god dude
oh my god
holy shit balls
double it
holy shit balls
double it again
cmon one more
if i lose this one i'm leaving
come ON dude
oh my fucking god
no WAY dude
no fucking WAY
oh my fucking god
oh my fucking god dude
fuck it all in
what the fuck dude
its gone
have a great night guys

>> No.57534105

You're a bigger man than most for owning your actions and setting things right. Don't sweat the sex, bro. A compatible girl will come to you if you put in effort to go find her. Sex is like money it's everything until you have access to it, then it's nothing.

>> No.57534222
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T-thank you, I had this severe case of oneitis and can't have sex anymore, my dick won´t respond is like there is no signal down there at all unless I think of my oneitis and have viagra coctel in my system, women ask me "are you gay why your peepee isn´t hard? you can't handle a realwoman with curves like me? and I tell them "sorry but I´m not into whale sex who am I , captain nemo?" and then I laugh, until the girl calls her pimp and beat the shit out of me, at least last time the pimp told me that was a funny joke but i should have said Captain Ahab instead

>> No.57534559 [DELETED] 

man i went to MCD and got a Shamrock Shake, Double Big Mac, and Large French Frys fucking $18.88. When I was a kid you could get like 100 Cheese Burgers for that much.

>> No.57534589

Any poker autists in the thread that can give me some tips?
I just play cheap games with my friends, and I've won before, but I'm still just a noob (under 100 games for sure)

>> No.57534637
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The game has been beat to death since the Moneymaker boom, so chances are you're competing from way behind even at your chill home game. Easiest way to improve your game is to take calling out of your option list. Only check, raise, or fold. What noobs don't understand is that you need a stronger hand to call than to raise. It's counter intuitive to the donk, but it forces you into a TAG or LAG playstyle.

>> No.57534666


>> No.57535083

>but it forces you into a TAG or LAG playstyle
Is that just a superior play style?

>> No.57535462

buddy of mine comes from a family of poker players. recently hes been playing around various casinos in the state. makes like 50k a year just playing poker. knows all the big players in the area

>> No.57535491

That's cool, but who asked?

>> No.57535578


>> No.57535616

I thought you were done being angry rn fren? If you're really feeling like that lately, check out the NAC protocol. It's 2 essential oils and an amino acid. Take it everyday for a few weeks and see if you feel better. It will cost you about $50 on Amazon to try.

>> No.57535741
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>enters discussion thread
>> who asked
>doesn't elaborate

>> No.57536029

>you need a stronger hand to call than to raise
Can you elaborate on this? Keep in mind that I'm not playing with very talented players

>> No.57536042

Jealous loser detected.
Mad people actually use the casino to make a living and not waging to death for bergs huh.

>> No.57536102

I´m not angry, just high as f and I thought that 2021-tier meme question was actually funny. Lolled hard at least for a while

>> No.57536145

50k pretax is not even a full time living in 2024, are you 14 years old?

>> No.57536223

Calling too often is one of the biggest mistakes new players make. By only raising, checking, and folding you send a message to the table that they are gambling against your strong hand, and you cultivate strong fold equity against better hands on later streets. I thought for sure Mike Caro wrote an article on this, but I can't find it. Poke around his website and read up.

>> No.57536451

If you think online casinos aren't rigged you are a retarded nigger.

>> No.57537110

Are you saying that government entities of Bahamian micro nations that certify these online casinos might be corrupted somehow?

>> No.57537151

>Anyone still gamble at real casinos?
i take $20, and spin it once or twice and then leave, if i'm going to win i will

>> No.57537196

Thanks for contributing to the thread friend

>> No.57537232
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I’m at a Cz soon right now lol. I barely gamble I go for the free drinks and buffet and too watch idiot gamble away they houses and 401k hahaha

>> No.57537247

*** CASINO idk why it changed it to Cz soon wtf

>> No.57537283

>Texas casino
There aren’t any

>> No.57539491
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Legit online casinos are more thightly regelated than drugs.
STAKE, betmgm, roobet etc.. have to pay out regularly or get fined up the ass.
>aussie gov so scared of gambling they still won't give their own aussie owners of STAKE a legit license