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57528006 No.57528006 [Reply] [Original]

where can britains emigrate to? will we see a place emerge in south east asia where young britains will be a majority? will china give us a paki-free british autonomous oblast? a british ghetto in Udon Thani thailand? lots of cheap apartments there.

>> No.57528032

No you made your bed by letting the browns in, now you lay in it.

>> No.57528045

It's your fault for betraying Europe

>> No.57528049


>> No.57528103

Gott strafe England

>> No.57528105

This. Britons deserve what they get

>> No.57528122

USA is full btw

>> No.57528279


>> No.57528301

Currently the placed with anglo strongholds are hong kong and philipines.
The latter built on pure impregnation of flip whores.

>> No.57528357


You'll be living in the Bangalore section of Whateverthefuckshire and Rishi Sunak will start deporting old whites to Rwanda

>> No.57528398

hong kong is too expensive for most of the pleb white brits. maybe we can take over one of the philipine islands and create neo-albion

>> No.57528502

ok muhammad

>> No.57528508

California is looking for white migrants

>> No.57528787

you should probably help Australia with their demographics, and don't be a selfish sod that doesn't reproduce because you are part of the problem.

>> No.57528821

Come to New Zealand bro. There's a reason why they cross the ocean at the end of Lord of the Rings.

>> No.57528840

Please do so all the whites from the US and Europe can flee ever increasing prices

>> No.57528846
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>dead shithole
you're the one in the shithole mate
stay on your containment island

>> No.57528939

All the Anglo nations have the same problem just dig in and hope someone kicks them out

>> No.57528947

> wants to escape immigrants by becoming an immigrant
doesn't see the irony

>> No.57528983

Maybe he wants to escape browns and blacks?

>> No.57529090

Probably Asia desu. Going out in August and when I’m retired next year I’ll go back out and look for places to buy.
The more the days pass the more I hate it here and every footie loving pint drinking fat npc who resides here too.

>> No.57529268

which country?

>> No.57529275


>> No.57529325

Pattaya is Russian soil though...

>> No.57529339 [DELETED] 

DW anon whites world wide are wondering the same thing. North West Front means moving to muttland, a new option will arise.

>> No.57529343
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>help Australia
It's over anon..

>> No.57529358

Wew lad

>> No.57529565

About time the ugly invasive Anglo gets invaded in turn. This is Celtic land now fuck off and take your adopted mutts with you.

>> No.57530174

i think I'm going to bail to either slovakia on the balkans. my mate moved to slovakia with his slovak GF, got a job with a american telecom firm and now earns good money there and has increased his quality of life moving there.... it is such a economically doomed place here. and its sickening that useless eaters on gibs and disability live better than working class and thats just the white niggers on gibs let alone the pakis and niggers

>> No.57530513

Europe literally has mandatory quotas for third world browns you spastics

>> No.57532000

>all immigrants are the same, they are entirely indistinguishable with no racial or religious characteristics.
Dumbest nigger in this thread.

>> No.57532072

I thought brits were going to rural France and Spain? Still too much EU faggotry there?

>> No.57532073

im half spanish so im fucking off out of here in a few weeks
not that spain is paradise, but literally everything that i read, see and hear about the UK is negative, literally everything is getting worse, immigration is absolutely out of control so much so that even the normiest of normalfags are noticing now, our politics is absolutely fucked, they're spending my taxes on fighting for Ukraine and giving accommodation to illegal migrants, while pushing the idea of military conscription on us to go to war with Russia. LOL the country is a fucking basket case, literally mentally ill. Even our monarchy is crumbling. the cost of living just going up and up, MANY food and grocery prices are literally +150% from a few years ago. and i can't even find a place to rent even when ive offered to pay a year's worth of rent up front. i think im honestly fuckin done with this country for good.

>> No.57533210

Thinking of Thailand desu but I might venture off to the surrounding countries all being well and see what’s good there.

>> No.57533928

Hashem will make Britain pay for the crimes it committed against Am Israel.

>> No.57533973

stop seeking cheap subhuman nations just for the comfort of your nasty ass, go to a nicer place that hasn't been invaded and turned into a complete shithole, go to slovenia, poland, estonia, austria, croatia.

>> No.57533983

>import the british become Britain

>> No.57534053
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Paraguay. One of the easiest countries to get citizenship for with a British passport, some of the lowest crime in South America (still higher than UK though). Great climate, cheap living. No income tax for people remote working. Only downside is you pretty much need to speak Spanish to live there as the English speaking population is very low and ofc have a job lined up or enough money to retire on.

>> No.57534068

can also go there for 6 months without a visa btw

>> No.57534110

I can't think of a single British colony that isn't being invaded by chinks and browns. Canada, Australia, NZ, you name it. Maybe try a remote island like Saint Helena.

>> No.57534143

You're making the right choice, anon. The population density in England is 429 people per square kilometre. Which is the highest in Europe and equal to India. If you spilt the uk in to 1km squared cells, 71% of them would be occupied by people. It isn't a surprise that the cost of living and house prices are through the roof, and it also isn't a surprise that our public services are also strained beyond breaking point by migrant hordes. The UK's population is projected to grow by 6 million in the next 12 years, 5.5 million of that is from immigration. Our country is fucked and i myself want to escape, but It's actually pretty hard to do if you aren't rich af or have some remote working job where you can work anywhere internationally (which seem to barely exist, it's all come in once per week to the office bullshit).

>> No.57534181


This is the endgame of all mercantile republics. The deadly bug in the British/American model. It's like a heat death.

>> No.57534183

Tfw you will never live in Edinburgh of the seven seas. I just want to sit on an island

>> No.57534210
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The future of White Civilization will be in the Southern Cone, South East Asia, and Eastern Europe. You may have some hold outs in the hinterlands of North America. This will be due to the meme economy and mass migration of the global south brought about by treasonist first world governments which will lead to their eventual collapse. Thanks to technology and efficient international transit we will see the dissolution of traditional nation states and further fractionalization into independent autonomous renaissance styled city-states.

Crypto funded network states, complete deterritorialization, cyberpunk piracy.

In-between fucking cheap Argentinian whores in Buenos Aires, I'll be spending my time on a Río de la Plata beach oil painting, learning how to fly drones, and coding.

>> No.57534239
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kek as another eurocunt thinking of places to escape muttland would be lower down the list than literal africa, besides you're gonna be in a state of civil war same as Europe

>> No.57534257

Yes, Britain "betrayed" an organisation committed to the Kalergi plan, deindustrialisation and techno-slavery. Gotcha. We are obviously still going to get those things but we have a much better chance of resisting outside the EU than in it. I feel sorry for those trapped inside by parties who answer to global jewry rather than their own people.

>> No.57534264

Isn't at least like 20-30% of that Asian though? Not ideal, but its not like the situation we have here in Sweden at least where the immigrants are almost exclusively MENA or even worse somali. Those people couldn't be integrated into civilized society even in 4-5 generations, at least with Asians you know they're going to be adding tax base and driving up grade point averages at university pretty much as soon as they get off the boat.

>> No.57534287
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>t. still a key player and Israel stooge in NATO, center of global financial jewery with a state within the state that gives them carte blanche
Great job resisting. Bongs are delusional, its in your fucking genes at this point.

>> No.57534392


are the places that are the most popular with brits i know that have left. you need to made made it already though, there's no jobs there
if you want to move and work, australia is by far the most popular

>> No.57534415

Where are the fucking scottish when you need them?

>> No.57536357

breh you can't even buy monero on kraken. Europeans can buy monero. you are the most cucked.

>> No.57536400

No the Brits did what had to be done. Let’s be honest, not many other countries in the EU can measure up

>> No.57536440

Can we make a law that white people are allowed to emigrate freely? I'd love to come to New Zealand, Australia or Scotland as an American

>> No.57536573

White monkey get the rope. We all full here.

>> No.57536889

U.K is the only place that can't measure up at the moment.

>> No.57537950


>> No.57538393

He's talking about WWII, fucko.

>> No.57538425
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kek you are a retard how can a drunk person talk about wwii it is clearly a different historical period are you so dumb that you think those events happen one after another or something are you so retarded you don't understand how years work

>> No.57538567

This is a bot post.